Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Nature's Bakery Whole Wheat Fig Bars, 1- 12 Count Box of 2 oz Twin Packs (12 Packs), Original Fig, Vegan, Non-GMO, Packaging May Vary

Grain-based food consumption trends

Nature's Bakery Whole Wheat Fig Bars, 1- 12 Count Box of 2 oz Twin Packs (12 Packs), Original Fig, Vegan, Non-GMO, Packaging May Vary

Consumption data for cereals and cereal-based foods are intertwined with a number of trends. The main factors affecting trends in the world include demographic characteristics, different lifestyles and consumer behavior. Consumer trends that affect the movement of cereal-based foods through the food system include food market trends, food processing / production trends, and agricultural trends. The trends in the consumption of cereal products will be mainly determined by marketing, accessibility, food safety, increasing demand for ready-to-eat foods and out-of-home consumption.

Food is an integral part of people's daily lives. Beyond being a simple daily function, food is important for human health and happiness. Nutrition is the adequate and balanced intake of each of the energy and nutrients necessary for human growth and development, regeneration and functioning of tissues and the proper use in the body. Nutritional diversity and nutrient intake are very important in nutrition. Milk and dairy products, meat, eggs, legumes group, vegetables and fruit group and bread and cereal group are grouped under four headings. Consumption of cereals and cereal products is as old as human history and has an important place in our nutrition.

Food processing began in the prehistoric period. Parallel to the increase in agriculture and animal husbandry, it has been an inevitable fact to reduce our losses due to the deterioration of foods and to protect our foods in order to survive in times of famine. Food has a structurally complex structure and consumer preferences are at the forefront. Consumer preferences are an intersection of many factors. Factors influencing food selection can be detailed as follows.

1. Physiological Factors: Physiological factors affect the body's need and desire for food. It should contain sufficient nutrients for the body to stay healthy and work properly. Physiological factors determine the level of hunger, appetite, nutritional requirements (size / type of body, age, activity level, gender, health status), personal eating and drinking reactions, values, beliefs and attitudes, habits and self.

2. Psychological Factors: Psychological factors may play a more dominant role in our food choices than other factors. Motivation, intuition, learning, perception, attitude and personality are all psychological factors.

3. Social Factors: Cultures or societies in which people live affect the choice of food along with the contact of individuals (social factors). Beliefs, traditions and taboos are influential factors. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the media, which is a part of daily life, in making certain food preferences of individuals is indisputable. When choosing food, lifestyle, work and education, the size of the family and the importance and place of hospitality in the social group are also important. Culture, subculture and traditions, lifestyle (occupation, education, geographical location (ecology), social interaction, family, household structures and roles), roles and statuses, social class and social interaction, reference groups, media, circle of friends and peer groups, hospitality at home, social factors.

Culture determines the way of life of mankind as members of every society. The forms of consumption of the society, their needs, the order of priority of the needs and the satisfaction of the needs are a function of the culture. Cultural values ​​affect consumer behavior and therefore consumption. Cultural values ​​are learned through social interaction in the family, school and workplace and strongly influence individual behavior. Culture is the most important determinant of one's desires and behaviors.

Each culture consists of smaller subcultures that describe the more specific identification and sociolization of its members. Nationalities, religions, racial groups and geographical regions constitute the subculture. Religious, racial, national, regional and similar groups form subcultures.

Traditions are events that are repeated at certain times by members of a group or community. Special occasions include many traditional and special foods. Celebrations and social events often involve food, and food is often the focus of the event. Family traditions often revolve around food, as do most important societal and cultural traditions in most societies. For example; birthday cakes, celebrations with easter painted boiled eggs or egg-shaped candies or chocolates.

4. Economic Factors: Economic conditions, the cost of food, available resources and occupational and financial power are sub-breakdowns of economic factors.

These factors have a strong impact on consumer behavior related to food and cereals. Consumer wishes and concerns today play a decisive role in consumer tendencies by overcoming consumer needs. When the general evaluation of the society is made, consumers are informed that today's developing technologies, especially food processing practices increase food insecurity, the increasing picture of obesity, environmental concerns, food safety, sustainability and losses, waste-related concerns, food-environment, food-energy contexts and large agricultural enterprises. Concerns about food and grain are made by taking into account social norms that affect attitudes towards food producers. Today, unfortunately, social media channels constantly change consumer attitudes and ideas and make it difficult for the food sector to follow consumers. Likewise, the rapid dissemination of erroneous information, irrespective of food accuracy, undermines food reputation. Whether the information conveyed to the consumer is true or false, the perception and attitude adopted by the consumer directs the market.

