Friday, February 15, 2019

Immune Booster Probiotics for Women and Men - Acidophilus Zinc and Vitamin C Antioxidant to Support Immune System - Best Supplement for IBS Bloating and Gas Relief - 60 Daily Time Release Capsules

The best probiotics Comparison & Buying Guide

Probiotics - Purchase Guide, Opinions and Analysis in 2019

Probiotics are elements present naturally in our body. But when they are scarce, it is necessary to contribute them from the outside so that our body works, since in case of not doing it we increase the possibility of suffering digestive problems and other diseases. That is why it is advisable to have an adequate probiotic supplement so that we do not have problems and with which to strengthen our defenses. And if this probiotic can be as natural as possible and be exempt from unnecessary or not interesting elements in your diet, much better. Within the market, consumers opt for products such as NutriTrust Natural Probiotic, an alternative that can be consumed by vegans or lactose intolerant without inconvenience. It has many benefits to improve the immune system and its components are completely natural. Another interesting product is the probiotic Aava Labs Probiolac , formed with 15 different strains and with a high purity system that helps improve your immune system.

Immune Booster Probiotics for Women and Men - Acidophilus Zinc and Vitamin C Antioxidant to Support Immune System - Best Supplement for IBS Bloating and Gas Relief - 60 Daily Time Release Capsules
Immune Booster Probiotics for Women and Men - Acidophilus Zinc and Vitamin C Antioxidant to Support Immune System - Best Supplement for IBS Bloating and Gas Relief - 60 Daily Time Release Capsules

What are the best probiotics in the market?

Having good digestive health sometimes is not as simple and less so with the hectic pace of life that we lead. Therefore, some people need extra reinforcement when it comes to taking care of their digestive and immune system and they need to take probiotics that help protect our intestine and our body from the proliferation of pathogens and bacteria.

Before asking yourself how much this type of food supplement costs, you should be sure that this will be really beneficial for you and, since in the market the comparison of probiotics is so extensive that it is difficult to know which one is the best, we want to help you by offering you this guide to buy the best probiotic in which you can know what you should take into account before deciding to take this type of supplements.

Type of probiotic

Although all probiotics act directly on the digestive system, the fact is that 80% of the health of our immune system is directly related to our gastrointestinal tract. That is why, although we always get a benefit at the level of the digestive system, not all probiotics are used for the same purpose.

In the market, therefore, you will find probiotics specially indicated to regenerate your intestinal flora, usually composed of strains of dairy origin and that will help us to prevent and cure episodes of diarrhea, constipation, gastroenteritis etc.

On the other hand, we find probiotics that help us give a boost to our immune system in those moments of lack of defenses, such as when we are taking antibiotics or when we frequently get cold or are in treatment of autoimmune diseases.

You can also find probiotics indicated especially for women, since they help prevent urinary and reproductive system infections, as well as the proliferation of candids and even as a treatment for mastitis present during breastfeeding.

As you can see, there is no single type of probiotic, but, depending on the composition of the probiotic, it will be more suitable for one of these purposes. For this, before buying any of them, you must be clear about what use you want to give and what benefits you are looking for in it, so that you really notice that improvement.

Concentration of UFC (Colony Forming Units)

Another very important point to take into account is the concentration present in the chosen probiotics. And is that, since not all probiotics are used for the same purpose or have a similar composition, the concentration of colony forming units will not be the same in one as in another.

It is always advisable to opt for those products that offer you a large amount of CFU per tablet or capsule, as this will make the daily dose is reduced to the maximum, even only 1 tablet a day and therefore, not only will the container last longer , but you will notice the benefits of this supplement in your body much earlier.

Generally, this concentration ranges from 10 billion CFU to 30 billion CFU per tablet or capsule. So, depending on the use you want to give, look for those whose concentration is higher.

In addition, it is important to make sure that the lining of the tablets or capsules is steric, that is, it will not dissolve in your stomach but in your small intestine, which is where all the probiotics are really absorbed and where they will be really beneficial for you and your health.

Treatment duration

Before continuing and paying attention to the recommendations that all manufacturers include in their products, it is important to know that, although it is a nutritional supplement, it should never replace a model of cooking and healthy living and that it is also recommended that Talk to your doctor before taking this type of supplement, especially if you have a mild illness that seems. And with that said, we continue with the next point of this guide.

