Saturday, February 9, 2019

Ddrops Baby 400 IU, 90 drops 2.5mL - 90 Drops (3 Pack)

Importance of calcium in the prevention of osteoporosis

Calcium to maintain strong and healthy bones

If you are interested in how to prevent osteoporosis, you need to know that there are minerals, such as calcium, which are very important to keep bones strong and healthy.

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the integrity of the bones, which can cause fracture of the hips, wrists or vertebrae . Although anyone can suffer from this disease, it is women over 50 years of age , the risk group with the highest prevalence.

These data are only the beginning to understand why there are so many people suffering from osteoporosis. One of the most important causes of the appearance of osteoporosis is the lack of calcium.

Ddrops Baby 400 IU, 90 drops 2.5mL - 90 Drops (3 Pack)
Ddrops Baby 400 IU, 90 drops 2.5mL - 90 Drops (3 Pack)

Unfortunately, those people, especially women who have not had a calcium-rich diet during their lives, are more likely to suffer from osteoporosis.

Why is calcium so important for the prevention of osteoporosis?

    Calcium is one of the most important minerals for the formation and maintenance of bones . Calcium along with vitamin D are essential to prevent osteoporosis. Unfortunately once osteoporosis is installed it is very difficult to reverse it, so it is very important to do everything possible to avoid it. How? Through prevention .

To prevent osteoporosis you need to consume foods rich in calcium . The best calcium is found in foods of animal origin, such as milk, cheese, yogurt and derivatives. Even, many of these products are added with calcium, to help avoid the lack of calcium.

In addition to these foods, there are other foods that also have calcium, such as nuts, from which you can make vegetable milks that can be a different alternative to cow's milk.

Unfortunately, today as children grow up children avoid dairy, which can be harmful to their bone health in the future. Therefore, to prevent osteoporosis it is important to emphasize prevention from small, especially girls (women, because of menopause, may be more likely to suffer from osteoporosis).

Osteoporosis is a highly disabling disease , so do not risk daily dairy consumption, avoid smoking, and above all, exercise.

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IMPORTANT: The mission of "Importance of calcium in the prevention of osteoporosis" is to help you to be informed, NEVER replace the medical consultation.

Calcium and its benefits

The human body needs nutritional sources to develop correctly throughout its useful life. Among these sources we have proteins , fats , carbohydrates , vitamins , antioxidants and minerals . But, there are some nutritional values ​​that take a different role than others in the basic functions of the person.

In this article we are going to talk about one of the most important minerals for the body, we refer to calcium . Also, we will find out why it is important to take it together in a balanced diet during the 4 to 12 years of age.

What is calcium?

Calcium is a mineral that fulfills functions of great importance in our body , as it is responsible for the strengthening, development of bones and teeth . In addition, calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body, that gives it a notorious importance before other minerals.

We know that dairy products are the main source of calcium, however, we can also find calcium in foods of animal and vegetable origin . You have to know that vitamin D favors the absorption of this mineral, so it is advisable to take the sun as a diet, since it is a vitamin that the human body produces naturally. We also need to know that, of the total calcium content in foods, only between 20% and 40% of the total is absorbed.

In addition, calcium is present in all stages of the human being , since during pregnancy and lactation the calcium needs increase in a valuable way. In adolescence and youth takes a role for the proper development of the skeleton . And in the old age stage it helps to avoid osteoporosis .

What functions does calcium meet?

Calcium plays a variety of functions in the body, including:

  •     It helps with the strengthening of bones.
  •     Protects and cares for teeth
  •     Contributes to the growth of bones .
  •     It helps to better absorb vitamin B12 .
  •     Stimulates hormone secretion
  •     Involved in the coagulation of blood .
  •     Play a vital role in muscle contraction .
  •     It contributes to the activation of enzymes in the chemical processes of the body.

Where do we find calcium sources?

  •     The main source is milk , yogurt , cheeses and everything derived from dairy products .
  •     Sunflower oil.
  •     Green leafy vegetables (cabbages).
  •     Seafood and fish (sardines, salmon and anchovies).
  •     Legumes and soybeans
  •     Peanuts and nuts

Diseases caused by calcium deficiency

You have to know that a lack of calcium can cause certain problems such as:

  •     Osteoporosis , which is based on decreased bone mass and increased fragility in bones .
  •     Rickets , which refers to bone deformity and low mineralization .
  •     Tetany , which is the alteration in muscle contraction .