Monday, April 15, 2019

Axe Shampoo Zen, Soothing Tea Tree, 12Ounce (Pack of 2)

How to wash and care for baby's hair

It is not just an aesthetic question. Treat your baby's hair well, even if it is scarce and very finite, it is essential to save itching, pimples .

Axe Shampoo Zen, Soothing Tea Tree, 12Ounce (Pack of 2)
Axe Shampoo Zen, Soothing Tea Tree, 12Ounce (Pack of 2)

Wash and care for baby's hair

Whether your baby has been born bald or has a lot of hair, it is important that you wash your head every day to prevent sweat from accumulating on your scalp and pimples. In addition, you also prevent the formation of the unsightly and lactose milk crust.

It is not essential that you use shampoo every day, it will be enough for you to give it one yes and another no. And remember: the product you choose for him should be special for children so young, very soft and with a neutral pH, so that they do not get an allergy, they do not irritate the skin and it does not sting the eyes.

No scares or chills

While you wash your baby's hair, keep your head slightly back so that no water falls on your face or shampoo your eyes (you might be scared). Take advantage of the moment of lathering to give a gentle massage on the scalp with the tips of your fingers, making small circular movements. In this way you will activate the blood supply, which favors the exit of real hair.

And it is probably what your son has now, unless he is bald at all, it is not hair, but lanugo, that is to say, remains of the hairy layer that covered his body when he was still living inside of you and that he will lose little to little bit.

Once you take it out of the water, wrap it in a hooded cloak or a large towel that covers your head so it does not get cold (children lose most of their heat from this part of the body, which has a very big compared to the others).

The treatment against the milk crust

The newborn baby is still under the influence of the hormones transmitted to him by his mother during pregnancy. These increase the sebaceous production of the scalp and sometimes this excess of fat causes the so-called milk crust, formed by whitish desquamations similar to dandruff.

This condition, if it is treated, disappears in a few weeks. To do this, the baby should be rubbed with a layer of petroleum jelly every day, wait half an hour and wash the head with a sponge moistened with water and a neutral infant soap. Then you should pass a brush with soft bristles over your head for a couple of minutes. And, yes, you never have to remove the scabs with your nails, because we can make wounds.

Dry, cut and comb

To comb without hurting him, you need a baby brush with very soft bristles or a baby comb with separate teeth and round tips. And, of course, reserve it for your personal use, do not let your brothers or cousins ​​use it, to prevent the spread of mycosis and lice, for example.

If you have very irregular hair, do not hesitate to equal it, but not to make it stronger, as it was thought years ago (the cut does not modify the strength of the root), but to make it more handsome. And remember that at the moment is too small to raparle to zero (the little fluff you have helps keep body heat).

The best thing is that you like the hair with scissors with a blunt tip, but waiting for you to fall asleep to get down to work. Thus there will be no risk of possible mishaps.

And that bald?

Do not worry if in the back of the head you see that your child gets a little shirt, because it is something that is unimportant. This occurs because he spends many hours lying down and the continuous rubbing with the sheets and the carriage cover causes the hairs in this area to fall off. As soon as your little one learns to sit down and spend more time like this, I'm sure this bald one disappears.

Do not be surprised if your little one is born blonde, with almost white hair, and as the months go by it will get darker and darker. This happens very frequently and is due to the fact that melanocytes, which are the cells responsible for the color of the skin, eyes and hair, increase their production of melanin as they mature.

To this it is added that, over time, the sebaceous glands also secrete more amount of fat, and this tends to darken the hair considerably, being evident to the eye.