When we talk about duration of treatment, we refer to the amount of tablets or capsules that each product brings. And, while some brands bring treatment for about two weeks taking between 2 and 3 pills daily, others offer treatment for 6 months or a year with a single daily intake, a very interesting option if you must take this type of food supplement for a long period of time.

This duration will also depend, as we explained before, on the concentration present in each pill, therefore, the higher the concentration, the fewer daily doses you will have to take and your probiotic will last much longer.

Always opt for those brands that offer you a greater number of pills for the same price, but above all that these have a good concentration and therefore the daily intake is limited to one tablet.

What are the best probiotics of 2019?

If you lead such a busy life that you need a boost to protect your digestive and immune system from germs and bacteria and feel more secure in your day to day life, you will want to know which is the best probiotic for you and find the best probiotic of the moment. For this and after a thorough study, we have selected for you the best probiotics of 2019 among which you can choose the one that best suits your needs to improve your defenses and your intestinal flora.

Natural NutriTrust

Main advantage:

The most striking aspect of this option is that its components are completely suitable to be consumed by vegans and lactose intolerant, offering freedom of use.

Main disadvantage:

Probably, for some, its main disadvantage is that the boat barely contains 30 capsules, so they would have to acquire it monthly to keep the treatment active.



The consumption of probiotics is increasingly common in homes around the world thanks to the benefits they bring to health. Even if you or your family are in good condition, you will never reinforce some systems. If you want to buy a bottle of probiotics, the first thing you should know are its components.

In the case of the option offered by the NutriTrust brand, we have a bottle of 30 capsules. Each of the capsules contains one million CFU, that is, colonies of beneficial bacteria for health.

In addition to this, you should know that 100% of the ingredients of these probiotic capsules are 100% vegan and do not contain milk, so they are safe to consume for those who suffer from lactose intolerance or have a philosophy of life of consumption different to most.


Another detail that you should keep in mind when you are going to invest in a bottle of probiotics for your consumption or that of your family is the process of making the capsules. The more manipulation there has been, the less purity components can offer.

Therefore, we consider it an advantage that the NutriTrust probiotic does not contain elements unrelated to its main ingredients. Likewise, for the elaboration of this product a series of minimum steps were followed to avoid affecting the purity of the capsules.

It also does not contain fillers or unnecessary additives, which guarantees that your body will be receiving what it needs and nothing more than that. All content has a high quality standard, as well as a rigorous quality process.

And if you are pro-environment, you will be pleased to know that all the ingredients are obtained from renewable sources and the package is 100% recyclable.


For some buyers, it is also important to consider the presentation of the probiotic bottle. This is usually evaluated based on whether you travel frequently, if you have space in the kit or if you do not want children to handle the bottle.

With the purchase of the NutriTrust option, you will get a small recyclable cardboard box in case you want to contribute your bit to the conservation of the environment. Both the box and the boat have a similar design with a combination of green and white for easy identification of the content.

As for the material, the bottle containing the capsules is made of brown glass and its lid is made of aluminum, so it offers security to prevent the container from opening accidentally even if you carry it in your handbag.

Aava Labs Probiolac

The probiotic Aava Labs Probiolac is another product interested to give extra protection and care to your body. This probiotic has a composition based on 15 different strains and with an approximate concentration of 30,000 million CFU, enough, therefore, to provide your body with the additional care it needs.

A few strains and a probiotic that takes care of your body, improve your digestive system and give them a help to your defenses. However, the pills do not include anything that should not be such as lactose, soy, gelatin or genetically modified organisms. Therefore, these pills are suitable for vegans and for people with different food allergies or intolerances.

A product that comes in a bottle of 60 capsules, enough, therefore, for a couple of months of treatment.

Designed to strengthen your digestive system and your overall health, let's learn more about the benefits of this product

This probiotic has been made with 15 different strains, so it includes all kinds of elements suitable to improve your digestive health status.
Prolonged release:
The prolonged release system of these pills keeps the effect of these capsules active longer and more effectively.
In the composition of these capsules we find nothing that should not be, being suitable for vegans and being free of genetically modified organisms.

