Sunday, December 16, 2018

What is biotin and how is it used for beard?

High Potency Biotin USP (D-Biotin) 100mg (100,000mcg)

What is biotin and how is it used for beard?

Greetings friends, in this opportunity we will teach you several aspects about biotin for our beard, I will explain with details what the hell is, what things you should not do and also how to consume it.

All this information comes from an arduous investigation of several sources and after an own experience using several brands and doses of biotin, so it can serve as a guide and not make fatal mistakes like ingesting menoxidil accompanied by absurd amounts of biotin as recommended by several foristas of internet, thing for nothing recommendable and counterproductive. But we begin to educate ourselves.

High Potency Biotin USP (D-Biotin) 100mg (100,000mcg)

What is biotin for beard?
There is not really a product like "Biotin for beard", it is simply biotin and it is a vitamin that starts from the group of the B complex, it is also known as vitamin H and as vitamin B7, why? because the same complex is part of it.

Biotin is an essential vitamin in our body and as mentioned, is not exclusively beard, in fact its main function is to increase metabolism, keep nails and hair healthy, combat hair loss helping to generate the Keratin and also helps to have healthy skin.

Particularly dry skin and people with type II diabetes receive treatments with high doses of biotin.

You should also bear in mind that this vitamin, is not permanent in the body, is continuously discarded through the urine.

 If you have a healthy diet, biotin is constantly ingested so it would not seem logical to ingest it separately, however having a very healthy diet with the necessary contributions of biotin in these days of constant speed and running is quite complicated

What foods provide biotin?
There is no doubt that the Latin diet is very rich in biotin, as we have pointed out in other posts about foods that contain biotin, this is very different from the average diet of an American who tends to eat more processed and transgenic food, most of them Latinos have a more traditional diet that includes cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish, etc.

Biotin can be found in foods such as almonds, eggs, sardines, strawberries, bananas, carrots, onions, mushrooms, soybeans, nuts, etc ... As you can see, it is very possible that you consume this vitamin frequently.

If you want to know how to organize a diet rich in biotin, read this article.

What about biotin pills?
First you must understand that if you are going to ingest biotin pills, you must know how to use them and measure them for a correct benefit.

  • Biotin for adults is commonly sold in concentrations of 30 mcg.
  • PENDING is not the same mg as mcg!
  • The mcg means microgram, 1000 microgram is 1 gram; The recommended daily dose for an adult is 30 MICROgrams.
  • Some trade unionists say that you should consume 10,000 mcg and sometimes up to 20,000 mcg to get a good beard.

It is an exaggeration, inform yourself well before affecting your health by mere vanity.

Keep in mind that the biotin that your body does not need, is going to be discarded in the urine. High doses of biotin are recommended only under medical supervision.

The multi-vitamins designed for the growth of the beard have 3000 mcg of biotin at most and tell you explicitly that consuming 3000 mcg of biotin is 1000% of your recommended daily dose.

Another thing before consuming biotin.
Brother, biotin will not give the desired results if not ingest with green leaves in your diet and you swallow it along with the first meal of the day ... not when you paste that wins effects.

Beware of biotin!
Brother, forget about using biotin if you're taking anti-cholesterol or anti-seizure medications. If you are diabetic, do not even think about consuming biotin.

Frequent questions.
Does biotin help against baldness?
No, biotin will help make existing hair (from anywhere) not fall, but it does not help the generation of new hair, for that we use Minoxidil.

Do biotin shampoos work?
There are those who say yes and others say no.

The truth is a very controversial issue and to this day I am still investigating this matter.

Some say that biotin can not be absorbed through the skin and others say that shampoos with biotin have helped them to grow their hair faster.

All this came out of the fact that they began to recommend shampoos for horses to people with weak and brittle hair but their results are inconclusive.

I think people who say that biotin does work for you is more a mental fact than true verifiable results.

What is the recommended dosage?
As I mentioned earlier, the recommended daily dose for an adult man is 30 micrograms.

Is there something to replace biotin for beard?
Here I must ask, replace it for what purpose? if the growth of beard, you can search stimulants containing jojoba oil, castor oil, eucalyptus and / or rosemary oils as our beard also I recommend you use a shampoo for free beard salts and sulfates.

The salts and sulphates pull and weaken the hair, eye with those beard shampoos that contain these ingredients.

  • If you are looking to swell your beard, this publication may be useful.
  • In a nutshell
  • Ingesting biotin will do you good, but do it consciously, ingesting large amounts of foolishness will not accelerate the growth of your beard.

Remember that the lack of beard is not considered a disease so there are no reliable medical sites that recommend the use of biotin as a treatment to grow the beard.

As I always recommend more use of natural products and as they say the trade of alcohol, all with measurement and the next time someone tells you that sells biotin beard does wonders, you can give a good kick in the butt and ask you to report well before.