Monday, April 15, 2019

Tea Tree & Herb Shampoo (6.8 fl oz)

Is it bad to wash my hair every day?

There are not two women with the same hair. Each one has special characteristics and tastes.

Tea Tree & Herb Shampoo (6.8 fl oz)
Tea Tree & Herb Shampoo (6.8 fl oz)

A long, abundant and shiny hair awakens the envy of any woman. The time, the stress, the products, the frequent use of the iron and the dryer make it an almost impossible task to achieve it. That, added to the amount of myths that exist. Perla Furman, dermatologist expert in hair care, talks about the best way to take care of her hair.

1. Washing your hair every day is bad.

FALSE. The hair is washed according to the needs of each individual. There are people who have oily hair and that is why you should wash it daily. Others have it very dry and washing becomes less frequent. There are people who wash it once a week or even, every fifteen days. It depends on the need of each one and also on the products that are used.

2. You can not dye in pregnancy.

FALSE. There is really no significant scientific evidence to prove this. However, my personal advice as a dermatologist, doctor and mom is that it is best to wait until after the third or fourth month to do so. The baby's organs have already been formed here. Even for mom, who is more sensitive and tinctures with strong smells, dyes, chemicals and ammonia can feel bad. It is best to do it from the fourth month and hopefully with softer products. With products of vegetable origin.

3. Cutting the ends causes the hair to grow.

FALSE. The hair does not grow at the tips. The fact that we cut them does not make them grow faster or faster. What you need to stimulate is the hair bulb (root), which is a rounded structure that arises at the junction of the dermis and the hypodermis (fat under the skin). There is the hair follicle, which is where it grows. Cutting it will not affect your growth. Yes they do health, good nutrition of the scalp and circulation.

4. Hair ages.

TRUE. If you get older, what happens is that it is not as noticeable as the aging process of the skin of the face. Over the years, keratin is lost, the most important protein present in the hair and that makes it lose its structure, becomes fragile, thin, dry opaque. Yes it ages, but slower.

5. To dye more than three times a year is bad.

FALSE. If the person is healthy, he has no skin problems and there are no medical contraindications, he does not have any problems and he can use the tincture as many times as he needs it. This also depends on the growth of hair, there are people who grow at an accelerated rate and have to dye at least every 20 days. Other a month or two months. The idea is to use safe products (that do not cause harm to health). It is a personal decision.

6. There are no bald women.

FALSE. Yes there are. Alopecia is a topic that also affects women, what happens is that it does not give them the same baldness that we see in men. They begin to present inputs at 20 or 30 years and their hair loss is concentrated from the frontal region to the crown. It is more severe and can be due to hereditary factors, diseases, etc. In women it is less severe and depends on multiple factors such as nutritional, metabolic alterations, after radiotherapy, in addition to a genetic predisposition.

7. Gray hair is inevitable.

TRUE. Once the gray hairs appear, they can not be avoided. And if there are antecedents in your family, there will surely be more possibilities of having them. With the passage of time or by genetic factors, the melanocytes that are in the bulb (where the hair is born) stop producing melanin, which is what gives color to the hair. Once these cells die there is nothing to do, that process is irreversible. It is more common in white-skinned people, because they show the fastest process. The gray hair does not indicate disease nor old age in many cases, since there are people who from 20 years old have hair without color.

8. Cold water is better for hair.

TRUE AND FALSE. Actually the ideal temperature to wash the hair is to everyone's taste. The idea is that it is neither too cold nor too hot. Start with warm water to remove fats and impurities and finish with cold to close the hair follicle can be a good way to do it.

The correct washing:

  • - You always have to use the right products for each person , that is, shampoo and hopefully not only clean, but also help to condition the hair.
  • - Never use soaps or detergents. These products are made for other purposes and can trigger dandruff or allergies.
  • - Choose a shampoo that not only clean , but also help to condition the hair.
  • - Use a conditioner , which leaves the hair softer, combed and avoids the damage that is generated in the hair fiber when combing wet.
  • - Use treatments . This is optional. If you have dyed hair or have problems with split ends, dryness or frizz, you can use a cream that helps reduce the damage caused by the sun, wind, pollution, irons and dryers.
  • - It is key to apply it from means to points.
  • - Rinsing is better done with water that is cooler than hot , to close the hair fibers. Remember: the heat opens and the cold closes.