Product Information:

According to some users, the product information is somewhat scarcer than it should be.
Depending on the specific needs of each user, it is possible that the improvement generated by the product is delayed a little more, being necessary more time of treatment.

Nutravita Pure Cultures
This product of the brand Nativa is presented in a bottle of 180 capsules so you have enough to complete several months of treatment. They are composed of beneficial ingredients for the improvement of the immune system, thus helping to avoid viral diseases, such as influenza.

Each of the capsules contains 2 trillion CFU, that is, healthy bacteria-forming colonies. Also, all ingredients have purity and no extra chemicals have been added, so they do not have contaminants.

The boat has dimensions of 2.4 x 4.6 x 10 centimeters so you can take it in your bag or accommodate it in your bathroom and so do not forget to take your probiotics in the morning or when you are traveling away from home. In addition, it is highlighted that it is transparent, making it easy for you to see how many capsules are left and thus acquire a new bottle before your supplement is finished.

Consuming probiotics can help improve your overall health, whether you want supplements to energize you or strengthen your system.

With the purchase of this product you will obtain a total of 180 probiotic capsules so that you can maintain your treatment for several months.
Each of the capsules of the boat has 2 trillion CFU, that is, it will have a significant impact on your body.
Your boat is comfortable to use and also to transport so you do not skip days and keep concurrence with the consumption.

You must bear in mind that it is the most expensive probiotic in the list.
Some buyers indicate that it is not specified if the capsules contain gluten, a detail to be considered by those who are sensitive to it.

Plastimea Nutri + Actibior Pro-Immun

This probiotic is a potent protector of the digestive system that acts as a barrier to the intestinal mucosa producing mucus that pathogens enter your intestine. Your intestinal flora is balanced and thus favors the correct digestion of food and the elimination of waste and toxins from your body.

This probiotic comes in a convenient container in which you can find 60 capsules of plant origin with synergy by association of strains lactococcus lactis, Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidum, all from the family of lactic bacteria, which will protect, so , both your digestive system and your immune system, will protect the intestinal mucosa and help you to prevent food allergies and intolerances.

Among the probiotics in capsules present in the market, this brand offers you the complete treatment for a month since the recommended daily dose is 2 capsules daily taken with a large glass of water, so you will not have to worry during all that weather.

For many, the effects and quality of this option make it worthy of the position of the best probiotic of the moment, in addition, it is also one of the cheapest:

This option among the best probiotics presents a composition of different bacteria and yeasts, among which are lactococcus lactis, lactobacillus casei, lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium bifidum. All of them focus on the improvement of the intestinal environment and the correct growth of its flora.
As indicated by the manufacturer, each of the Actibior Pro - Immun capsules contains up to 10.5 billion bacteria, so that an absolute presence in the stomach and other organs that can benefit from the advantages of the probiotic drug is guaranteed.
These probiotics promise to improve the digestive system and functioning in general, so that it is easier for you to process the food. In addition, it promotes the correct elimination of natural toxins, making you feel more active and much healthier.
Each bottle of Actibior Pro - Immun contains a total of 60 capsules. The dosage recommended by the manufacturer is two capsules per day, which would get treatment for a full month.
And if you have to go on a trip and want to keep your probiotic intake, the Actibior Pro - Immun comes in a small pot of 5 x 5 10.4 centimeters and a weight of 50 grams, so you can comfortably carry it in your suitcase or handbag.

Navit Plus Defenses

The Navit Plus Defenses tablets are a probiotic manufactured in Spain and with sanitary registration with which we can have the corresponding tranquility of a product controlled correctly.

Inside we have 60 capsules with a concentration of 10,000 million CFU from various strains, which help you improve your digestive health and the state of your body, in general.

In particular, the main strains included are those of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, although they are combined with others to give your body that much-needed extra. Therefore, you only need one daily pill to obtain these benefits. So thanks to the 60 capsules included in the bottle you can have treatment for a couple of months at a price that is also interesting, in relation to other probiotics in the market.

If you prefer a product manufactured in Spain and properly controlled by the national health authorities, this probiotic is an interesting option.

