Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Gripper Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count

How to organize a separate collection of waste at home

Hefty Gripper Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count

How to organize a separate collection of waste at home: a simple instruction from mom

Mom and ecotrener on how to beat stereotypes and start sorting household waste.
According to Greenpeace, in Russia about 70 million tons of household garbage (400-500 kg per year from each Russian) are generated annually, about 96% of the garbage goes to landfills and landfills, and only 4% is recycled.

There are about 14,000 landfills in the country with a total area of ​​more than 4 million hectares.

This area is comparable to the area of ​​Switzerland and the Netherlands, and it increases from year to year! Every family in Russia daily fills up landfills, waste on which will kill the surrounding flora and fauna for hundreds of years.

Letiidor stands for the conscious consumption and recycling of waste, so we asked Marina Shalginsky, a volunteer of the “Separate Collection” movement and a mother of two children, to write instructions for us how to start separate waste collection at home and where to take them for further processing.

Marina Shalginskikh

There are three ways to deal with garbage - disposal (landfills), incineration and recycling.

Disposal and incineration are very dangerous for human health and nature.

Polluting our land with garbage, we pollute with toxic substances the water we drink and the air we breathe.

Recycling is the safest way to handle waste, which allows you to:

• reduce environmental pollution,

• return materials to the economic circulation and create new things,

• conserve natural resources

• create new jobs and promote small business development,

• reduce the number of landfills.

Mass and large-scale processing of waste is possible only when we separate the waste directly at the place of its formation, that is, at home, at work, on the street or enterprise.

This is called separate waste collection (RSO).
How to start a separate collection of waste at home
First you need to understand what kind of waste you have formed, to understand the basis.

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Many people do not know that we can often recycle up to 80% of the contents of the bin (for example, glass, plastic, metal, waste paper).

Before you take recycled materials to reception points, it is important to separate it from food waste.


Prepare recyclables without fanaticism and taking up extra space.

Start small. For example, from one type of waste, for example, waste paper.
Just fold it in a box or bag. Accepted: cardboard and corrugated cardboard (boxes), paper packaging, glossy magazines, office paper, books, newspapers, postal spam, notebooks and sheets of paper drawn by the child.

You can begin to collect batteries, which are dangerous to throw in the trash, as they pollute the environment. Now many shops accept them: ОBI, Lenta, МЕТRO, Globus, IKEA, VkusVill, etc., and are guaranteed to be sent for processing to the plant in Chelyabinsk.

If you are ready to collect several types of waste, then you do not need to have a separate container for each type.

Simply place another bucket or box for recyclable waste near your bin. IKEA now offers many options for separate collection, the choice of containers depends on the size of your kitchen.

Personally, under my sink there is a garbage can and a box for recyclables where plastic, glass and metal fall.
We have a box for paper in the children's room, as there is especially a lot of it.

A separate container is needed for hazardous waste (batteries, energy-saving mercury lamps and batteries), place it out of the reach of children.

Plastic bottles for water and soda, as well as bottles for detergents do not need to be washed.

But the packaging of milk and dairy products (plastic and glass), containers from the finished food must be rinsed!

Otherwise, mold will form, and plastic will be unsuitable for processing.
As for metal, you can donate aluminum and tin cans, metal lids from glass jars. They must be rinsed and compressed.

Tetrapak and its analogues (Pure pac, Tralin pak ...) is a multi-component package consisting of cardboard, polyethylene and foil, therefore it does not belong to waste paper. Try to reduce the purchase of products in Tetrapack packaging, choosing an alternative - glass and PET bottles.

If you know where you can take the Tetrapack packaging, before that it needs to be cut, rinsed and dried.

Recyclable materials need to be reduced in volume: cardboard boxes and packs should be folded, aluminum cans and plastic bottles should be pressed, yogurt cups should be inserted into each other.

Then the waste will take up less space from you and from carriers.

Not all plastic is accepted for recycling, so it is necessary to understand the labeling before transporting it to the collection point.

Please note that the plastic in the triangle is a number or letter, so they will tell us what kind of look.

Basically, all procurement companies accept two types of plastic:

• first (1, PETE, PET): bottles from drinks (water, milk, soda, mineral water, kvass).

• second (2, HDPE, PE HD): bottles of detergents (detergents, shampoos and gels, fabric softeners, etc.).

It is more difficult to hand over 4, 5 and 6 types and it is impossible to hand over 3 and 7, since they are not processed, and it is better to refuse to buy products in such packaging.
Detailed information on all types of waste is published on the website of the “Separate Collection” movement.

Determine what is accepted for processing in your city, and find out the nearest collection points.

All-Russian map of reception points (more than 50 cities of Russia).

Mobile application Ecomap - ecological map with collection points for recyclables and things for charity for Moscow and the region.

Find representatives of the environmental movement "Shared collection" in your city, they regularly hold actions to collect recyclables. Cities and links to groups in social. networks, see their website.

Muscovites can donate waste and things to charity, without leaving home, thanks to the “Collector” project. Leave the application on the website www.sobirator.rf, read the instructions on what is accepted and how to prepare things.

Ekotaksi - service for the disposal of recycled materials for recycling, check the prices on the sites:

Objectively assess the situation.

Are your family members ready for change?

If not, then you do not need to insist, just say that it is important for you, you want to try and gradually, looking at you, they will also join the separate collection. It is tested on many families.

For example, I asked my mother-in-law to give me batteries when we come to visit, because they are not at all difficult to collect. Three years have passed, and now it does not dispose of other valuable waste that can be recycled.

Evaluate if you have additional space for accumulating waste, because before sending it to the collection point for recyclable materials, they will need to be stored at home (I have space on the balcony, sometimes I put the bags in the trunk of the car and, when a certain amount accumulates, I bring it to the warehouse of the Collector ").

Analyze how quickly certain types of waste accumulate in you, and decide at which receiving points and how often you will hand them over.
Assessing the volumes and types of waste, think about reducing them - you can simply give up something and replace it with more environmentally friendly reusable items.

If you live in your home, food waste can be composted. Some city dwellers, too, do not emit organic matter - it can be frozen or dried, and then transported to the country and fertilize the soil.

Another option is to install a dispenser, an appliance that crushes food waste in the kitchen and flushes it down the drain.

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Some types of waste are not yet recycled in Russia, for example, diapers. Therefore, it is better to give preference to reusable or biodegradable diapers and diapers.

Each of us can make our world better. By changing our behavior, we can change the world around us. And the reward for this is a clean Future for yourself and your children, the possibility of a healthy life for future generations and a clear conscience.

If you have any questions, you can contact the “Separate Collection” movement or personally to the author of the article.
Hefty Gripper Tall Kitchen Trash Bags - 13 Gallon, 80 Count