Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Glutino Gluten Free Oven Baked Bar, Strawberry, Naturally Flavored, 5 Count


Glutino Gluten Free Oven Baked Bar, Strawberry, Naturally Flavored, 5 Count

The grain group, which consists of foods made from wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal and barley, is divided into two sub-groups: whole grains and refined grains. Whole grains include every part of the grain, such as bran, seed and besidok. For example; bran flour, bulgur, oatmeal, brown rice etc. In refined grains, the seeds are separated by bran, in other words, processed and ground. This process, which improves the grain texture and extends the shelf life of the products, also destroys fiber, iron and many B vitamins. For example; white flour, white bread, rice etc. Most refined grain products are then enriched with B vitamins and iron, but fiber cannot be added to them. Some foods are made from a mixture of whole grains and refined grains.

How much cereal should be consumed per day?

This table is based on age, gender and physical activity (daily activities as well as less than 30 minutes of physical activity). Half of all consumed grains should be whole grains.

Group Age range Recommended daily Amount of whole grain to be consumed daily
Child 2-3 85 grams 43 grams
4-8 113-140 grams 57-71 grams
Young girls 9-13 142 grams 85 grams
14-18 170 grams 85 grams
Young guys 9-13 170 grams 85 grams
14-18 198 grams 100 grams
women 19-30 170 grams 85 grams
31-50 170 grams 85 grams
51+ 142 grams 85 grams
Men 19-30 227 grams 113 grams
31-50 198 grams 100 grams
51+ 170 grams 85 grams


• Fibrous foods such as whole grains reduce the risk of coronary heart disease and constipation.

• Consuming 85 grams of whole grain per day helps in weight control.

• Consume folic acid fortified cereals before and during pregnancy; prevents the formation of neural tube defects in the development of the fetus.

• Cereals are important resources for many nutrients; The diet contains fiber, some B vitamins (B2, B3, B vitamins, folic acid) and minerals (iron, magnesium, selenium).

• Dietary fiber in whole grains; helps to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease. Fiber; Also important for proper bowel function. It reduces constipation and diverticulosis formation. Fibrous foods, such as whole grains, give a feeling of saturation with less calories. Whole grains are a good source of dietary fiber; Most refined grain covers a small amount of fiber.

• B vitamins (B2, B3, B complex, folic acid) play a key role in metabolism. It enables the body to get energy from protein, fat and carbohydrates. B vitamins are also essential for the healthy nervous system. Many refined grains are enriched with these B vitamins.

• Folic acid, a vitamin B, helps red blood cells in women. Women of childbearing age, especially those in the first quarter of pregnancy, need to consume enough folic acid. Because folic acid; It reduces the risk of neural tube defects, spina bifida, and anencephaly in the development of the fetus.

• Iron carries oxygen in the blood. Many young girls and women of childbearing age have iron deficiency anemia. They should eat foods that are heme iron (meat) or iron-containing foods, as well as foods rich in vitamin C that improve non-heme iron absorption.

• Whole grains are sources of magnesium and selenium. Magnesium is a mineral used in bone development and in obtaining energy from muscles. Selenium, which protects cells from oxidation, is also important for the healthy immune system.

Useful suggestions:

• To consume more whole grain, you may prefer whole wheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of white rice.

• You can use whole grain products more in meals. Like vegetable soup with barley noodle or bulgur rice in casserole.

• Low salt or unsalted and lean popcorn can be a healthy whole grain snack.

• The color of the products does not indicate whether it is whole grain or not. The bread may be brown because of its molasses or other material used. Therefore, be sure to check the contents of the products.

• Prepare a choice of whole grain products for snacks or meals for children.

• Offer your children a choice of different whole grain products. You can help them prepare snacks from their favorite products.

• You can direct your older children to look at the contents of packaged foods and choose whole grain products.

Health elixir: Oats

If you want to combat stress, stay young and live the intense pace of the day, your address should be oatmeal foods. Do not miss the oat which has many problems from health to beauty, especially on cold winter days.

The Chinese discovered the vital properties of oats thousands of years ago. The ancient Romans didn't let it off their tables to store energy. The Warrior Vikings have often expressed their indebtedness to their breakfast food called 'porridge' prepared with oatmeal.

Oat, also called 'vegetable protein', contains plenty of protein, lipid, fiber, mineral salts, vitamins and B-group vitamins. When it is consumed regularly, it refreshes the body and reconstructs it. High-dose energizing properties of students preparing for exams, expectant mother expectant mothers, athletes, very cold in cold weather, often ill little children, growing children and convalescent patients come one-to-one. Oats are very effective nutrients in transporting energy to cells, transferring oxygen to tissues through blood and regenerating damaged old cells. Furthermore, it combines with heavy metals such as poisonous lead, cadmium and chromium to remove these substances from the body. Moscow State University scientists said that oats are a real health elixir rather than a very valuable remedy, and that the Russians have used oat flour for lead poisoning for many years.

Oat is sold in the market as flour, pate, oat grain, oat extract, muesli and breakfast cereal. You can prepare bread, sweet and savory pastries with flour oats. Or you can add them to the meatballs. Breakfast cereal in the form of warm milk you can eat by adding. With crushed oats, you can prepare different pudding. You can prepare beauty creams with oat flour and make health baths with oat extract.

To start the day well, eat oat muesli mixed with milk. At lunchtime, you can eat nutritious, hearty oat patties (5 tablespoons of flour, 5 tablespoons of oat flour, 1 egg and salt and fry it by adding a spoonful of hot oil). In the evening, add oats to the bath water for a comfortable sleep and a velvety skin. Store health with oat tea before bedtime.

Oat ID card

* Oats are quite a calorie grain. There are 390 calories per 100 grams. However, it is a valuable carbohydrate source because it contains 354 calories of the same amount of rice and 346 of pasta.

