Thursday, February 7, 2019

Natural Living High Potency Vitamin D3 8000 IU 60 Capsules 1 Bottle

Calcium and vitamin D: natural remedies to alleviate osteoporosis

The disease affects almost three million people in Spain
Adults up to 50 years, the population most affected, should ingest 1,000 milligrams of calcium daily .

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes a decrease in the density of bones , resulting in a worse resistance to shock and that, the same, fracture more easily. Almost three million people in Spain suffer from this disease, of which, in a few cases, the causes are known but it has a prevalence in the population over 50 years old; of 26.07% in women and 8.1% in men.

Natural Living High Potency Vitamin D3 8000 IU 60 Capsules 1 Bottle
Natural Living High Potency Vitamin D3 8000 IU 60 Capsules 1 Bottle

To prevent a disorder that the World Health Organization (WHO) defines as: "a systemic disease , characterized by a decrease in bone mass and a deterioration of the microarchitecture of bone tissue that increases its fragility, with the consequent increase of fracture risk ", it is essential to consume calcium . In addition, it is also essential to take vitamin D , which improves the absorption of calcium for bone growth, delays the onset of disease and prevents fractures.

Why should calcium be consumed?

Calcium is essential for the blood to coagulate and the heart, muscles and nerves to function correctly. The insufficiency of this mineral contributes to the development of osteoporosis. Numerous studies have been published that indicate that inadequate calcium intake is directly related to a decrease in bone density and a high fracture rate.

Milk is the most traditional source of calcium. Its consumption is essential during the first years of life to ensure good development and growth, but that does not mean that, after this stage, you should stop taking it.

How much should be taken?

An article by , a magazine specializing in wellness, argues that adults up to 50 years old should consume 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 200 units of vitamin D per day . People who exceed this range would need 1,200 milligrams of calcium and 400 to 600 units of vitamin D. In adults it has been proven that those who follow a healthy diet have higher levels of bone mass than those who do not have healthy habits.

Children and adolescents must meet the recommendations of 1,300 milligrams daily to reach higher levels of bone mineral density.

Calcium, exercise and vitamin D, key factors in the prevention of osteoporosis

After 50 years of age, one in four women suffer from osteoporosis , three more than in the case of men. To prevent the disease, it is advisable to "maintain a diet that gives us the recommended amount of calcium , control vitamin D levels and, if necessary, take supplements," as indicated by Dr. Ángel Oteo, coordinator of the Unit Bone Fragility and Osteoporosis of the HM Madrid University Hospital.

Another key factor, according to this HM Hospitals specialist, is "to avoid a sedentary life that not only favors the appearance of osteoporosis, but also increases the risk of falls " . Therefore, it is advisable to perform physical exercise and maintain an active life, as well as correct visual and hearing problems, evaluate treatments that may cause sleep and eliminate barriers that pose an obstacle in the home.

It is necessary to take into account individual factors of each patient such as age, weight, the presence of previous fractures, the age of menopause in the case of women, the consumption of toxic substances such as alcohol or tobacco, diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis or treatment with corticosteroids.

Osteoporosis affects the entire skeleton , although the most frequent fractures occur in the vertebrae, hip, wrist, ribs and shoulder. The main problem of the pathology is that it does not give symptoms until the injury occurs and the fact of suffering the first fracture is associated with an increased risk of presenting new ones, as well as an increase in the mortality and a decrease in quality of the patient's life.

Mind acting before the first fracture

To avoid this first fracture and prevent the aggravation of the disease, it is necessary to make an early diagnosis . In this sense, Dr. Oteo recommends evaluations to discard osteoporosis "to all women and men between 50 and 70 years, according to whether or not they have risk factors, and also to all those who, above that age, They have suffered a fracture . "

The most common test is bone densitometry , although "complementary tests , such as imaging tests or laboratory tests are also performed , since the problem may appear as a consequence of other clinical situations , " says HM Hospitals specialist.

The evaluation is fundamental to be able to act before the first fracture occurs or to prevent future injuries, with the consequences that entail for the quality of life of the patient.

Once the disease is diagnosed, it is necessary to determine which patients need treatment . "According to the International Clinical Guidelines, those who have suffered a hip or vertebral fracture and those diagnosed with osteoporosis in the densitometry should receive it , " says Dr. Oteo . In case of osteopenia , bone loss less severe than that of osteoporosis, risk factors should be evaluated for whether it is necessary or not to receive treatment.

Currently there are treatments that allow both to prevent and treat osteoporosis in an optimal way. The Bone Fragility and Osteoporosis Unit of the HM Madrid University Hospital has clinical tools that allow calculating the risk of presenting a fracture if the patient does not receive treatment.