Friday, February 15, 2019

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus Eps

Dr Mercola probiotics: 70 billion beneficial bacteria per dose

With Probiotics you will forget about constipation, gas and abdominal swelling
synthetic capsules.
Thanks to probiotics you will also free your body of accumulated toxins and other waste materials that have accumulated as if your intestine were a septic tank. Probiotics will help you maintain ideal weight while providing you with more energy and vitality.

Many nutritional supplements claim to provide great benefits at very low costs. But invariably after a minimum of research you discover synthetic ingredients and low cost.
Foods fermented through history.

Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus Eps
Jarrow Formulas Jarro-Dophilus Eps

Since ancient times and in very different cultures, processed foods have been used to promote intestinal health. These are some examples:

  • - In the Roman Empire sauerkraut was used for its flavor and to promote health in general.
  • - Bulgarians, known for their high consumption of fermented milk and kefir, enjoy excellent health.
  • - In Asian societies, fermented products such as cabbage, turnips, eggplant, cucumbers, onions or carrots are still consumed.
  • - The inhabitants of Ukraine consume probiotics from foods such as raw milk yogurt, buttermilk and sauerkraut.
  • - In Indian society it used to (and the custom continues today) enjoy before eating a drink called lassi similar to yogurt to facilitate digestion.

It was in the early 1900s that the Russian researcher Elie Metchnikoff (Nobel Prize 1908) attributed for the first time the excellent health of the Balkan population to the use of large amounts of fermented milk high in beneficial bacteria. Later on the beneficial bacteria were called "probiotics", a word originated from the Greek meaning "pro life", that is, they favor life.

In 1950, the use of probiotic-based supplements was approved. But over time the immense power of the pharmaceutical industry relegated to the background the use of probiotics. However, today interest in natural products is increasing globally and probiotics are again gaining the interest they deserve.
    Caesarean section
Why do I need probiotics to be healthy?
  Since we are born we are exposed to probiotics. During birth the newborn travels the birth canal and absorbs beneficial bacteria from his mother, which initiates the colonization of the same in the baby's intestinal tract. Recent research shows that many babies born by caesarean section do not enjoy good health. It is possible that the reason is that they have not been exposed during childbirth to the beneficial bacteria of the mother, which would have served to colonize their intestinal tract.

Throughout our lives the beneficial bacteria of the intestine are exposed to numerous threats: chlorinated water , processed food, toxins ...

The beneficial bacteria of the intestinal tract can only provide optimal health if the perfect balance between the different types of bacteria in the intestine is maintained. For this, probiotics are of great help, not only for the intestinal tract but for health in general. Remember that 80% of the immune system resides in the intestine . Probiotics in the market contain different types of bacteria, the most common being Lactobacillus acidophilus. However, not all probiotics that contain them are the same, as explained below.

The benefits of high quality probiotics are the following:

  • - Help in the digestion of food, especially difficult to digest foods
  • - Intervene in the synthesis of Group B Vitamins and improve the absorption of calcium
  • - Maintain a healthy balance in the intestinal flora
  • - Keep the vaginal flora of women in perfect condition
  • - In general strengthen the immune system

When to take probiotics?
Before breakfast with a glass of water. Wait 10 to 15 minutes before eating because the acid produced by the stomach can damage the beneficial bacteria (5 to 10% could be lost).

Allow to pass at least 3 hours after taking antibiotics.
But I already consume yogurt, so I do not need probiotics, right?
Earlier we mentioned that traditionally fermented foods such as yogurt were used to promote digestion. However, the yogurts from before contained high amounts of beneficial bacteria since they were not pasteurized. During pasteurization the milk is subjected to high temperatures that destroy the beneficial bacteria. Given that currently the amount of beneficial bacteria has been drastically reduced, it is crucial to supplement with probiotics of proven quality.

Characteristics of a quality probiotic:

  • - Contains effective strains of bacteria
  • - Stays stable for a long period of time
  • - Has the ability to survive stomach acid
  • - Survive in the intestine where it exerts a beneficial effect

One of the absolutely essential strains that can not be missing from your probiotic is Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1. If your probiotic brand does not contain it, it can be a waste of money. The acronym DDS-1 is important. There are many strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus included in many probiotics, but if they are not DDS-1 the beneficial effects decrease markedly . This strain has vital properties for the health of humans. Research conducted at an American university found that the effectiveness of DDS-1 is due to the fact that it colonizes very well in the intestine. Further ...

* It is resistant to acid and bile and survives in the intestine.

  • * Stimulates the immune system
  • * Balances intestinal flora
  • * Contributes to a healthy digestion
  • * Produces high amounts of lactase that help people with milk intolerance

These are some of the research conducted on the DDS-1:

  • - In 2010, an American university and prestigious health center conducted a study to determine if the use of probiotics with multispecies of DDS-1 improved intestinal health. After 60 days of treatment, most showed significant improvements in bowel health, reduced swelling and occasional constipation.
  • - In another study conducted in 2003 the Lactobacillus acidophilus strain DDS-1 benefited the health of the epithelial cells.
  • - In 1997 in animal studies the DDS-1 was evaluated. Better results were obtained with this strain than with other strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus or of Bfidobacterium bifidum.
  • It is essential that Probiotics survive their passage through the stomach
  • The survival of probiotics is a controversial issue. By survival we understand the ability of the beneficial bacteria contained in the capsules to survive and reproduce in the intestinal tract. Obviously if stomach acid or bile destroys the beneficial bacteria, the intestine will not be able to take advantage of its beneficial effects.

