Thursday, July 11, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Multipurpose Drawstring Trash Bags, 30 Gallon, 50 Count

Trash bin for the kitchen - a new kind of familiar things

Amazon Brand - Solimo Multipurpose Drawstring Trash Bags, 30 Gallon, 50 Count

There is a national sign that if the trash bin cannot be brought out in the evening, then in the morning it will be unpleasant to smell. And with a guarantee. Issues of removal (removal) and disposal of garbage are not just relevant, but burning, especially in cities and metropolitan areas.

But as they say from the global to the particular, so we will not think about the economic aspects of the problem, but come down from heaven and highlight these issues in the ordinary living conditions for a particular domestic family.

Royal, however.
Where to throw, where to make

And whether to do it.

These questions, simple at first glance, gave rise to a whole series of inventions that are used with or without benefit in our homes. However, before the ordering of information, I want to determine the general directions that will be covered in today's material.


Trash bin in the kitchen;
Garbage systems for the kitchen;
Garbage chute in the kitchen and in the house.

Well, that’s the great “trash path”, and if you add more garbage trucks with platforms and factories for recycling and waste, you get a whole production cycle. But that's another story.

But that's better.
Bucket evolution, semi-scientific treatise

Since time immemorial, from about childhood, when a person begins to remember himself, he is surrounded by some things that very rarely change in homes. Such things include bins.

The kitchen trash bucket has only one purpose and a practically unlimited service life, so the reasons for its replacement may not appear often, unless the child decides to check the strength of the plastic with a hammer, or the design is already pretty good. So it costs in the kitchen, complementing the interior design of the kitchen , and only the requirements for it are changing.

So, a modern bucket should have:

Enough roomy bowl or container . Everything is simple here. It is rare when in modern families garbage is taken out daily, and with timely sorting and possible disposal of household waste, this ritual can take place once a week.
Cover The lid is obligatory in cases when you store organic waste in a garbage container, as well as container after semi-finished products or bags after meat, fish, etc. products. Organics after a certain time undergoes, to put it mildly, a decay process, which is accompanied by appropriate chemical processes with the formation of a very unpleasant and characteristic odor. Therefore, it is desirable that the lid has a sufficiently tight connection with the bucket itself. And also this detail bears also esthetic loading.

The bucket is ordinary, with a lid.
Garbage bags . A relatively recent invention that quickly came into our life and stuck there, it seems, for a long time. The one who had the “happiness” to wash the bucket after staying in it for a long time will remember its aroma for a long time, and the organic and inorganic drips on the bucket will also emphasize the whole “pleasantness” of the procedure. It was to prevent such dubious pleasure that these bags were invented.

The garbage bag should ideally cover the entire surface of the bucket, and its edge wrap the top of the bucket 5 cm or more.
This is how it is possible to prevent organic matter or inorganic components from entering between the bag and the wall of the bucket.

Also buckets can be:

Ordinary , which can be called - trash can for the kitchen. In this case, this is a regular bucket with a lid, which is very conveniently placed under or under the sink;

Normal bucket.

Built-in kitchen garbage can. Variations are possible here: the built-in bucket can be rigidly attached to the inside of one of the fronts of the cabinet under the kitchen sink, or it can be pulled out on special fastenings - a pull-out bucket . Moving on the topic, I would like to note that the built-in trash cans for the kitchen in modern kitchen sets of leading European and global manufacturers are replaced by trash containers for the kitchen, which not only fit optimally into the set, but also allow for sorting garbage.

Embedded analog.
Sort, why and how

At least such sorting will already be useful.

The very idea of ​​sorting garbage came about a long time ago. Recalling the recent past of Soviet children, I would like to remind you of scrap metal and waste paper, which were an integral part of school life. This is where the primary sorting of useless metal and paper took place.

In private yards, food was left to poultry and cattle, thus solving food waste disposal issues. But what about the plastic you ask? We will disappoint you, at that time there was no plastic in such quantity, and plastic bags were thrown away only because of complete unsuitability.

And today, many types of waste are subject to sorting:

Named metal and paper, you can also take in the relevant paragraphs, and for the money . Not God knows what, but the economy;
Glassware . To hand over glass bottles is not considered shameful in well-fed Europe, moreover, there is a special badge on the bottles, which informs the buyer that the cost of packaging is packed in the purchase price and is refunded upon return;
Organic waste . In some houses there are special containers for this type of waste. More enterprising, using effective microorganisms, ferment organic waste and prepare from them special supplements and fertilizers for indoor plants, as well as for their gardens, the cherished six hundred square meters;
Plastic . Special mesh tanks are also often placed under plastic. As you know, PET packaging is perfectly recyclable. But in nature it decomposes very long;
Now it has become fashionable to install separate containers for used batteries and rechargeable batteries . Well, environmentalists are right, the fact is that the chemicals contained in batteries, with decay, almost destroy nature.

In fact, the sorting systems begin with the usual family kitchen, and the kitchen waste sorting system begins with containers as in the photo.

Three containers - three types of garbage.
From bucket to container

The blessing of civilization in action.

The bucket gradually gives way to containers. Manufacturers do not stint on ideas in such a matter as garbage collection. The trash bin in the kitchen has several advantages over a bucket.

Yes, judge for yourself:

The container is inscribed clearly in the dimensions of the cabinet under the sink, and modern developments allow on the internal parts of the kitchen fronts to place additional shelves for household equipment;
The container can have several compartments, which allows for the initial sorting of garbage in the kitchen;
The entire trash system for the kitchen can be easily removed, cleaned and installed in its fixed location.

Of course, the price of such a civilized approach to sorting household waste will be slightly higher than the price of ordinary buckets, but aesthetics require sacrifice. The only ones who may disagree with me are craftsmen, who with their own hands from multi-layer plywood will make products no worse than overseas. Yes, and they do not need any instruction.
Waste is left here
Вот такая наша действительность.

This is our reality.

The final touch of today's picture will be the garbage chutes. Not very long ago, living in a house with a garbage chute was considered, if not prestigious, then very convenient. Yes indeed, there is one advantage, but which one - threw away rubbish without leaving the kitchen or the entrance.

Yes, and the bin already has a purely symbolic character. It really cost extra surcharge, as when buying an apartment, and when paying utilities. But rose-colored glasses fall in the very first summer, when the stench from the garbage chute is terrible, and the number of insects requires an intensified intervention not only of all interested services, but also of the residents of the house.

Here you will become reluctant to philosopher, and think about the question that it is better to take out the garbage on the street in containers, or enjoy the dubious benefits of civilization. Although for some reason, these problems arise only among our residents.

If in the near future systems for shredding and briquetting kitchen and household waste appear in kitchen sets, this will most likely not surprise anyone. In the meantime, for now, watch the video and observe the evolution process from the bucket to the container system.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Multipurpose Drawstring Trash Bags, 30 Gallon, 50 Count