Thursday, July 11, 2019

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As residents of the suburbs learn to sort the garbage at home

simplehuman Code K Custom Fit Liners, Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 35-45 Liter / 9-12 Gallon, 3 Refill Packs (60 Count)

How to organize a separate collection of garbage at home, told in the company "EcoLine", which will serve the Resurrection Cluster in the suburbs.

Only two containers

From January 1, 2019, the Moscow Region will introduce the simplest - two-container - separate waste collection system (RNW).

Containers will be of two types - for "clean" garbage, suitable for further processing, and "dirty", which is not recyclable.

According to Elena Vishnyakova, Director of Public Relations of EkoLine, it is worth starting small - according to the theory of small steps.

“It’s not necessary to immediately become advanced and separate plastic by types and markings,” Vishnyakova notes.

In order for the residents to be fully armed and have an idea about the RNO system, experts suggest starting to divide right today.

Basic principles of sorting

1. Collect useful waste separately from mixed household waste and food waste.

2. Remove the remnants of food and liquid, rinsed container

3. We press and fold the raw material compactly.

Most often, residents refuse to sort garbage, using the excuse that the kitchen does not have enough space. In the view of most people, a separate collection in an apartment is several buckets or containers standing under the sink. However, the place under the sink is not the only place for garbage, experts say.

The container for “clean” garbage (plastic, tetrapack, glass and aluminum cans) can be placed anywhere - on the balcony or in the closet, you can fit any kitchen cabinet under it, advised in the company.

Special perfectionists can order a built-in separate collection system for the kitchen. Today there are well-thought-out buckets and containers for separate collection, as well as fastenings on the door of the kitchen cabinet, on which it is convenient to hang bags or fasten containers.

The second popular excuse - no time to sort. But an experienced sorter will object: when garbage sorting becomes a part of your life, you stop noticing how much time you spend on it. The main thing is to start, and then it will become a habit.

What is “clean” and what is “dirty”?

The company “EcoLine” explained the controversial issues that may arise from those who are just beginning to sort the garbage.

Paper napkins - can not be recycled, throw them in the "dirty" garbage, there we send checks from the shops, sleeves from under the toilet paper, disposable paper cups and paper containers from under the eggs.

Plain paper, cardboard, newspapers and magazines - suitable for recycling, they are collected in a "clean" container;

Plastic bottles (any - from under water, milk, beer, oil) must be sent to “clean” garbage, after having washed them. EcoLine does not insist that residents separately collect bottle caps and remove labels (although the caps are most often made of a different type of plastic than the packaging itself, and many companies accept them for recycling). Ideally - twist the caps, and, having accumulated them, hand them over to the receiving point;

Tetrapak (bags of juices and milk) - such packaging is difficult to recycle, and still feel free to send it in “clean rubbish”, after washing and flattening it.

Glass (even broken) - send washed in a "clean" bucket.

Yoghurt cups - wash, put one into the other, and send in “clean” garbage.

Foil packaging (for example, from under a jam or mayonnaise) is sent to the “dirty” bucket, since it is almost impossible to wash it.

Plastic bags of any type - feel free to throw in the "clean" bucket, making sure that they are clean.

Vacuum trays for cheese and sausage - send in "dirty garbage." Experts note that such packaging contains harmful substances, therefore, it is recommended to refuse to buy products packaged in this way.

Foil packaging (for example, from under the curd cheese) - boldly throw in the "dirty" bucket.

Food waste (all possible types) is sent to the “dirty bucket”. Throw in packages that are contaminated with food waste and cannot be cleaned (for example, cardboard pizza boxes that have traces of fat).

Hazardous waste (batteries, batteries, fluorescent lamps) - can not be thrown into the garbage, they must be attributed to the collection points. Currently, in the Moscow region, batteries are collected in the network of large electronics hypermarkets, as well as in IKEA hypermarkets.

Old clothes and furniture - do not throw them in trash bins. Perhaps there will be new owners for this trash on the Internet.

If in doubt, send garbage to a “clean” or “dirty” bucket, pay attention to the product packaging. Next to the barcode, using a special marking, the manufacturer must indicate the material from which it is made, and whether it should be further processed.

For example, plastic marking is three arrows in the shape of a triangle. The figure inside the figure and the abbreviation under it will tell you what type of plastic this is, what the packaging is made of.

Thus, vegetable oil bottles or food containers are most often made of PET - polyethylene terephthalate (01, PET (E), bottles for shampoos and household products, bottle caps - from high-density polyethylene (02, PEHD (HDPE), these types recyclable.At the same time, PVC (03, PVC), from which blisters are made for tablets and cosmetics, is harmful.

Tables with types of marking and decoding can be found on the Greenpeace website.

Why sort

Up to 80% of household waste can be sent for recycling. As a motivation, it is worth remembering that you can make a children's bicycle out of 400 aluminum cans, and a fleece jacket out of 25 plastic bottles, the company notes.

“Only at first glance it seems that everything is very difficult. You will not notice how you will begin to “read” the packaging and understand the labeling, ”the EcoLine expert notes.

The next level is when choosing a product in a supermarket you are guided first of all by what the packaging is made of.

At the first stage of the introduction of a separate waste collection system, residents will be helped. An information campaign, tagging on containers, opening a “hot line” for residents - this is only part of the work with the population, experts of EcoLine-Voskresensk note.

In the near future, eco-lessons for schoolchildren will be held in the schools of the region.

“We have lessons for 3 age categories. Most likely, we will start in Lyubertsy, ”Elena Vishnyakova told reporters. The company hopes that children will be able to become a “conscience” for their parents who do not want to sort their trash.

Life hacking for advanced

Install dispenser

To minimize the amount of “dirty” waste, you can install a dispenser, or household waste disposer, in the kitchen sink. It is installed under the sink and grinds all food waste, and then flushes it into a centralized sewer system. A good disposer will grind corn on the cob and watermelon rinds, which means it will leave you almost without rotting garbage in a bucket. Adaptations that have been used in Europe and the USA for a long time are still new in Russia. Consumers are scared away by the cost of the gadget - about 20 thousand rubles for a good device, along with the installation.

Buy Vermicomposter

Vermicomposters are another advanced way of processing food waste, which is also suitable for residents of apartment buildings. These are special boxes with earthworms that recycle discharged food waste. Manufacturers assure that there is no unpleasant smell from containers, and the resulting compost can be used as a fertilizer for plants. High-quality Australian vermicomposter will cost about 10 thousand rubles, plus a starting set of worms.

Go to the store with a shopping bag

To reduce the use of plastic, it is necessary to abandon the use of plastic bags and start a “on-duty” container for this, go to the store with a shopping bag or fabric bag.

simplehuman Code K Custom Fit Liners, Tall Kitchen Drawstring Trash Bags, 35-45 Liter / 9-12 Gallon, 3 Refill Packs (60 Count)