International Consumer Trends
The trend towards the consumption of high-value food products at all income levels is increasing globally in societies. While changes in income affect consumption patterns, increasing urbanization is an important driving force. The Internet changes education and out-of-home consumption, shifts from jobs requiring more energy to more established ones, income level, food and cereal choices both positively and negatively. Individuals trapped in urban ghettos are shifting their diet to cheap, easily accessible calorie sources that may be poor choices in terms of nutrient density.
However, in emerging economies such as China and Mexico , consumers are shifting their food purchases from traditional cereal and other carbohydrate-rich diets, to more expensive caloric sources such as meat and dairy products, and to more packaged foods such as breakfast cereals, frozen foods and prepared meals. The fastest growth rate in the breakfast cereal category in the market is expected to occur in the Asia Pacific region due to the factors mentioned above.

Some consumption trends affect health positively or negatively. The trend reflecting the demand for healthier cereals and cereals is occurring globally in many regions. However, there is a tendency to consume cereal-based desserts, pastries and snacks, which take up very little space in the elements of a healthy diet and cause many unnecessary calorie intake.

Urbanization and the gathering of people from various regions and different ethnic groups at certain points, in terms of the combination of food and cereals, introduces different groups to each other's food cultures while at the same time demonstrating an expanding range of food with their interaction. Similarly, today's travel opportunities and requirements give people access to the food cultures of different regions. Considering that cereal-based products have an important place in the menu of many cultures, cereal-based products have a large share in this interaction and the development of food range.

Following Consumer Trends
International organizations and governments monitor the availability and availability of cereal-based foods due to their importance and quality. States' monitoring systems vary from country to country. For example, the US can track consumer demand for food through the Department of Agriculture ( USDA ) and the Economic Research Service (ERS). Therefore, these data affect all areas of food processing from crop types grown by farmers to the presentation of these products to consumers. In addition, USDA and ERS data on the cultivation, yield, storage and other important data of important cereals ( wheat and rice) and main forage cereals ( corn , barley , oats and sorghum) are important sources of opinion on the quality of supply and storage of cereals. While these data provide critical information about public health and food safety for the state; public databases play a key role in assessing the risks associated with food intake and potential hazards in food, especially for producers in the private sector.

Similarly, international organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) are collecting statistics on the varieties of cereals and other crops grown and information about them. Generally, the data obtained by governments is country or region specific, but organizations around the world often collect general and governmental data on community food quality and availability.

The data on the collected food, regardless of the purpose, is used to track changes in the food intake model of consumers. It also helps to distinguish what the trend may be, useful in predicting the types and quantities needed for nutrition and market. Trends are determined through continuous monitoring of publications and social media, particularly in areas intersecting with health and medicine, energy and environment, employment and income factors, and food economy. Nutritional notifications of various authorities affect food preferences and communication. In particular, national and international legal regulations also shape what they can be sold in the market and what can be said about the products. For example, in some countries, cereals are taxed as a measure of obesity. This causes grain producers to reformulate to meet regulatory requirements and introduce higher versions of fiber or reduced sugar. Understanding the interaction of these factors helps to predict consumer food trends.

Trends in Cereal Use and Effects on Consumers
Globally, data on supply or lack of cereals is being followed in many regions. This affects the types of crops produced by farmers. Farmers produce products according to the prices that may occur. The data on the cultivated area, yields and other important data of important cereals (wheat and rice) and main feed cereals (corn, barley, oats and sorghum) shape the grain production. Public databases play a key role in the assessment of nutrient intake and in assessing risks associated with potential food hazards.

Global Trends in Wheat Consumption
In the 1990s and the first decade of the 2000s, world wheat consumption continued to grow in response to increasing populations and incomes. In parallel with the increase in meat consumption and rising wealth, this phenomenon increased the consumption of wheat and cereals which are necessary for animal nutrition. However, in some countries, direct human consumption is decreasing. For example, wheat consumption in the USA has been decreasing since 1997.

Wheat consumption per capita decreased in 1879 from one in four to 102 kg when working in agriculture or at high physical force. During the 100 years until the 1970s, the use of wheat decreased to 50 kg per capita in line with both the change in work and life, as well as the necessary personal energy requirements, increased incomes and diversification of diets. In 1997, wheat usage increased to 67 kg per capita. The increase in general use per capita between 1973 and 1997 was triggered by the following cases.

1. Changes in eating out of home and ready-to-eat foods and other cereal-based foods,
2. Rapid consumption such as breakfast cereals to enter into life more,
3. Widespread dietary guidance that promotes nutrition for fat and cereals with low carbohydrate and high coronary disease control,
4. A broader recognition of the health benefits of high-fiber, cereal-based foods, especially oat bran.