Many manufacturers of probiotics make us believe that a type of coating called enteric is necessary for beneficial bacteria to survive. Basically, the enteric coating is a layer around the capsule that protects it from stomach acids. These are several of the problems of this process:

  • -The cost is high
  • - It is not necessary, since in the opinion of experts in probiotics, enteric coating can be avoided by choosing strains resistant to acids and processing them with high quality procedures.
  • - Many enteric coatings use synthetic ingredients (acrylic acid polymers or a chemical spray around the capsule)
  • Prebiotics, the ideal companion of Probiotics
  • Prebiotics also play an important role in digestion. They are foods that are not digested and that help the growth and proliferation of beneficial bacteria (probiotics). They come from carbohydrate fibers called olisaccharides. By not digesting, they remain in the digestive system to stimulate the growth of intestinal bacteria. Some natural sources of probiotics include fruits, raw honey or legumes.

It is therefore advisable to add prebiotics to a quality formula of probiotics. The problem is that it is a complex and high cost process.

Finally this is the list of all the requirements of a quality probiotic:

  • * Contains the super strain Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1
  • * High power demonstrated by independent laboratory tests
  • * Includes prebiotics to increase the beneficial effects of probiotics
  • * Stable at room temperature for at least 2 years (no cooling required)
  • * Does not contain dairy, free of soy , corn, wheat or gluten. Does not contain genetically modified ingredients
  • * It favors a healthy intestinal flora, promotes digestion and supports the immune system
  • * It is resistant to acid and biotic, resisting in the acid medium of the stomach and in the intestine
  • * Contains natural enzymes , vitamins, lactic acid and hydrogen peroxide * Nitrogen is used in packaging and lyophilization in the manufacturing process
  • * Available in capsules of plant origin
  • * Possess patents resulting from scientific research, registered trademarks, as well as awards and recognitions

Dr. Mercola's Complete Probiotics comply with the rigorous criteria above, which undoubtedly positions them as the best in the market. And at an unbeatable price-performance ratio.

To stay healthy is essential to supplement daily with probiotics. Probiotics are much more important than a multivitamin.

Complete Probiotics by Dr. Mercola contains the following 10 strains of beneficial bacteria:

Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 , the most important strain

Lactobacillus casei - works together with other organisms helping the growth of other beneficial bacteria

Lactobacillus plantarum - resists low pH levels and is able to survive bile concentrations of the intestine

Lactobacillus salivarius - promotes intestinal health and also helps maintain oral health

Lactobacillus rhamnosus - helps eliminate occasional intestinal discomfort by working to maintain a healthy microflora

Lactobacillus brevis - lactic acid producing bacteria that help keep the intestinal tract healthy

Bifidobacterium lactis - beneficial bacteria found in raw milk yogurt that helps maintain the immune response

Bifidobacterium longum - helps keep the digestive system in perfect condition while stimulating the immune system

Bifidobacterium bifidum - helps maintain a healthy flora in the intestine. This organism provides an excellent support to maintain a balanced microflora.

Streptococcus thermophilus - high potency strain that helps maintain intestinal flora

As important as the strains that are included in Complete Probiotics are the CEPAS THAT ARE NOT INCLUDED . Lactobacillus bulgaricus has not been included due to the possible antagonistic effect with Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1. Also the strain of Lactospore has been ruled out having other more beneficial strains. The formula Complete Probiotics contains beneficial probiotics in the form of Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)

Probiotics resistant to stomach acid
Another area in which the supplement Complete Probiotics of Dr Mercola stands out is tolerance to acid and bile with more than 90% tolerance.
Very few manufacturers test the survival of the different strains in their formulas. And if the strains do not resist stomach acids and bile from the intestine the benefits of probiotics are severely reduced.

These are the results of the tests carried out with the strains contained in Complete Probiotics:

Never take a trip without your Probiotics
Especially on trips abroad because when visiting other countries there is always an opportunity that your digestive system may be sensitive to different foods (such as spices) that you are not used to. What not only can cause digestive discomfort but also stress, just what you want to avoid during vacations or business trips. If you start noticing discomfort you can increase the dose to 4-6 capsules to help the digestive system recover.

Complete Probiotics are ideal for traveling because, unlike other brands of probiotics, they do not need refrigeration and they are stored at room temperature for two years.

Why the importance of a quality manufacturer
The manufacturer of Complete Probiotics has a high reputation since becoming a pioneer in the development of probiotics in 1979 for the high quality of its standard practices:

  • - Was the first to introduce Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS-1 commercially
  • - He was the first to introduce the standard quality control CFU / gm, which is now used worldwide
  • - He was the first to introduce probiotics that do not contain dairy or gluten or genetically modified ingredients
  • - It was the first to introduce nitrogen packaging to improve stability
  • - He was the first to introduce probiotics resistant to bile and acid
  • - He was the first to introduce a combination of probiotics with prebiotics

In addition, he was awarded numerous prizes, including one of the most prestigious:

• 2010 Frost & Sullivan Awar for "added value" of the year in the North American Probiotic Market

Frost & Sullivan is known worldwide for its innovative research, market analysis and professionalism. Based on a recent analysis of the probiotic market, Frost & Sullivan recognized the manufacturer of Complete Probiotics for its innovations in quality control and products to improve specific areas of health.
The manufacturer owns a patent and a registered trademark of the strain DDS-1 of Lactobacillus acidophilus since 1979, which has served to grow and to continue innovating.

Dr Mercola probiotics 'Complete Probiotics' by Dr Mercola:

Glass bottle of 90 capsules. 3 months. It does NOT need refrigeration.

Each capsule contains 70 billion CFU (living organism capable of forming colonies) of different strains of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and Streptococcus thermophilus, as well as 50 mg of Fructooligosaccharides (prebiotics that serve as food for probiotics). Resistant to stomach acid and bile.

Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

Free of dairy products, lactose, wheat, gluten, soy, corn, eggs, yeast, sugar, preservatives or artificial flavors and genetically modified ingredients.