Wednesday, February 13, 2019

DrFormulas' Best Probiotics for Women & Men | Nexabiotic Multi Probiotic with Saccharomyces Boulardii, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, B. infantis, Prebiotic 60 Capsules (Not Pearls)

Lactobacilli, bifidobacteria. What are probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a benefit to the health of the person who ingests them.

The immune system protects us from foreign substances for our organism, often pathogenic. Probiotics will help us fight these pathogens especially at the level of the digestive tract.

The way they act is to stabilize the bacterial flora and increase resistance to pathogens by improving and activating our defenses. They produce substances that help fight pathogenic bacteria and produce digestive enzymes.

DrFormulas' Best Probiotics for Women & Men | Nexabiotic Multi Probiotic with Saccharomyces Boulardii, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, B. infantis, Prebiotic 60 Capsules (Not Pearls)
DrFormulas' Best Probiotics for Women & Men | Nexabiotic Multi Probiotic with Saccharomyces Boulardii, Lactobacillus Acidophilus, B. infantis, Prebiotic 60 Capsules (Not Pearls)

Most of the probiotics until now were found in dairy products and certain foods fortified with probiotics, but the pharmaceutical industry is no stranger to these benefits and more and more products with probiotics that we can find in our pharmacy in the form of tablets, capsules, sachets ...

The species most commonly used as probiotics are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium . The Lactobacillus are BAL (bacteria producing lactic acid), produce lactic acid from carbohydrates, which facilitates the fermentation of food.

Some species of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria are normal residents or that frequently transit through the human digestive system.

In general, probiotics are giving spectacular results in improving intestinal transit and stimulating the immune system.

One of the most frequent queries in the Pharmacy is how to recover the vaginal flora. For this we recommend probiotics to strengthen the vaginal flora and in this way achieve the balance of the vaginal flora. For this purpose, there are oral probiotics or vaginal probiotics in the form of ovules.


Each probiotic needs a certain concentration to achieve the desired effect and each probiotic or specific probiotic strain serves a given treatment .

Today the most widespread treatments are:

  •     Treatment of acute infectious diarrhea in children and adults
  •     Prevention of diarrhea associated with antibiotics in children and adults
  •     Prevention of nosocomial diarrhea in children
  •     Prevention of diarrhea by C.Difficile in adults
  •     Help therapy for the elimination of H. pylori
  •     Reduction of symptoms due to poor digestion of lactose
  •     Relieves some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome
  •     Maintenance of remission of ulcerative colitis
  •     Prevention of postoperative infections

7 probiotic foods that help the digestive system

There are many people who suffer from digestive disorders. The rush to eat, stress, breathing incorrectly and, above all, the inadequate choice of food often cause flatulence, burning and other problems related to digestion. If you want to enjoy good health, it is essential to have a healthy diet and a healthy lifestyle. Probiotic foods are bacteria that favor the production of gastric juices and natural enzymes, which are necessary for the digestive process.

List of 7 probiotic foods that help the digestive system.

1. Soybean Tempe

Of great probiotic properties, soybean tempe is extracted from soybeans, through fermentation. It is also considered as one of the best meat substitute foods. Especially for people who do not like tofu. It is very versatile in the kitchen, since you can prepare it naturally in a salad, baked or sautéed. In addition, it contains high doses of vitamin B12. It has more than 19% protein and only 7.5% fat. It also has natural antibacterial agents, so it is considered, even, a therapeutic food.

2. Kefir

It is obtained by fermenting goat milk . It has many lactobacillus and bifidus bacteria. It has a large amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids. Protects and regulates the digestive system, as it contains lactobacillus, leukonostococcus, ctococcus and acetobacteria. It also contains yeast fermentors and non-fermenting lactose. They are bacteria different from those of yogurt, although highly beneficial and protective of the digestive system. We can find two varieties: milk and water.

3. Plum umeboshi

This species of apricot is part of medicine in countries such as China, Korea and Japan. Its name refers to dehydrated plum. These plums are dried in the sun on rice mats, exposed to the drops of dew and then dried again in the sun. That causes the plums to shrink. Then, they are put in a barrel with salt. The result is a fruit with a high content of calcium, iron and phosphorus, as well as proteins, minerals, fats and organic acids. Among other virtues, it is detoxifying, favors the alkaline balance, improves the health of the liver and intestines and prevents fatigue and aging. It fights heartburn.

4. Yogurt

It is one of the star probiotic foods, but, to obtain its benefits, it is necessary that it has been handcrafted . In addition, you should bring goat milk and contain probiotic elements, such as lactobacillus acidophilus. On the other hand, they should not carry excess fructose, sweeteners or artificial substances. That said, we understand that not every yogurt has probiotic effects in and of itself. These good bacteria form a protective barrier in the intestine and favor digestion and gastric movements. As a final result, they reinforce the immune system.

5    Organic bread

If eating wholemeal bread is good for your health, much more is consuming organic bread. And it is made with authentic yeast, unlike other breads, which contain a substance called phytic acid, which prevents the absorption of nutrients such as calcium, magnesium or iron. The mother yeast, however, neutralizes this phytic acid. In addition, the resulting bread is rich in complex carbohydrates, such as starch; low in fat; and rich in proteins and vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B6 and niacin), as well as minerals. It also has a lot of fiber, which benefits intestinal transit.

6. Fermented cabbage

Better known as "sauerkraut" , fermented cabbage is, along with kefir and yogurt, one of the best known probiotic foods. It is the result of the fermentation of cabbage or white cabbage. And it has lactic bacteria (lactobacillus and bifidobacterium), which, with fermentation, proliferate beneficial microorganisms for the intestinal flora. They improve the absorption of nutrients and digestion. In addition, it regulates the pH of the intestine . It is perfect to fight gases. But, in addition, it is depurative; has vitamins A, B1, B2 and C; and minerals such as iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. Strengthens the immune system, improves the condition of the skin and mucous membranes and helps fight allergies.

7. Miso

It is one of the ingredients kings of macrobiotic cuisine. Its protagonism is due to its versatility, but, above all, to its probiotic properties. The popular miso soup is very rich in lactobacillus and bifidus. But the benefits of miso go much further, since it was already used ancestrally in Japan as a protective food against pathogens. Thus, the miso is said to neutralize the effects of environmental pollution and minimize the sequelae of cancer in the body due to its alkaline effect.

Consuming these 7 probiotic foods in a regular way improves your health, since they are very digestive and nutritious and reinforce the body's natural defenses. In addition, they provide you with essential vitamins and minerals in greater quantity than other foods.