Thursday, February 7, 2019

Vitamin D3 5000 IU - USDA Certified Organic Avocado Oil, 90 Mini Softgels, Non-GMO, Soy Free, Gluten Free, Supports Immune Function & Healthy Bones + Teeth

How to assimilate well the calcium that we need?

Our readers already know that the best source of calcium is not milk, not only because advertising has exaggerated the content of this mineral, and especially absorption, but because of its low quality, as Paul Pichford points out in the "Bible" Healing with Whole foods , which publishes official data on the number of cases of Americans with osteoporosis, arthritis and calcium deficit with delicious diets of milk and derivatives.

Vitamin D3 5000 IU - USDA Certified Organic Avocado Oil, 90 Mini Softgels, Non-GMO, Soy Free, Gluten Free, Supports Immune Function & Healthy Bones + Teeth
Vitamin D3 5000 IU - USDA Certified Organic Avocado Oil, 90 Mini Softgels, Non-GMO, Soy Free, Gluten Free, Supports Immune Function & Healthy Bones + Teeth


Calcium is crucial for the organism and is involved in almost all biological and metabolic functions.

  •     Combined with phosphorus forms the mineral salts of bones and teeth
  •     It is essential for the blood to coagulate correctly
  •     Prevents cramps
  •     Reduces blood pressure
  •     Prevents osteoporosis
  •     Maintains the permeability of cell membranes
  •     Helps neuromuscular activity
  •     Involved in the maintenance of heart rhythm
  •     Maintains healthy skin
  •     Maintains PH balance, protecting the body from other diseases such as cancer
  •     During pregnancy reduces the incidence of preeclampsia (gestational hypertension or increased blood pressure)


The absorption of calcium, says Pichford, "requires an adequate amount of magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamin A, C and D. The body must have a good absorption of these minerals and vitamins so that their calcium is well assimilated."

Magnesium stimulates the production of calcitonin and, therefore, increases the calcium in the bones at the same time that it extracts it from the tissues. Many forms of arthritis are characterized by excess calcium in the tissues, while calcium is lacking in the bones, says Pichford.

Chlorophyll is in magnesium, so most green vegetables (full of chlorophyll) are valuable sources of phosphorus and vitamin A, so that calcium is metabolized well. And another essential source is the sun, vitamin D, the well-known vitamin of light. People who spend the day locked up in an office or who, in winter, do not leave metropolitan cities where the sun touches them in a flash has more calcium deficit.

But there is still more. Isabel Fernández , gynecologist and expert in orthomolecular nutrition and homeopathy, discovered in a study three years ago that the calcium that we usually eat in the diet is often neither well absorbed nor well used but there is a very rich source of calcium, the marine coral, which is absorbed practically in its entirety and also the body accepts very well. Besides being very rich in calcium, marine coral contains magnesium and more than seventy trace elements in a proportion very similar to that of the human body and which are fundamental for the body's enzymatic processes. It was seen that the intake of marine coral by the women analyzed, all selected in the menopausal stage, strengthened and recovered their bone structure, and after three months taking marine coral morning and night, there was evidence of a decreased risk of osteoporosis, as well as arterial problems, an improvement of its adrenal function and thyroid function. With the improvement of calcium metabolism, it also improved the metabolism of magnesium and other essential minerals.

Marine coral


The Natural Coral is fossil marine coral, purified and crushed. It is mined from fossil coral mines, on islands created by reefs that have been out of the sea for many thousands of years. "In this way we achieve two important objectives, firstly that no harm is done to the living reefs, so our marine coral is produced in a sustainable manner and has been awarded with the EcoSafe and Friends of the Sea stamps", says Per Bjork, responsible for Cien por Cien Natural, who commercializes the Coral Natural product, which respects the fragility of the reefs and the environment of the oceans. Fossil corals are used for its elaboration. Another very important aspect is that it has not suffered the current pollution of the oceans, having been out of the sea since long before human activity began to pollute the seas. It should also be noted that the Natural Coral is packaged without additives (additives that only serve to reduce the wear of the filling machinery), which allows dissolving the ground powder in water or, why not, as an alternative to milk to cut the coffee.

Fernandez confirmed that " the coral recovers the biological rhythms, produces more energy, deacidifies the body, vital for health in general. In fact it is a very alkaline mineral, the most alkaline mineral in the body.

The coral recovers the biological rhythms, produces more energy, deacidifies the body

The increase in vitality also means that the body does not have to extract calcium from the bones to balance its PH, which is why, over time, osteoporosis and other pathologies such as alopecia appear.

In fact, there is a very novel test known as HMS or Hair Metabolic System, a laboratory analysis that determines the mineral content of hair and that allows, among other parameters, to know the proportions of calcium with respect to other minerals that we have in the body (What shows us how we are in its absorption and metabolism, according to Jesus Dominguez, physiotherapist and naturopath specialist in functional naturopathy and often carries out this test. "It is a very valuable information because the content of minerals in the hair is the same as the mineral content of the cells of our body, "adds Dominguez.

Dominguez adds that, as far as calcium is concerned, it is very important to know that one of the most common findings in a mineralogram is the presence of excessive levels of intracellular calcium. This is mainly due to a decreased efficacy of the action of thyroid hormone at the cellular level.

"The mineralogram allows to see that there are also cases of excess calcium."

It is surprising how this elevation of intracellular calcium levels conditions, in addition to a diminished efficacy of thyroid hormone, tendency to hypotension, tendency to insulin resistance situations compatible with a slow metabolism.

Lilián Dous is a regular consumer of Coral Natural. "I started to consume it because it was recommended to me as a very simple option to maintain my health. At first I did not notice anything, I thought I had an iron health, but after a while I saw that it was not like that, although I did not perceive it, I had a lot of health problems, that although they did not make me impossible, they were there. Every two years I had a few weeks of terrible pain because kidney stones were forming, I was very prone to colds, I had backaches more often than I realized, etc. Little by little Lilian was realizing that all this had disappeared. The colds were reduced, the back no longer hurt, and over the years was seeing that he has not returned to have nephritic colic. And if that was not enough, a year later "I was forced to undergo surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries. I started to worry about my bones, since I do not drink milk, but the following year I did a densitometry and my bones were perfect . Two years later I had another densitometry and my bone mass had increased. Today I still have some bones in a state that surprises my gynecologist because according to him they do not correspond to my age. It shows me that when they recommended me to take Coral Natural they did me a favor.

Select your pathology and get fully informed

  • Osteoporosis
  • Arthritis


Once we know all that, we should worry about absorbing it well and knowing the recommended amount of calcium we need to ingest, which is about 1000 mg a day in adults and a little more in periods of growth (childhood and adolescence), pregnancy and lactation, advanced age (because less is assimilated), when there are heart and vascular diseases including hypertension, bone diseases and most disorders of the nervous system. And then there are calcium-inhibiting foods : refined sugars, alcohol, coffee, drugs and drugs, very little exercise, too much salt and too much protein.