Saturday, February 9, 2019

Nature Made Multi for Him 50+ Tablets w. D3-22 Essential Vitamins & Minerals 90 Ct (90 (2 Pack))

The pros and cons of calcium supplements

If you are taking or plan to start taking calcium supplements to strengthen your bones or fight against osteoporosis, or for some other reason, do not do it on your own. Although calcium may seem like a harmless ingredient, it may have a negative side to your health and, in addition, interact with certain medications.

No one denies that calcium is necessary in anyone's life. It is fundamental for bone health and, above all, prevents bone weakness as we get older.

However, experts agree that you have to take between 500 and 600 milligrams of calcium per day, since the body absorbs this dose more easily. They even advise that if for some reason you have to take a dose of 1,000 mg daily, you should divide it into two of 500, so that your body can assimilate it.

Nature Made Multi for Him 50+ Tablets w. D3-22 Essential Vitamins & Minerals 90 Ct (90 (2 Pack))
Nature Made Multi for Him 50+ Tablets w. D3-22 Essential Vitamins & Minerals 90 Ct (90 (2 Pack))

Another of the medical recommendations on the proper use of calcium is for pregnant women. There are experts who advise them to take it so that the fetus can develop strong bones. Even so, my advice is that you never take calcium without first checking with your doctor.

The importance of consulting with a specialist is that calcium has side effects that you must have under control.

For example, taken in excess can cause constipation, increase the likelihood of kidney stones and make it difficult for the body to absorb nutrients, such as iron and zinc, from the food you eat.

Some doctors have indicated that if you take calcium in large amounts, this may interact with some medications, such as several that control blood pressure.

It is also important that you know that not all calcium supplements are the same.

Calcium citrate and calcium carbonate are the most common variants.

The body absorbs calcium citrate more easily. However, carbonate is the one that provides the highest amount of calcium but it is advisable that you take it with food, never on an empty stomach.


Keep in mind that the high concentration of calcium in your blood can produce unpleasant side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, excessive thirst, fatigue, muscle weakness and even confusion. This indicates that you should always be very clear about the dose you have to take and not exceed.

When you go to buy the supplements look for those that have USP on the label, which means US Pharmacopeia (American pharmacopoeia). These acronyms guarantee that the supplement contains the proper amount and will dissolve well in the intestines.

You should also check the label to verify that it is a supplement that does not contain lead (lead ), which can be extremely harmful to health and, especially, that of a developing baby.

For the body to absorb calcium efficiently it is necessary to take vitamin D, and also for this you should consult your doctor. I strongly advise you not to take these substances on your own, especially if you take prescription medications.

Possible risks

An analysis of 11 different studies of calcium supplements, recently published in the British Medical Journal , concluded that 31 percent of people who consume 500 mg daily of calcium supplements have a higher risk of having a heart attack.

"As calcium supplements are widely used, a modest increase in the risk of cardiovascular disease could translate into a heavy burden of that disease in the population," the study indicates. "This justifies a reassessment of calcium supplements in the treatment of osteoporosis."

An alternative

But sometimes it is not necessary to even take calcium in the form of pills, since it is found in many foods and you can obtain it naturally. For example, both milk and dairy products have a high calcium content, as well as other foods.

According to several nutritionists, a cup of yogurt gives you around 500 mg of calcium. Three ounces of sardines, with bone included, give you about 324 mg of calcium.

A cup of orange juice contains about 300 mg. and cheeses are also a good source of this mineral.

Spinach, turnip leaves, cabbage and broccoli, among other vegetables, are also rich in calcium, as well as almonds and sesame seeds.

It is likely that if you consume those foods often do not need supplements.