Thursday, February 7, 2019

Bronson Vitamin D3 10,000 IU Certified Organic Vitamin D Supplement, Non-GMO Gluten Free USDA Certified Formula, 360 Tablets

One thousand milligrams of calcium per day to prevent osteoporosis

In order to prevent osteoporosis, foods that provide one thousand milligrams of calcium per day should be consumed in general. The specialist José Zanchetta affirms that the epidemiological studies allow the understanding of this disease that weakens the bones and the awareness of the importance of the campaigns of prevention and diagnosis.

(CyTA Agency - Leloir Institute) -. The early care of our bones from childhood prevents the development of osteoporosis in adult life, a disease characterized by a decrease in the density and quality of bones.

Bronson Vitamin D3 10,000 IU Certified Organic Vitamin D Supplement, Non-GMO Gluten Free USDA Certified Formula, 360 Tablets
Bronson Vitamin D3 10,000 IU Certified Organic Vitamin D Supplement, Non-GMO Gluten Free USDA Certified Formula, 360 Tablets

"Although the population's awareness of the measures that can prevent this disease is greater today, there are still many details that the population does not know," Dr. José Zanchetta, president of the Argentine Society of Health Sciences, told the CyTA Agency. Osteoporosis and member of the steering committee of the International Osteoporosis Foundation. He adds: "There is a lot that we can do daily to take care of our bones and those of our children. Care must start from early childhood. The proper diet in calcium, regular exercise, adequate sun exposure, healthy life without excessive tobacco and alcohol (both elements are toxic to the skeleton) favor the development, strengthening and maintenance of healthy and strong bones. On the other hand, the early detection of the disease plays a fundamental role in its future management ".

Calcium and vitamin D

When sufficient calcium is not supplied to the organism, the skeleton is decalcified and in the long term it becomes fragile in the face of minor traumas that can cause fractures, stresses Dr. Zanchetta who also works as a medical director of the Metabolic Research Institute.

Parallel vitamin D consumption is key to bone fortification. "This type of vitamin favors the absorption and utilization of calcium, and although it can be provided by some fortified foods, such as dairy products, the main source of vitamin D is our own body, since our skin exposed to the sun starts its production", explains Zanchetta. And he continues: "The main function of vitamin D is to help calcium to be absorbed in the intestine. In extreme situations of absolute lack of sun exposure in children, it can cause rickets, and malformation of the bones. It is recommended the solar exposure of 15 minutes in arms and legs per day (walks, shopping) avoiding the hours not recommended (11 to 16 hours). If there are contraindications for sun exposure (as in people with a history of skin cancer) it can also be easily replaced with medication droplets. "

According to the specialist, it is advisable to incorporate the calcium in the food and the most suitable are the dairy products. "The needs can vary in different moments of life but in general lines are 1000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day," he says.

In this sense, Dr. Zanchetta states that it is useful to know how much calcium the different dairy products contain to make the daily menu. As an example, point out that a portion of semi-soft cheese provides 700 mg of calcium, a yogurt of 250 between 350-400 mg, a fortified yoghurt 450-500 mg, a glass of milk of 200 ml contains 200 mg and a glass of milk Fortified about 250-300 mg.

"If you can not meet the daily requirements for some reason such as intolerance can be supplemented with supplements in tablets," says the specialist.

Higher prevalence in women

Although osteoporosis is suffered by both sexes, this disease affects women more, especially after menopause. In order to know its prevalence in this population, Dr. Zanchetta and a team of colleagues conducted an epidemiological study in which 4 thousand Argentine postmenopausal women were evaluated.

The results of the work, presented at the 7th Congress of the Ibero-American Society of Osteology and Mineral Metabolism in 2007, showed that 35 percent of postmenopausal women over 50 have osteoporosis according to the classification set by the World Health Organization. According to Zanchetta, these results would be valid to date and can be extrapolated to the group of women of that age group in the country. And she says that at this stage in women's lives it is crucial to maintain optimal levels of calcium.

On the other hand, the specialist warns that in the case of the elderly where calcium levels tend to decrease it is critical to avoid falls to prevent fractures. "You have to take care of your eyesight, train your balance and muscular strength, wear comfortable footwear and free the house from obstacles that make it easier to get stuck, among many other measures," he says.

"Thanks to epidemiological studies we can have a more concrete idea of ​​this problem, which can help society in general to become aware of the importance of prevention and diagnosis campaigns and thus be able to identify patients at risk", Dr. Zanchetta emphasizes. And he concludes: "Prevention plays an important role, food, nutrition and exercise favor the development, strengthening and maintenance of healthy and strong bones and early detection of the disease plays a key role in its future management. Consultation with the doctor about bone health is fundamental. "