Saturday, April 6, 2019

STB HIGUCHI BU02P03967 360do Toothbrush Compact Head

How to Whiten Children's Teeth Naturally

As we know well, all children have an insatiable appetite for all the sweet, sticky things and whatever fun to eat. The problem with these foods is that they are mostly not healthy for the teeth of the little ones because the bacterial plaque does not take long to appear, and when there is sugar present this clings much more to the teeth, often it does not matter how much Brush, the plaque will not let your teeth look white and gives them that yellowish tone that we all know.

STB HIGUCHI BU02P03967 360do Toothbrush Compact Head
STB HIGUCHI BU02P03967 360do Toothbrush Compact Head

Always remember to take your children regularly to the dentist for evaluations and to make sure everything is fine with their teeth.

I share some simple recipes that you can prepare at home and above all that are totally natural and so recover the whiteness in the teeth of your children.

Try the coal.

Yes, you read well, charcoal helps clean your teeth, take a little bit of the dust left over from that grill you made over the weekend and rub it over your teeth for about 30 seconds to 1 minute. Be careful not to damage the gums.

Then, wash your mouth with water and brush your teeth with the normal toothpaste as you always do.

Chew strawberries or make a paste.

Despite their red color, strawberries have a whitening effect on the teeth. The natural malic acid found in those fruits actually helps remove stains naturally and easily, while vitamin C removes the plaque. So chewing strawberries can be a delicious way to help your teeth shine.

You can also make a paste with 2 strawberries, half a teaspoon of baking soda and pass it through the teeth of the little ones with a soft brush or with your fingers, leave it between 2 and 5 minutes and then rinse deeply to make sure you remove everything, even the seeds.

Then brush normally and repeat this process every time you brush your teeth because it can take a little to work.

Teeth whitening

I know that it is not easy to keep the teeth of our white children, especially with all the sweets and any food that contains sugar, but if you follow these tips I assure you that you will achieve it!