These pills have a concentration of 10,000 million CFU with which it is easy to give a boost to your immune system.
This product is presented in a bottle of 60 capsules, enough for two months of treatment.
Sanitary registration:
The laboratory that manufactures the product is registered with AECOSAN as a sanitary company, being a product of national manufacture.

Unwanted ingredients:
Depending on the composition of the product, it includes some elements such as dyes and binders.
For vegans:
The product does not indicate that it is certified for vegans, although a priori it does not seem to have any ingredient of animal origin.

How to use a probiotic

The human organism is a complex, but balanced, system capable of defending itself against attacks by bacteria or other elements that may alter its functioning. However, it also requires help when the use of antibiotics, for example, alters that balance making these bacteria scarce. This is how probiotics naturally reinforce this system.

What are the probiotics for?

Basically, probiotics serve to balance the natural bacterial systems of the body that intervene in the defense against agents or elements that can affect your health. That is why these microorganisms contained in capsules, or in any other presentation, help greatly to restore the bacterial flora of the intestines, as well as the vaginal one, when you have suffered an infection or your balance is affected by some medication.

Probiotics also intervene in the proper functioning of the digestive system, improving the digestion process. They help in the absorption of food, as well as in the assimilation of some vitamins and supplements that improve your health, thus strengthening the entire immune system. In general, probiotics are indicated to treat gastroenteritis and diarrhea when it is caused by infections, irritable bowel syndrome, cystitis and vaginal infections.

How to consume them

If you are going to consume probiotics by prescription of a doctor, this will surely give you the indications of how to take them; follow his instructions to the letter. If you are going to use these probiotic supplements on your own, read the instructions contained in the box of the probiotic that you have chosen or that you consider will help you to restore your health.

It is also important that you do not consume it fasting. Eat the foods you use and take the probiotic you bought just before or during the meal. For a better digestion or release process of microorganisms, you must consume foods with a reduced fat content.

Risks of excess probiotics

Although probiotics help to balance your health, consuming them in excess can be contraindicated, producing conditions of greater relevance than those you want to treat with these probiotic supplements. That is why it is important to follow the indications for use, either from the treating doctor or those given by the manufacturer of the product on the label.

For example, an excess of probiotics can cause severe diarrhea as an immune system response to get rid of bacteria that are not characteristic of the flora or that are too abundant to maintain the balance of the system.

Care you must have

It is very important that you do not consume probiotics without first having eaten food or taking them just before eating. Nor should you exceed the time period or the recommended doses. Do not swallow the probiotic with acidic drinks.

Keep the capsules or supplement in a cool place away from any source of heat. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for preservation. During the duration of the therapy, try to consume a lot of fiber to reinforce the action of probiotics.

The most popular brands

Through a diet rich in probiotics you can add to your body the resources you need to fight a lot of intestinal ills, but it is not about buying the first product you see, but rather to investigate which ones are best for you. That is why we have analyzed the most popular brands of probiotics on the web and then present the information collected with the intention that you can make a better choice.

When we talk about famous brands of probiotics, Renew-Life is one of the leaders and one of the favorite options of users around the world; As a company, it was founded in 1997 in the city of Florida, USA. UU Since then the main motive has been to improve the health status of people, helping them to keep their bowels in optimal operating conditions; during the last two decades they seem to have achieved this promise.

All its formula is made with top quality ingredients so you can get the best benefits of each. Its product catalog is composed of high potency probiotics, fibers, digestive aids, enzymes and internal cleaning products.

Among the most popular probiotics you can find some focused on men, women and children, others for daily care and others for more specialized care; consequently, it will be easy to find one that fits completely with you.

Garden of Life is considered by many as the number one brand of the naturist industry, has at least 11 official certifications that endorse the good quality of its products.

The brand has a line called Raw probiotics that are mixed, stored and transported at controlled temperatures to maintain nutrients, enzymes and probiotic strains in the best possible state, thus being able to offer better health benefits.

The success of the brand is due to the effort it puts into producing real foods, avoiding any synthetic formula created in a laboratory; they never compromise the health of their clients, so they do not mind having a slower production process and doing everything by hand.

Among the principles that define them you can find: analyze the food that our body really needs; understand that clean is healthy and, finally, know at all times the sources from which each of the ingredients comes.

