Friday, February 8, 2019

Os-Cal 500 + D, Calcium 500 mg., D3 200 I.U., 210 Coated Caplets (Pack of 3 (210 ct ea))

Benefits of calcium

Calcium is a mineral that has many properties but is well known for nourishing bones, preventing osteoporosis and as a muscle relaxant.

It is the most abundant mineral in the human body and is needed in important quantities. It performs multiple physiological functions. The most important function of calcium is the construction of bones. Along with phosphorus and magnesium, the bones grow, maintain and are strong. The bones are composed mainly of calcium and phosphorus.

Os-Cal 500 + D, Calcium 500 mg., D3 200 I.U., 210 Coated Caplets (Pack of 3 (210 ct ea))
Os-Cal 500 + D, Calcium 500 mg., D3 200 I.U., 210 Coated Caplets (Pack of 3 (210 ct ea))

It protects us from osteoporosis (abnormal formation inside the bone) and is useful in its treatment.

Helps dental health, forms enamel, preserves teeth and prevents cavities.
It is also a natural tranquilizer that serves to induce sleep.

It helps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol by preventing cardiovascular diseases.

It participates in the transmission of the nervous impulse and intervenes in the permeability of the membrane. It is also effective in histadelic schizophrenia.

Calcium is necessary for the formation of blood clots, prevents colon cancer and keeps the skin in good condition and health.

Deficiency symptoms of calcium

The disease characteristic of calcium deficiency is hypocalcemia and causes rickets, osteoporosis, decalcification and growth retardation on bones. The malabsorption of calcium can be produced by excess fats, phosphates or deficiency of magnesium, failure of the pancreas, colitis or diarrhea and immobility. Psycho-emotional tension or kidney failure cause calcium to be lost through urine.

Excess calcium is called hypercalcemia and the first symptom is excessive excretion of urine (polyuria) with a marked need to drink constantly and abundantly (polydipsia). Renal calcification and stone formation (accumulation of particles that form a compact mass)

The excesses in the nervous level are: depression of the vital forces (asthenia) and psychic fatigue.

In the cardiac field: palpitations and risk of cardiac arrest.

A digestive level: anorexia, vomiting and constipation.

Where do we find calcium

  •     The nuts: sesame, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachio, sunflower, walnut.
  •     Vegetables: parsley, kale, chives, spinach, broccoli, chard, olives, leeks.
  •     Vegetables: soybeans, chickpeas, lentils.
  •     Cereals: oat flakes, wheat.
  •     Fruits: dried fig, raisins, dates.

To maintain the balance of calcium is very important alkalizing diet that are basically fruits, salads and vegetables, legumes, nuts, cereals and yogurt. The balanced diet is integrated in 80% of alkaline foods and 20% of acids such as sugar, coffee, alcohol, animal proteins, fish and eggs.

Did you know that calcium ...?

The bones represent about 1/6 of the total body weight. The average adult has 1.2 kg of calcium in their bones. Excess phosphorus hinders the absorption of calcium.
And without the calcium in the blood we would have convulsions.

The lack of calcium among adolescents and more and more young children, may be the result of the substitution of milk and natural juices for commercial soft drinks since they tend to carry an excess of phosphorus.

The absorption of calcium by the small intestine depends on vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficit hinders the absorption of calcium in the bones by depositing it in the soft tissues, which can cause rickets or osteomalacia (softening of the bones) .