When the 30-year development of increased wheat consumption is examined, a series of wrong steps in the introduction of low-fat products formulated with cereals, highlighting the phenomenon of obesity and content quality, concerns about the decrease in personal energy expenditure, excessive weight gain and the increase in chronic diseases in 1997, are the reasons for the tendency to end the process. . At the beginning of the 21st century, consumers switched from low-fat diets to low-carbohydrate diets of various types. These ketogenic diets allow only 200 calories from carbohydrates. Thus, carbohydrate and grain consumption decreased. Consumer interest in low-carb diets increased after 2000. However, this trend continues due to the nutritional literature showing that it is a successful diet for dieticians.

It determines trends in carbohydrate quality and glycemic index in whole grains.
Grain and wheat products change over time. Since 2000, scientific studies on the health benefits of whole grains have been on the agenda in many countries with proposals to replace some of the refined and enriched grains with whole grain bread and cereals. Efforts to increase rye, oats and all other cereals have become part of healthy eating recommendations. In Europe, and particularly in Italy and France, successful launches of grain products have led to an increase in consumption of grain products. The G Whole Grain Council olan, which has international access, documents the increase in the number and categories of whole grain foods.

Today's data show that consumers in developed countries consume too much refined grains and small amounts of whole grains. Globally, it is a fact that cereal-based sweets and snacks and beverages occupy an important place in the diet of children and adolescents, and constitute segments where individuals receive significant amounts of calories. Since many of the cereal-based foods offer very little to individuals in terms of nutrition, the actions of health workers and the food industry are increasingly important in the efforts to diversify these foods and to create the correct portion sizes and consumption patterns.

Endiş Glycemic index (GI) önemli is an important parameter in nutrition, especially in the context of dietary advice for diabetics, in the context of concerns about the glycemic effect of foods, especially wheat and cereal products. While some countries, such as Australia and the United Kingdom, allow voluntary labeling of the GI parameter in labeling, including cereal-based foods, Canada, for example, has decided that it is not suitable for food labeling due to a lack of consumer understanding. Dietary guidelines in these countries encourage consumers to choose GI-valued foods that are considered low to moderate products of the same category. This type of labeling affects the type of selected cereal-based foods and shapes trends as an important parameter in the selection of carbohydrate foods.

Gluten-free wheat consumption, gluten and grain avoidance have become a trend in developed countries in recent years. This trend is also exported to some developing economies and is also adopted in these countries. The data published in 2008 changed opinions about the incidence of desert yak disease. These data show that the incidence is around 1 in 133 instead of 1 in 2500 and it is inadequate diagnosis. Data from the US, Finland, and even Asia Pacific countries show that the incidence of desert yak disease is increasing.

There is no consensus on the incidence of gluten sensitivity. However, it is characterized by a number of symptoms including gas and bloating. The tendency to reduce wheat and cereal consumption is driven by publications indicating that excessive consumption of modern wheat and cereals causes obesity and other chronic diseases. These publications focus not only on high sugar intake, but also on wheat and cereals, especially refined cereal products. Some publications make consumers believe that foods labeled as gluten-free are more nutritious than their gluten-containing counterparts.

It is estimated that those who should avoid gluten (those with wheat allergy, desert yak disease, and non-ethnic gluten susceptibility) make up about 6-8% of the population. Protecting this segment is very important. In 2014, 30% of the North American population was generally avoided from wheat and gluten. This is also a trend in Australia and New Zealand showing that 10% of the population is away from gluten. The UK has the largest gluten-free market throughout Europe. Germany has the largest market economy in continental Europe. Italy and Scandinavia also have an important market in this regard. However, all of these countries account for about 1% of consumers with desert yak disease. Compared to other European countries, the sale of gluten-free foods is low in France and Spain.

In terms of trends, the trend to avoid gluten is expected to have some effect in the future but will probably decrease. However, the trend is expected to develop at this point with the effect of those with desert yak disease, allergies and other gluten problems. In the future, interest in carbohydrate quality will increase. Changes in carbohydrate and grain-based food types will serve as another trend guide.

Rice provides about 20% of the calories consumed worldwide. It is very important in feeding about half of the world's population. More than 90 percent of the rice produced is consumed in Asia. These countries depend on the versatility of rice and continue to rely on protein content and high calorie value. From the 1960s to the 1990s, per capita rice consumption in Asia increased from 85 kg to 103 kg per year. In parallel with the increasing population, per capita consumption increased more than twice in this period.

Changes in the standard of living have changed the rice consumption patterns. In the context of increasing prosperity in countries such as India and China, the transition to higher-value foods such as meat and other products has slowed down the growth rate of rice consumption. In some countries, such as Japan and Taiwan, there is Westernization of diets, reduced family size, increased female labor market participation, and reduced rice consumption due to the aging population. However, rice consumption continues to rise in Southeast Asia (the Philippines and Indonesia), South Asia (India and Bangladesh) and many parts of Africa. After Asia, the second largest increase in rice consumption is in sub-Saharan Africa. In general, the rising population of developing economies leads to an increase in overall rice consumption. Rice has become an important substitute for those who need to avoid gluten.

