Sunday, December 16, 2018

Biotin: The vitamin for the beard?

Biotin: The vitamin for the beard?

Vitamin for the beard? Today there are many hair care products that use biotin to better care for hair and roots. But many men have started using biotin to apply it to their incipient beard and accelerate growth .

Men who want to have a denser or more populated beard know how difficult it can be, but making it grow can be easier than you think. And having a good beard represents masculinity and attractiveness in men, and not being able to achieve it can be frustrating.

Would you like to have a more abundant, thick and dense beard? So join us and let's explore together the benefits of biotin and its effects on the beard.
What is biotin?

Biotin (from the Greek bios , "life"), is an essential vitamin of the vitamin B complex, stable to heat, soluble in water and in alcohol.

Technically known as vitamin B7, often called vitamin H or coenzyme R and susceptible to oxidation involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, amino acids and purines.

Biotin is ideal for the degradation of certain amino acids, and for the synthesis and degradation of fats.

It is essential for human survival and necessary for the maintenance of the production of fatty acids, the metabolism of carbohydrates and the production of energy that help strengthen fast-growing tissues such as nails, skin, beard and hair .

Biotin is an element that works in conjunction with several essential enzymes in the processes of cellular duplication.

It is a product widely used for hair loss that has revolutionized treatments. Doctors prescribe it to their patients who have problems with hair fall and growth, and are in early or middle stages.

Biotin offers hair health and beauty from the inside out. It provides nutritional support, promotes energy to the cells of the organism and nourishes the papilla of the hair follicle, site that grows the hair, prevents the fall of it, strengthens it and gives it shine.

Biotin also works to strengthen the beard, increase its growth and swell it in a healthy and constant manner.

Pure Biotin 1% (Vitamin B7) Bulk Powder (1 Kilogram)

How does biotin help the growth of the beard?

By breaking down the fat of our body, it prevents the hair from suffering from an overproduction of sebum, which would mean that the hair follicle would be depleted in its normal growth. Biotin itself is a natural component that balances the production of fat from both the body and the follicles, making the hair grow properly.

This medication in its beginnings was only for hypertensive people, but among its side effects was the rapid growth of body hair. Therefore it became the ideal option for men who are looking for the miraculous remedy that provides them with a manly beard.

It should be noted that biotin will not cause facial hair to grow on places where, due to your own nature, you do not have a beard, what biotin will do is to strengthen it by preventing the loss of facial hair. Biotin is essential in the creation of small blocks of amino acids, and these are responsible for forming keratin which is a type of protein.

Biotin pills help your body produce thicker, healthier hair all over your body, including facial hair, but they will not magically turn your beard into a lumberjack. This substance can help your body naturally produce stronger and healthier hair all over your body, including your beard, mustache and even body hair.

Using biotin for the beard you can obtain favorable results such as:

  •     Have more beard.
  •     Have a denser beard.
  •     Have a bushy beard.
  •     Increase your growth

Does biotin work for all cases?

Knowing our genetics plays an important role when deciding what supplement to consume for the growth of the beard.

There are some men who have used biotin combined with other supplements and claim that their beards have grown. And on the other hand, there are other people with difficulty in absorbing biotin.

These problems of absorption have been medically proven, with people belonging to blood group A having problems with the absorption of this vitamin . It also happens with people with problems taking antacids.

The speed at which your facial hair could grow depends mainly on genetics. An approximate time to start noticing effects must take a minimum of 3 to 6 months.

The results of one study showed that supplementation of this substance could increase hair growth and convert more villus (small and light) into something blunt, in addition to a significant thickening of the hair during that period of time.

But if you want to maximize the rate of growth and thickness you can try some of these tricks: take care of your face by cleaning it, moistening it and exfoliating it properly and do not touch your beard when it starts to grow.

With regard to hair loss, people who use it begin to notice after a month of use, new hair and deeper hair color because it has thickened and there are no longer so many blank spaces. You will also notice that other hairs on your body will grow.

5 tips to achieve an attractive beard

Supplement with biotin to strengthen the beard: Our body produces sufficient amounts of biotin naturally. But there is some evidence that higher doses of biotin in supplemental forms may benefit us. This is the reason why you can find many hair and nail supplements that contain it (and of course the biotin pills that you can apply on your beard).

Currently there is a large number of multivitamins that include biotin within its components, and this is because it is believed to help improve the growth of facial hair.

A proper diet: For many it is difficult to consume a large amount of vegetables daily. But if you want your beard to grow quickly you should add a good salad every day to complement your meals. The vegetables contain abundant vitamins and minerals which are beneficial for your body. Include in your vegetable meals such as:

  •     Carrots
  •     Green peppers.
  •     Broccoli.
  •     Cauliflower.
  •     Potato.

Biotin is not only found in vegetables, you can also find it in various foods and fruits such as:

  •     Kidney.
  •     Liver.
  •     Eggs
  •     Banana.
  •     Almonds and nuts
  •     Whole grains
  •     Dairy products.
  •     Grapes.
  •     Watermelon.
  •     Avocado.
  •     Strawberries
  •     Royal jelly.
  •     Meat and poultry

Vegetable intake is very important, but if you do not like to eat vegetables, you can fool your body by drinking pre-mixed vegetable juice and supplementing it with complexes containing biotin.

It is important to remember that the consumption of alcohol destroys our reserves of this vitamin. In addition, diets low in cholesterol and fats are also low in biotin.

