Saturday, February 9, 2019

Superior Source - Vitamin D3 Extra Strength Instant Dissolve 10000 IU - 100 Tablets

Calcium: benefits and properties, functions and rich foods

What are the properties of calcium in the diet and its benefits for teeth and bones? Discover its functions, recommended amounts and rich foods.

Calcium is the mineral that we have in the greatest quantity in the human body. Not in vain the teeth and bones carry the highest proportion of calcium , with 99%. However body tissues, blood, neurons and other body fluids take the remaining part, about 1%.

The properties of calcium makes it the most important mineral linked to the growth , maintenance and reproduction of the human body , and as it does not help to strengthen the bones and teeth, keeping them strong and healthy.

Superior Source - Vitamin D3 Extra Strength Instant Dissolve 10000 IU - 100 Tablets
Superior Source - Vitamin D3 Extra Strength Instant Dissolve 10000 IU - 100 Tablets

Another benefit of calcium is that it helps blood clotting, nerve signals, relaxation and muscle contraction, as well as the release of some hormones; similarly, it is fundamental for the normal heartbeat.

Calcium functions

  •     It forms part of both the teeth and the bones, as well as the tissues.
  •     Necessary for the correct coagulation of the blood.
  •     Actively participates in muscle contraction.
  •     It participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, by finding it inside the cells of our body.
  •     Stimulates the secretion of hormones.
  •     It contributes to the activation of different enzymes, which act as gauges in chemical reactions.
  •     It participates in the permeability of cell membranes.
  •     It helps in the absorption of vitamin B12 (cobalamin).

Benefits of calcium

In addition to the calcium functions indicated in the previous section, it also provides the following benefits:

  •     It helps us to enjoy strong bones and teeth.
  •     Correct blood coagulation.
  •     Helps to avoid osteoporosis, especially in women over 35 years.

Recommended daily amounts of calcium
         Age     mens     Women
  •     0-6 months     210     210
  •     7-12 months     270     270
  •     1-3 years     500     500
  •     4-8 years     800     800
  •     9-13 years     1300     1300
  •     14-18 years     1300     1300
  •     19-50 years     1000     1000
  •     +51 years     1200     1200
  • Pregnancy and lactation     -18 years         1300
  • Pregnancy and lactation     +18 years         1000
  • Deficiency symptoms of calcium deficiency

Calcium deficit can cause:

  •     Osteoporosis (decreased bone mass, as well as increased bone fragility).
  •     Rickets (bone deformity and low mineralization in the bones).
  •     Tetany (alteration of muscle contraction).

What are the foods richest in calcium?

Here is a complete table with information about some of the foods with a higher calcium content.

In this sense, we indicate the amount of calcium in food and drinks per 100 grams.

  • Fresh manchego cheese        475 mg   
  • Sardines in oil        405 mg   
  • Almonds        243 mg   
  • Hazelnuts        240 mg   
  • Norway lobster        220 mg   
  • Prawns        218 mg   
  • Prawns        218 mg   
  • Yogurt        155 mg   
  • Dried figs        152 mg   
  • Chickpeas        148 mg   
  • Pistachios        125 mg   
  • Cow milk        120 mg   
  • White beans        119 mg   
  • Chard        114 mg   

As we see, there are many foods that contain calcium , but mainly and always calcium is associated with milk and dairy products , such as yogurt, cheese, butter.

In many occasions we associate the calcium level with the fat that the food may contain, but this aphorism is not at all true, since calcium has nothing to do with the proportion of fat that milk, yoghurt, yogurt can contain. butter or other foods rich in calcium.

Other foods rich in calcium, are vegetables, such as broccoli, common cabbage, kale, mustard, or Chinese cabbage.

Also sardines, salmon, shellfish, almonds and dried vegetables are other sources of calcium.

There are some processed foods for those people who do not usually eat so many dairy products, and that serve as a source of increase in this mineral, are those products such as breads and orange juices that contain a sufficient amount of calcium for the body.

If there is a certain lack of calcium in the body, people can develop a condition that leads to osteoporosis , hypertension or other disorders.

However, there are other people who are lactose intolerant , that is to say, it is difficult for them to digest the milk sugar and therefore, different dairy products have been prepared, which carry the calcium that can not be supplied by said milk or are replaced by others such as rice milk, soy milk , almond milk , which contains the necessary calcium.