In some countries, increasing income shifts consumers from rice and cereals to other foods provided by high-income consumers, while population increases in many countries compensate for the decline in world consumption. Worldwide rice production in 2000 was 600 million tons. Production in almost every area is estimated to reach 904 million tons by 20 times by 2030.

Corn, Oats and Barley
Corn, barley and oats are used more as animal feed than human consumption. Egypt accounts for one third of the world's grain production. Demand for corn as animal feed will increase. Globally, production has increased by about 50 percent due to the expansion of the cultivation area in Asia and the high yielding varieties, including genetically modified corn. Consumer behavior and acceptance of GMO maize in the world is an important factor and this situation should be examined in detail for the challenge of international trade and future production of the product. Because it is clear that this phenomenon will have a sharp impact on trends in feed or food use.

Only 15 percent of the maize is processed for human consumption, including ground corn flour and starch, sweeteners, corn oil and alcoholic beverages. Direct use of corn as human food is unlikely to change significantly, even in countries where corn is an integral part of local diets.

Oat is an important foodstuff in northern climates and its production has been stable for the last 10 years. The EU region is the largest producer of oats and Canada is the largest exporter. As the world's largest oat consumer, the US is the fourth largest producer in the world and the world's largest oat importer. Mexico is the world's second largest importer of oats, followed by Japan. Russia, the USA, Poland, the United Kingdom and the Scandinavian countries consume more oats than many other countries. In the United Kingdom, oats account for 3% of the cultivated crop. However, half of the oat product is used for human consumption. Approximately 50 percent of the population eats porridge (oatmeal).

Among cereals, oats are seen as a healthy cereal. This trend began with the 1980 oat bran ”madness in the late 1980s of research documenting the health benefits of oats. Whole grains and high food content continue to attract consumers with micronutrients, phytochemicals and high protein content among cereals.

The real trend for oat consumption is beta glucan. Data on the ability to lower cholesterol have been scientifically documented in many countries. This phenomenon, first presented in the USA in 1997, was followed by other countries. This interest in the health value of oats is expected to continue as consumers continue to demand high-fiber whole grains. New research on the benefits of oats for blood glucose control and satiety is of interest to consumers, and gluten-free oats production for those with desert yak disease increases the demand for oats. The only concern is that oats are the only world crops where production has shown a steady decline since the 1970s. The total decrease is about 60 percent.

Only 2 percent of the barley crop is used directly for human food. Malt production for beer accounts for 40 percent of the crop. Barley, such as oats, contains soluble fiber beta-glucan, which is associated with maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and a healthy heart.

In 2005, the FDA changed the view of health related to soluble oat fiber and coronary heart disease, including barley. Studies have shown that barley may have a significant potential for altering the GI parameter in humans. Furthermore, the richness of the outer layers of whole barley in terms of vitamin E content is important. Some consumers are also interested in using barley as sprouted grain.

Trends in Consumer Consumption
Calorie intake has increased since 1970 in many countries around the world. Despite accusations that excesses are due to a food group such as cereals, data show that food availability and consumption are increasing for all large food groups. The fact that more energy has been consumed in the last thirty years is the result of the fact that information that meets dietary recommendations for some food groups cannot be delivered to more people. Consumption data for children and young people show that they consume too many calories in the consumption of sugary flavors, beverages and cereal-based desserts. On average, consumers consume more refined grains with more sugar and fat, and small amounts of whole grain products. Only a small percentage of the population consumes the recommended amount of whole grain.

In order to reverse current trends, efforts should be made to replace whole grains with refined grains and to meet the total amount of cereal consumed in line with those recommended by nutritionists. It is not easy to predict how economic and agricultural conditions and policies, geopolitical climates, and technical advances will affect food pricing, sustainability, availability and costs, particularly with population, energy and environmental pressures.

Trend factors such as new health research, food safety and food fears and social media, changing social norms, the adoption of foods from other countries, and other consumer-related issues will continue to affect consumption, but forecasting will not be easy. We can monitor trends observers' comments and available data sources and trends and use them to answer critical questions about food choices.

As a result, consumption data for cereals and cereal-based foods are intertwined with a number of trends. The main factors affecting trends in the world are demographic characteristics (age, household size, household income, women in the labor force, education level, geographical location and ethnicity), different lifestyles and consumer behaviors (towards food habits and food preferences). Consumer trends that affect the movement of cereal-based foods through the food system include food market trends, food processing / production trends, and agricultural trends. The trends in the consumption of cereal products will be mainly determined by marketing, accessibility, food safety, increasing and developing demand for ready-to-eat foods, and out-of-home consumption.

Nature's Bakery Whole Wheat Fig Bars, 1- 12 Count Box of 2 oz Twin Packs (12 Packs), Original Fig, Vegan, Non-GMO, Packaging May Vary