GT Dave was raised as a vegetarian, from an early age his parents initiated him into the principles of Eastern philosophy, a fact that allowed him to adopt a more spiritual vision of the world, as well as great respect for all living beings.

The inspiration to create natural products formulated to support the digestive and corporal well-being would come from inspiration of his own mother, who would have used a homemade drink to reduce the negative effects of the illness she suffered. In 1995, with only 15 years, GT Dave began to bottle his Kombucha in the kitchen of his parents' house south of the city of California.

After 22 years of action, the small lots of GT's Kombucha continue to be distributed and hundreds of people continue to benefit from the positive effect it brings to their lives. So far, the company has 2 star products, on the one hand, Kombucha, a tasty and naturally effervescent tea with probiotic action; The other product is Kefir, a fermented product rich in probiotics and made from fresh coconut.

Frequently asked questions

Q1: Do probiotics extend life?

According to studies carried out by CONICET and the National University of Rosario in Argentina, the Bacillus Subtilis probiotic bacterium has the ability to slow aging, prolong life and maintain vitality by simply colonizing the human intestine.

Experts have proven that this probiotic increases life expectancy from 80 to 120 years in a healthy way. In Japan, natural products fermented with this bacterium are regularly consumed, which shows the beneficial effects in people, since this ethnic group has a longevity index higher than the world average.

Q2: Is it safe to consume probiotics during pregnancy?

Researchers from Canada conducted a meta-analysis and concluded that there is no contraindication to the use of probiotics during pregnancy or during breastfeeding. Their studies determined that there is no association that relates this treatment with gestational age, birth weight or with miscarriages and congenital malformations.

The use of probiotics, either in food supplements or in natural foods, helps the digestive system of the mother to work in an optimal way, eliminating bad bacteria. Likewise, they are capable of restoring the bacterial flora during episodes of diarrhea.

Q3: Is there any relationship between the use of probiotics and alcohol?

Excessive consumption of alcohol can seriously affect the health of people and cause irreversible liver damage; but it can also alter the normal balance of the intestine. The use of probiotics can help counteract the serious damage caused by alcohol in the digestive system and help restore the recommended levels of good bacteria.

Alcohol increases the amount of stomach acids, which affects the risk of peptic ulcers and gastritis. It can also cause indigestion, nausea and vomiting; so ingesting probiotics can be of great help to regularize the bacterial flora inside the intestines. However, it should be remembered that excessive consumption of alcohol could damage other organs and also affect the social life of the person.

Q4: Probiotics and their benefit for constipation

Constipation affects many people in the world and occurs when there is an imbalance between the levels of the billions of bacteria that inhabit the intestine. The use of probiotics favors the production of lactic acid and fatty acids, which reduce the pH in the colon, increase peristalsis and improve intestinal regularity.

Many experts recommend probiotics that contain species such as Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus, since they are capable of increasing mucosal secretion from the conversion of bile salts, which helps to improve the causes of constipation and to eliminate stools naturally.

Q5: Are probiotics help to lose weight?

The studies carried out with probiotics show that they are efficient when it comes to helping us lose weight and eliminate the accumulated fat in the abdomen. Some probiotics of the Lactobacillus family can inhibit the absorption of fats from meals, which favors the increase in the amount of fats that are excreted in the faeces. Foods such as yogurt fermented with this bacteria can help reduce body fat by up to 4% over a period of 6 weeks; as shown by a study conducted with 125 people who were on a diet regimen.

Q6: Probiotics and their effect during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is characterized by attacking cancer cells (those that divide rapidly and in a disorganized manner), but it also affects healthy cells, including the cells of the digestive tract. This damage caused by chemotherapy causes inflammation, pain and diarrhea, since the intestines are not able to absorb nutrients efficiently. In these cases, the consumption of probiotics can help relieve diarrhea associated with the effects of chemotherapy.

However, although it is demonstrated that the consumption of probiotics is beneficial for the vast majority of people, when dealing with patients with cancer, great care must be taken with their administration. This is because chemotherapy damages the bone marrow and compromises the immune system, so that some bacteria present in probiotics, could cause infections in the blood and heart. For this reason and in the face of this potential risk, scientists work to determine which strains are the most suitable for these cases.