Thursday, July 11, 2019

Hefty Ultra Strong Blackout Kitchen Trash Bags - Clean Burst, 13 gallon, 80Count

Waste sorting : meaning, equipment, country experience

Hefty Ultra Strong Blackout Kitchen Trash Bags - Clean Burst, 13 gallon, 80Count

Sorting of garbage and waste (MSW)

To recycle waste, you need to pre-sort it. In developed countries, there is a separate collection of garbage, so its processing there is carried out qualitatively and environmentally safe. In Russia, there is not yet such a developed system; therefore, in order to recycle mixed MSW, they need to be sorted at factories.

The meaning and meaning of sorting

Sorting garbage is one of the steps carried out before the immediate processing of waste. In the process, components are selected from the collected mixed mass of MSW, i.e. share waste on various grounds into different groups. Garbage is sorted at waste sorting and recycling plants using special equipment. The value of sorting is to isolate certain types of waste from their mixture and in a convenient form to send for appropriate processing.

Often the term “waste sorting” is confused with the concept of “ separate garbage collection ”, but this is not the same thing. The second concept involves the separation of different types of utilities at the collection stage. For this purpose, containers of different colors are installed, each of which is designed for specific wastes (plastic, paper, glass, etc.).

How is trash sorted

We consider the process of sorting MSW (MSW) on the example of the recently opened Russia's largest waste sorting plant (Tyumen). The technology of this enterprise includes the following steps:

Undisposed waste is fed to the conveyor. In the first workshop, they manually separate the types of garbage that can disrupt equipment: stones, metal, ceramic and other components.
Then the garbage is divided into parts depending on the diameter.
Further waste is sorted by materials: plastic, paper, etc. In compressed bales, they are sent to recycling plants.

waste sorting
Kitchen waste sorting system

That's right, if separate collection of garbage begins to be made at home. For this, special devices can be used - waste sorting systems for washing. They are designs with several containers for different types of garbage.

Designed for such systems for kitchen cabinets and installed under the sink. Structures can be retractable (on rails), there are also systems that attach to the opening door of the cabinet. Also sold are those types of devices in which the collection of waste occurs through the neck in the sink. Good systems are made from high-quality polymers that prevent the smell of garbage from spreading in the apartment. Stand-in sorting structures are expensive.

kitchen sorting system
Sorting garbage in Russia

Recycling and sorting of waste in our country is poorly developed. Sorting garbage, or rather, to produce its separate collection should be started next to the sources of MSW. Those. Russians themselves must separate different types of waste . To do this, you need to install special containers everywhere (for organics, plastics, paper, etc.).

In our country, for the most part, ordinary garbage cans are standing where mixed waste is dumped. In unsorted form, they can be sent to processing plants, while the processing process is more expensive (because pre-sorting is necessary), and the final product turns out to be of lower quality. For these reasons, mixed waste in Russia is most often subjected to thermal decomposition at incineration plants or dumped at landfills.

Garbage sorting abroad

Much better grading of MSW is carried out in European and other developed countries.

In Germany (as in most other European countries) the costs of waste sorting at processing plants are minimized, because the Germans themselves conscientiously abide by the rules of separate garbage collection.

All Germans have in their apartments bins and bags that contain different types of garbage. Separately collected waste Germans are placed in outdoor containers of different colors. Then, utilities also produce a separate collection of waste from containers and deliver sorted garbage to plants for the disposal of specific types of waste.

A German resident who throws garbage in the wrong place will be held accountable (usually in the form of fines). If the candy wrapper is intentionally thrown not into an urn, but conditionally next to it, then the German will pay a fine of 35 euros.


Sorting garbage in Italy should also be the people themselves (the law began to act relatively recently). In large cities, special tanks of different colors are installed for this purpose. Residents of very small settlements dispose of various types of waste on a schedule. Italians hand over dangerous and bulky garbage to specialized points.

Waste storage takes place using special packages. For example, organic components are discarded in biodegradable bags. For non-compliance with the established requirements fines are issued.

The Czech Republic also has a law (185/2001), according to which Czechs must properly dispose of waste. Sorting of garbage is carried out at home, then the differentiated utilities are sent to the tanks for separate collection.
bins in the Czech Republic
Instead of ordinary garbage bins on the streets of the Czech Republic

The rules for garbage sorting by the Japanese are different from similar principles in European countries. But residents themselves are also sorting waste.

Usually in Japan, all garbage is divided into 4 types. Waste can be incombustible, combustible, recyclable and bulky. Different types of garbage are thrown away in various packages that differ in color and volume. Bulky junk is marked with a special sticker. Separate waste collection is regulated by persons working on the garbage truck.

Garbage is collected at a certain time by which the Japanese expose their filled trash bags. They are transparent, so employees can check how correctly the sorting is done. Garbage bags are not accepted. The offender will need to re-sort, otherwise they can write out a fine.

bins in japan

In developed countries, sorting waste is reduced to separate garbage collection, since the residents of these states strictly comply with all requirements and are interested in preserving their ecology. Russia, on the other hand, has yet to go through an uneasy way to achieve a well-established system of separate waste collection.
Sorting MSW as a business

The actual business idea is to open a garbage sorting plant, city authorities can help in its implementation. However, it should be borne in mind that this is a costly business associated with the execution of a number of necessary documents, including a license to sort household waste (if they will have 1-4 hazard class). A sample business plan for sorting garbage can be found on the Internet.

sorting complex project
Technical equipment

To sort the garbage, you need special equipment, which can be divided into types:

automatic or manual sorting:
stationary and mobile;
with the automobile or railway course.

Equipment can be of European and domestic production. At the same time, the waste sorting complex includes:

site for special transport;
weight platform;
overpass for transport for unloading waste;
main production facility;
warehouses for recycled materials and areas for its removal.

waste sorting line
Sorting lines

Consider a sorting line on the example of waste sorting complex for 20 thousand tons of solid waste per year from the company Netmus. It consists of:

a chain conveyor that delivers debris from the pit to the platform;
belt sorting conveyor;
a chain conveyor for supplying sorted waste to a press;
belt reversible conveyor that removes "sorting tails";
sorting platform;
the presses reducing volumes of waste and forming briquettes from salvage;
magnetic separator;
automated control system.

The complex can also be equipped with bag breakers, shredders, various types of separators, PET bottles perforators, packaging machines, etc. To find out how much net sorting equipment costs from Netmus, you need to fill in the commercial offer form on the official website.

The cost of lines depends on its performance, composition, etc. For example, the Chelyabinsk company ESAIDI Engineering sells the VtorTech-60 sorting line with a capacity of up to 60 thousand tons of solid waste per year for 3 million 490 thousand rubles.

An overview of the equipment included in the waste sorting complex from the Netmus company and intended for processing of 50 thousand tons of MSW annually is presented in this video:

Waste sorting is a laborious process, but it is necessary to get recycled materials and new products from it. Sort garbage more correctly at the stage of its collection. However, in our country, separate collection of garbage is associated with a number of problems, the main ones are the need for large financial investments and the education in people of a waste separation culture.

Hefty Ultra Strong Blackout Kitchen Trash Bags - Clean Burst, 13 gallon, 80Count