* Oats, muscles that refresh 'lisina' called a protein and regulates the function of nerves contains high doses of group B vitamins.

* Very good in 'good' oils. The so-called 'oleic acid' fats are very useful for the regular functioning of nerve cells.

* Oats are also rich in minerals: 100 grams of 53 mg calcium, 405 mg phosphorus, 4.5 mg iron and 268 mg potassium is available. Also a valuable magnesium store.

If you have high cholesterol

Fatty acids in oats are 'good fats', giving vitality and preventing the rise of cholesterol. It lowers cholesterol in the blood thanks to the fibers it contains.

Vegetable molecules, very similar to cholesterol in oats, minimize the intake of bad cholesterol. Therefore, when it comes to over-fat nutrition phytosterol in the content of oats prevents excessive fat in the blood. So oats are some kind of fat remover. If you have high cholesterol, do not skip oats from your table.

To relieve menstrual problems

Sudden personality change, extreme irritability, insomnia, melancholy, desire to eat too sweet ... Many women complain of these problems caused by hormonal imbalance during menstruation.

The solution is to eat oatmeal for breakfast and lunch. Oats help the function of the thyroid gland, balancing the production of estrogen hormone. Magnesium mineral, which is rich in oats, reduces pains by minimizing muscle tension in the lower abdomen. Phosphorus prevents common weakness and forgetfulness before and during menstruation. If you are suffering from menstrual problems, eat 1 week before the period and during the menstrual period. Two servings per day were ideal.

For the recovery period

Oat is a very useful nutrient for patients in convalescence. When the body is exhausted, oats provide relief for all kinds of physical and brain fatigue. It is a very energetic food but extremely light and easy to digest. Oats strengthen the muscles and bones by providing the body with the right amount of carbohydrates, B-group vitamins, iron, phosphorus and calcium. It protects the teeth and helps the nervous system to function properly.

Against inflammatory diseases

Oats are good for all kinds of inflammatory diseases. If you want to add to hot milk or oatmeal porridge (1 cup of oat flour and 2 cups of water to melt into a thick custard until it reaches the consistency of dark custard. Warm and then cover the area with warm towel) to prepare and apply to the diseased area. It is good for respiratory infections such as laryngitis and sore throat, sore throat caused by smoking and bronchitis. Especially in children with bronchitis, hot oatmeal porridge applied to the chest and back provides comfortable breathing, expectoration and cough. Oats are also friendly to the stomach because of their relaxing effect. To prepare oat tea, add 1 pinch of oatmeal to a cup of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. For flavoring with honey.

Against thyroid gland disorders

Oat is an ideal nutrient for the regular function of the thyroid causing goiter disease. When the thyroid gland works slowly, it causes problems such as fatigue, cold resistance and rapid chilling. With the thyroid, blood circulation is also slowing down. Problems such as fatigue and dizziness arise. If you have any complaints about this, eat oatmeal regularly at breakfast.

Against skin rash and itching

Oats, skin softening and relaxing effect thanks to the skin redness and itching relieves. Hot bath water added to oat grains eliminates diaper rash problems and dermatitis and inflammations on the skin. To do this, add 1 cup of oatmeal or 1 cup of hot oatmeal to hot water and mix. Boil, strain and apply to the problem area. Oat protects the skin exposed to soap irritations and sudden changes in weather. For this, apply porridge to the problem area.

Against diabetes and liver fatigue

Those with health problems need to follow special diets. The diet should be predominantly oat, especially when it comes to liver fatigue caused by thyroid disorder and excessive fat accumulation in the blood.

Oat is a cereal that should be included in the sugar diet. Because it's poor in sodium and sugar. Pectin and emicellulose (this substance captures the sugar entering the body reduces the concentration) thanks to low blood sugar.

For cold cracking hands

It is useful to apply extra care to the skin and hands that are exposed to external factors in winter. Oatmeal porridge in your hands cracking and frying from the cold. 1 cup of tea oat flour 2 tea cups until melted in water and cook until low custard consistency. After cooling, apply to your skin for 3-4 minutes and rinse with warm water. Your hands will be soft. If you do not use hand cream in winter, do not forget to do this application every 3 days.

Against insomnia

Our nannies would fill their pillows with oatmeal for a comfortable sleep. Today, 2 cups of oatmeal or oatmeal with added hot baths provide a comfortable and healthy sleep. If you wish to bath water, you can buy oat extract from pharmacy, natural store or spices.

After epilation

After epilation, apply a cream (or porridge) containing oats to your skin. The moisturizing effect of starch in oat content will provide velvety softness to the skin. Oats make the hairs grow later and weak.

Quickly greased hair

Oats shine and strengthen the hair. If your hair is oily, eat two meals a day with oatmeal. For example; For breakfast, eat oat muesli, and oatmeal custard or cookies in the late afternoon. Apply 15 days of oat cure for your hair. For oatmeal tea between meals.

For children with anorexia and frequent illness

Little naughty wastes a lot of energy all day long but usually feeds them with junk food. Mothers find it difficult to control how their children, especially those who go to school, are fed. Oats, which have high nutritional values, are very important nutrients especially for growing energetic and frequently ill children. Oats, known as growth hormone, 'auxina' contributes to the production of hormone. Oats are rich in amino acids (essential substances for protein synthesis), vegetable proteins and starch, which provide the body with long-term energy and help to regulate all the functions of the body in a perfect way. With calcium and phosphorus in its content, it accelerates bone formation in children and strengthens bones and teeth. Phosphorus is also essential for fat and protein metabolism.

Glutino Gluten Free Oven Baked Bar, Strawberry, Naturally Flavored, 5 Count