Friday, February 15, 2019

Shaklee Optiflora® DI probiotic for Digestive and Immune Health 30 Capsules

Probiotics, essential to overcome intestinal intestinal problems

At this time of year, a very recurrent syndrome is traveler's diarrhea. With the change of water and food, the organism faces new bacteria to which it may not be accustomed. These bacteria are not always harmful, sometimes it is simply the disequilibrium of the organism to the new species and it is a problem of adaptation. Approximately 50-80% of the cases of these episodes are caused by bacteria, and in a smaller percentage, by viruses and protozoa. This may cause, depending on the case, diarrhea or constipation.

Before defining what a probiotic is, it is important to explain how bacteria act and why some bacteria can be friendly or hostile.

Properly speaking, the bacteria do not live inside our body, but live in our body, in the skin, in the mucous membranes and cavities that pass through our body, like the respiratory system, digestive system, but they should never happen to the blood or the organs.

Shaklee Optiflora® DI probiotic for Digestive and Immune Health 30 Capsules
Shaklee Optiflora® DI probiotic for Digestive and Immune Health 30 Capsules

Any bacterium is potentially harmful (pathogenic) if it enters the blood or establishes its residence in our organs. When this happens, our immune system reacts immediately and starts to fight against the "invaders".

There are many recent publications that relate the presence or absence of some bacterial species with diseases ranging from irritable bowel syndrome, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, etc.

The term pathogenic is used when the bacteria become so aggressive that they can destroy friendly bacteria (commensals) and give rise to a process called dysbiosis , which can sometimes cause diarrhea, or damage the tissues as in cases of pneumonia, otitis, sinusitis, meningitis, vaginitis ...

In fact many of the autoimmune diseases are also caused by bacteria and fungi that infiltrate our body at the expense of the immune system itself, which can not eradicate them, either because it is weak or because it is fighting at the same time with more than one infection or because it is not able to recognize a specific pathogen adequately. Sometimes they cause the so-called leaky gut syndrome , and allow the entry of bacteria that should not penetrate, as well as environmental toxins, and can lead to food intolerances, among other consequences.

That is why the interaction between the immune system and our microbiota is what keeps us healthy or sick, and the knowledge of our HLA (human leukocyte antigens) allows us to have more information about our immune system and the risk of suffering certain diseases.

There are many recent publications that relate the presence or absence of some bacterial species with diseases ranging from irritable bowel syndrome, autism, rheumatoid arthritis, infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, etc.

In fact, you can have a predisposition to obesity, hair loss, and other factors related to health depending on the type of bacteria that are in our digestive system. Since bacteria are involved in the manufacture of some vitamins, such as biotin, which protects us from hair loss, fatty acids, such as butyric acid, which protect the intestine from inflammation, ulcerative colitis or colon cancer.

The important thing is balance, since sometimes, some by default and others by excess, can cause us disorders.

But what is a probiotic?

The term probiotic derives from Latin and means "for life." They are bacteria and living nonpathogenic yeasts that, in adequate amounts, confer positive benefits for the health of the human host; among them we find different species of Lactobacillus bacteria , bifidobacterium and anaerobic yeasts such as S. boulardii .

The idea that the use of probiotics provides a health benefit is not new, however, in recent years there has been a significant increase both in their interest and in the sales of these types of products. And it is that has been a focus of research on those bacteria and yeasts of the intestinal microbiota that promote the health of the host against pathogens.

When we commonly speak of intestinal microbiota we refer to the diverse microbial community that has evolved to adapt and survive in the human gastrointestinal tract, interacting with its (human) host in a variety of ways, making them innocuous, opportunistic pathogens, promoting health or microorganisms Probiotics

Although it has been well established that bacteria confer specific benefits, it is also true that there is a lack of knowledge about the molecular mechanisms that explain these characteristics of probiotics. In any case, some of these mechanisms that have been proposed are those of reducing the pH and inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria or their immunomodulatory effect, as well as their effect modifying the "intestine ecosystem".

It is important to note that not all species of probiotics are part of the normal flora of the human intestine and that not all the effects attributed to a particular strain can be generalized to other strains.

A recurrent problem in hospitalized patients is diarrhea associated with antibiotics . Some studies have shown satisfactory results with probiotics containing the yeast S. boulardii.

Probiotics have functions and uses for different health conditions, although the most common uses are the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Today we can find in probiotic pharmacies or dietetics with multiple approaches: to improve constipation, diarrhea, for people with recurring candidos, to prevent the onset of tooth decay and many other conditions.

While these products do not have any health claims allowed, it is true that there are many publications that support their benefits; at least, to have under control and in equilibrium these millions of bacteria belonging to our ecosystem. Therefore, when we change lifestyle factors, or as a result of inadequate nutrition or the use of antibiotics, the ecosystem is put at risk and can lead to disorders.

The recommendation in these cases is to consume some probiotic as a precaution before traveling or, if any of these disorders appear, take it as a coadjuvant in the process of functional improvement, and let yourself be advised by the health professional, who will guide on the dosage and the way of employment.