Friday, February 8, 2019

Nature Made Vitamin D3 2000 IU 100-Count Tablets

Going to the beach prevents osteoporosis, The body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium.

According to WHO, vitamin D plays a very important role in bone metabolism through the regulation of calcium homesostasis and phosphate, which also strengthens the immune system.

Although we need to consume foods with calcium, vitamin D consumption is equally or more important to prevent osteoporosis, because without this vitamin, calcium is not absorbed.

The Organization of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO) explains that a lack of vitamin D, generates osteomalacia, softening of the bones and osteoporosis since its main function is to allow the adequate absorption of calcium.

Nature Made Vitamin D3 2000 IU 100-Count Tablets
Nature Made Vitamin D3 2000 IU 100-Count Tablets

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How to produce vitamin D? This is something that many are unaware of, since vitamin D can be produced in our body, when we expose ourselves to sunlight.

When the skin is exposed to sunlight, it activates the sterol, a compound to form vitamin D, which makes it available in the body. The vitamin D that we consume in food works like a hormone and influences the metabolism of calcium.

Prevent osteoporosis ...

Foods with vitamin D. Food sources of vitamin D are: egg, milk, blue fish and other fortified foods. Vitamin D is only absorbed in the intestine in the presence of bile.

Essential from birth. Newborns have few reserves of vitamin D, so they depend not only on breast milk, but on exposure to sunlight moderately. That's why our grandmothers were so concerned about "sunbathing" for babies.

Babies at risk. Not all babies are exposed to sunlight, the environment in which they live, environmental, cultural or other conditions, therefore, they are among the groups most exposed to vitamin D deficiencies.

Cod liver oil. In earlier times, parents gave children a spoonful of this oil, the reason? The use of vitamin D contained in cod liver oil prevents bone diseases.

Diseases. The diseases that are attributed to vitamin D deficiency in infants are: rickets (bone malformations), seizures and dyspnea (respiratory distress).

Pregnancy. It is important that pregnant women also have an adequate intake of vitamin D, to prevent rickets in babies.

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In tropical or sunny countries bone problems are not frequent, since the production of vitamin D in adults can be sufficient without the need to consume it from food, simply by exposing oneself to the sun.

Remember that it is not enough to consume calcium in foods or supplements to prevent osteoporosis, in fact an excess of calcium (hypercalcemia) generates bone problems, kidney problems, or hypertension.

You already have the perfect excuse to go out to the beach and sunbathe!

Prevents Osteoporosis by consuming vitamin D and calcium

The consumption of calcium helps the osseous system, however, not all people eat foods rich in calcium. Its low consumption produces a wear on the bones and turns them into porous and fragile structures. In this way, the individual loses mechanical strength and increases the risk of fractures and bone lesions.

Who are more likely?

If you are a woman who ingests alcohol excessively, smokes, has short stature and low weight, suffers from early menopause and your age exceeds 40 years has a high probability of suffering the evils of osteoporosis. Men do not escape this reality, however, it is the women who are most affected. The relationship is as follows: of every three women, a man suffers from this pathology, as explained by Nieto Lucio.

The traumatologist also detailed what foods are where calcium can be found, milk is one of them but it is not the only one. The tortilla, the cheese and even the bread also contain calcium.

Calcium and Exercise prevent osteoporosis

Bone problems are currently one of the issues that researchers, doctors and scientists pay more attention to, looking for effective alternatives for both prevention and treatment.

Calcium and exercise prevent osteoporosis properly, especially when talking about women, who are the majority suffer from it, having grown in recent years the marketing of different supplements that are based on calcium especially indicated to prevent this disease .

However, and although this is beneficial, foods that also provide calcium to the body should not be ignored.

Calcium and Exercise prevent osteoporosis Calcium is essential as a nutrient for the body and 99% of it is found in bones and teeth with the exception of the remaining 1% that is in the blood.

It is also important in the process of blood coagulation and the functioning of the muscles, which develop better and nerves.

The consumption of foods rich in calcium is essential to strengthen bone structure and even more when we talk about the stage of adolescence, when bones begin to form.

When the consumption of calcium is limited to inadequate percentages at that stage, the body will take it from the reserves it has, which will be precisely in the bones, causing them not to develop properly or suffer damage in the future.

Also, osteoporosis is a condition in the bones that develops progressively due to calcium deficiency in the body, with symptoms such as brittle bones or a higher risk of the back begin to stoop.

There are several natural sources of calcium such as dairy products of animal origin and also those of plant origin such as fortified soy milk. Calcium can also be found in other foods such as salmon and canned sardines and in eggs.

To the consumption of foods with calcium we must add physical activity, since those who do not perform physical exercise are more at risk of suffering from osteoporosis.

Physical exercise also helps prevent the consumption of tobacco and alcohol, thus helping to build up bone mass, preventing fractures and optimizing the strength of the lower extremities, helping to strengthen the bones of elderly people.

The consumption of calcium daily added to an adequate physical activity and done in a constant way will avoid the risk of suffering from osteoporosis, two budgets that are possible to achieve without too much effort and just having a little bit of perseverance.