Monday, April 15, 2019

Pete and Pedro Clean & Condition Combo Pack

6 tricks to detoxify hair

There are several causes that harm the health of the hair, external aggressors that weaken, intoxicate and dry it. We have prepared a list of natural ingredients to fortify and detoxify your hair.

Pete and Pedro Clean & Condition Combo Pack
Pete and Pedro Clean & Condition Combo Pack

The dyes, the dryer, the iron and many other factors such as heat and smoke are responsible every day to ruin the hair. Therefore it is necessary to begin to detoxify the hair, at least once a week , and thus prevent the damage from getting bigger.

In addition, with this you will get more hydrated, silky and shiny hair, so it carries out the following recommendations and achieves a radiant hair.

1. Baking soda

Baking soda has a lot of uses and one of them is to detoxify the hair.

This component completely eliminates dirt making it one of the preferred products for this purpose.

  •     3 cups of hot water (600 ml)
  •     1 cup baking soda (140 g)


  •     Mix the baking soda and 3 cups of hot water in a deep bowl.
  •     Moisten the hair and wash it with the mixture.
  •     Massage the scalp and make sure the bicarbonate has arrived from the root to the tips.
  •     Wash with cold water.

Gently comb your hair and do not apply any shampoo or treatment.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a great ally of beauty and, above all, of the care and beautification of hair.

Helps to conserve natural moisture by evading split ends , balances the pH of the scalp and combats the fungi that cause dandruff.

Thanks to its properties, apple cider vinegar stimulates hair growth, in addition to giving it shine and silkiness.


  •     2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar (30 ml)
  •     1 cup of water (250 ml)
  •     1 atomizer


  •     Pour the apple oil into the atomizer together with the water.
  •     After rinsing the shampoo spreads the liquid on the scalp, massage for a few minutes.
  •     Let stand and rinse with cold water.

Although the smell of vinegar is strong there is no problem, in a few minutes it will disappear.

3. Egg

The egg is one of the main components of beauty treatments.

In this case it will be used to strengthen and increase the shine of the hair.

The egg yolk works as an excellent humectant, while the egg yolk removes excess fat.


  •     Beat two eggs.
  •     Apply on the hair from the root to the tip, massage and leave for 20 minutes.
  •     Rinse with cold water and wash the hair as usual.

4. Coconut oil

The essential oils are very useful to moisturize and give softness to the hair.

Due to its properties, coconut oil is able to deeply nourish the hair and scalp, making it the preferred product to shine and eliminate waste.


  •     In a bowl pour 5 tablespoons of coconut oil (75 g).
  •     Place the oil in your hands and go through the hair trying to cover it completely (except if you have oily hair).
  •     Pass a comb to ensure that the oil is spread.
  •     Cover all the hair with a shower cap.
  •     Leave for half a day.
  •     Rinse with shampoo and you're done!

If you have problems with oily hair it is better to apply the coconut oil from medium to ends.

    We recommend you read: Do you know the cosmetic uses of coconut oil? Discover 5 treatments

5. Sea salt

Sea salt is used to eliminate dandruff and remove dead skin cells.

When it contains calcium it is used to strengthen the cells and clean the pores. It is also charged with sodium chloride, which serves to eliminate toxic waste and hydrate the cells. So if you're looking to detoxify your hair, you can not leave sea ​​salt behind.

  •     2 tablespoons of sea salt (50 g)
  •     Shampoo (the measure you usually use for the amount of hair)
  •     1 small bowl


  •     Mix the sea salt with the shampoo in the bowl.
  •     Apply on the scalp and massage for a few minutes.
  •     Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Exfoliate and detoxify your scalp with this simple recipe once a month.

6. Lemon

This antioxidant fruit by nature, will also be of great help to detoxify the hair and remove all the waste that may be causing damage.

  •     4 lemons (800 g)
  •     ½ liter of mineral water


  •     Squeeze the juice of the 4 lemons.
  •     Add the juice to ½ liter of mineral water.
  •     Apply to the hair from root to tip and massage to ensure penetration.
  •     Let rest for 20 minutes.
  •     Rinse with cold water.