Sunday, February 3, 2019

Olee Sleep 18 Inch Tall T-3000 Heavy Duty Steel Slat / Non-slip Support Bed Frame,OLR18BF04F (FULL)

How to Repair a Noisy Bed Frame: 16 Steps

There is nothing more frustrating than sleeping badly at night due to the noise of the bed. Luckily, you do not need to spend a lot of money on a new bed frame to end the problem. If you identify the origin of the noise and adjust and lubricate the joints of the bed frame, you can eliminate the noise and go back to sleep peacefully.

Olee Sleep 18 Inch Tall T-3000 Heavy Duty Steel Slat / Non-slip Support Bed Frame,OLR18BF04F (FULL)
Olee Sleep 18 Inch Tall T-3000 Heavy Duty Steel Slat / Non-slip Support Bed Frame,OLR18BF04F (FULL)

Part 1
Find the cause

    Remove the mattress and the bed base from the bed frame. The base is made of wood and is located under the mattress. Place the mattress and the bed base on the floor. [one]

    Check if the mattress is the one that grinds. You must discard it as the cause of the noise before you start working on the bed frame. Get on the mattress and move around a bit. If it grinds, the mattress is the culprit. [two]

    Check if the noise comes from the bed base. Apply pressure to the top of the bed base and move it. If it makes noise, it is most likely that the problem is the base and not the bed frame. [3]

    Swing the legs of the bed frame and listen carefully. Noise can occur where the legs are attached to the rest of the bed frame, so try to balance each leg. Try to identify the exact place of the noise.

    Move the slats on the bottom of the bed frame. The slats are the wooden or metal tables that go from one side to the other of the bed frame. They are the ones that hold the mattress and the bed base. Apply pressure on the slats to know if they cause noise. [4]
        The friction of wood against wood is often the cause of noise.

Part 2
Stop the noise

    Get the right tools for the part of the bed frame you will be working with. Verify what holds the bed frame together in the area where the noise comes from. If it is a screw, get a screwdriver of the corresponding size. If it's a bolt, you're going to need a wrench.

    Adjust the sounding board. Occasionally, the cause of a noisy bed frame is a simple loose joint. Before disassembling the bed frame, adjust the screws and bolts in the area where the noise comes from. You will know that they are well adjusted when you can not turn them. [5]

    Use a metal washer if you have trouble adjusting a bolt. If you can not fully adjust a bolt against the frame, place a metal washer between the frame and the bolt to fill the excess space. [6]

    Disassemble the board if the noise still persists. With the help of the tools, loosen and remove the bolts or screws that hold the gasket. Thread the loose screws or bolts into a plastic bag so you do not lose them. Separate the two pieces of the bed frame that make up the board. [7]

    Lubricate each component of the board. Apply a lubricant to any surface with both parts of the joint coming into contact, including bolts, hooks or flat surfaces. [8] Try any of the following lubricants:
        Paraffin. It is a type of wax that is sold in the form of a bar, which facilitates its rubbing on surfaces. [9]
        Lubricant WD-40. It is a spray lubricant that is effective in metal bed frames, but ends up drying. [10]
        Candle wax. If you do not get a commercial lubricant, try candle wax. Rub it on the surface as you would with any other waxy lubricant. [eleven]
        White grease or silicone lubricant. Buy white grease or silicone lubricant at the hardware store and apply it to the joint components to control the noise.

    Reassemble the bed frame. Replace all the screws and bolts you have removed and tighten them with the tools. Make sure you adjust them completely to avoid causing more noise by accident.

    Listen carefully to determine if the noise has disappeared. Swing the bed to see if you still hear some noise. If the noise persists, try to identify where it comes from. If the noise originates in a different board than the one you have adjusted, follow the same steps you have done for the other board. If the same joint causes noise, adjust the screws or bolts that hold the joint together a little more.

Part 3
Test a quick solution

    Line the bed frame slats with old clothes. Use shirts or socks that you no longer wear. The fabric will prevent the mattress or bed base from rubbing against the frame and grinding. [12]

    Fill the holes with cork in case you have a wooden bed frame. Check if the bed frame has some space where the mattress or bed base can move and rub against the frame. Place cork in the recesses so that each component of the bed is firmly in place. [13]

    Put a towel under any uneven leg of the bed frame. One leg is uneven when it does not touch the ground. Place a towel in the space between the leg and the floor so that the frame does not wobble and squeak. [14]

    Put a book under the mattress near the area where the noise originates. If it comes from one of the slats, remove the mattress and the bed base and place a book on the noisy ribbon. Replace the mattress and base on the bed frame. [fifteen]


    If there is a hole in one of the joints that is favoring the noise, apply a strip of felt between the two surfaces that meet and form the joint to fill the empty space.