Increase your testosterone levels: You can naturally increase your testosterone levels by doing weight-training routines or changing your diet. It is important to raise these levels, because this hormone is vital for the growth of facial hair.

It is normal for men who have a much thicker beard, have more testosterone.

Exercise to lose weight and shape your face: Exercise is of the utmost importance, practice weights, martial arts or racing. Some men tend to fatten the body but keep their face relatively profiled, but if it is not your case and you are somewhat overweight, exercising frequently is a great solution because:

  •     It will reduce the fat on the cheeks.
  •     It will decrease the double chin.
  •     It will increase testosterone levels.
  •     The face will look more compact.
  •     The beard will look much more dense.

Stylize your Beard: We already know that not all men have the same genetics, nor the tendency to have a full beard.

If this is your case, then outline your beard, so that you can use in your benefit, the areas where you have facial hair according to the shape of your face. That is, if you have some parts devoid of facial hair, then do not use a full beard.

Presentations and doses

The dose depends a lot on the conditions of each person, age, health status, among others.

Due to lack of knowledge about the exact content of biotin present in food and its microbial contribution, it is difficult to scientifically determine an appropriate dose.

It is only possible to determine that the safe and adequate intake of this vitamin is 200 to 300 μg daily. But this could vary according to the product so it is advisable to follow the guidelines of the manufacturing laboratory.

There are several presentations of biotin , ranging from 300 micrograms to 10,000 units.

It should be noted that the more concentrated the biotin , the better results will be obtained, but at the same time it is recommended to exercise and drink a lot of water, this with the intention that the body can make the most of the dose. Especially the doses of 5000 and 10,000 units. If there is little physical activity, there is a possibility that acne may arise or that you gain weight.

In relation to the doses, a study carried out showed results in which a greater proportion was observed in terms of volume, thickness and strength in the beard with not very high doses of biotin.

In addition, testimonies of men using much higher doses and reporting slight improvements in growth velocity and beard density after using biotin have been exposed in several forums. These doses often range from 500 mg onwards.

The consumption of biotin does not present major secondary effects, since being of water-soluble type it is eliminated with great facility by renal route.

However, it should be noted that this is only a nutritional supplement and that, if your body does not need the dose, simply discard the remaining biotin and take advantage of the necessary.

It has not recorded any known cases of overdose, since being water-soluble, it is easily eliminated by the kidneys.

Signs and symptoms due to biotin deficiency

Biotin deficiency is relatively rare, as intestinal bacteria can produce up to 50% of the daily requirement. It can be treated with supplementation and the foods that constitute a main source of vitamins .

However, excessive consumption of egg white can cause a deficiency of biotin. The clear contains avidin, which is a protein, which consumed in excess, binds strongly to biotin and prevents intestinal absorption.

One way to inactivate avidin is through cooking, without harming biotin, which would remain active.

Among the symptoms of biotin deficiency are:

  •     Hair loss (including eyelashes and eyebrows).
  •     Colitis.
  •     Atrophic glossitis.
  •     Mild anemia
  •     Hungry Colon Syndrome (SCH1014).

Studies conducted on the subject have shown that when there is a deficiency of biotin, the body has difficulty growing hair, either on the top of the scalp or on the beard.

These effects have been proven and it has been shown that the use of biotin supplements normalizes hair growth.

Supplements for the beard

One of the main benefits of the biotin supplement for men's beard is that it can increase the growth and thickness of the latter over time.

Currently, supplement manufacturers increasingly incorporate elements of a natural nature and fewer chemical ingredients. They take into account plants and food for the elaboration of products that guarantee the growth of the nails, their health and that of the hair and the skin of the whole body.

The recommendation is not to waste money on biotin supplements alone. A much better option is to buy a high quality multivitamin supplement that contains the amounts of biotin and other vitamins that help the growth of the beard by stimulating the phytonutrients, all in one and for the same price.

This is the case of Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails , which has been developed using years of biochemical research that has allowed the formation of a compound that involves the necessary vitamins, minerals and nutrients.

Among its main ingredients we can find vitamins (C, B1, B2, B3, B5, E), minerals (calcium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese), and vital chemical compounds of the skin (collagen, methionine, keratin, bioflavonoids and hyaluronic acid).

It also contains plant extracts such as Gotu Kola, grape seed, Amla Fruit, Goji Berry and Fucus, Nori Yaki and Wakame algae.

The natural properties of Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails make this an excellent product to nourish the skin and improve its appearance, it has anti-inflammatory properties combined with the performance as an antioxidant.

The main feature of this product is that it helps the health of the skin by seeking the balance of its internal composition, by doing so it guarantees a healthy skin, hair, beard and stronger nails.

The list of ingredients of Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails provides a real opportunity to enjoy the benefits of a series of natural elements without having to spend long hours of searching, cumbersome preparation procedures and difficult applications.

That is to say, Re-Activates Skin, Hair and Nails unifies the healing properties of more than fifteen elements that nature offers to solve efficiently the question of how to maintain a strong and abundant beard.

The final conclusion is that biotin can promote the growth of facial hair naturally, but not only buy biotin supplements unless you have growth problems, it is always better to buy supplements that contain other qualities.

Now that you know the biotin and the right supplement to strengthen and grow your beard, it's time to put your knowledge into practice.

Do not wait more! Enjoy the most dense and leafy beard you can imagine. Do not lose the battle against the hairs on your face and look from that look you've always wanted.