Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kashi, Soft-Baked Breakfast Bars, Ripe Strawberry, Non-GMO Project Verified, 7.2 oz, 6 Count(Pack of 8)

Karatay breakfast cereal Recipe - What is Karatay breakfast cereal?

Kashi, Soft-Baked Breakfast Bars, Ripe Strawberry, Non-GMO Project Verified, 7.2 oz, 6 Count(Pack of 8)

What is Karatay Breakfast? What are the benefits of Karatay breakfast? answers to questions. Dr. Canan Karatay. Here are ways to lose weight with Karatay breakfast.

What is Karatay Breakfast? What are the benefits of Karatay breakfast? answers to questions. Dr. Canan Karatay. Here are ways to lose weight with Karatay breakfast. Professor Dr. Karatay, "Instead of eating bread, you can lose weight by eating sensible products. Sugar and bread in the Karatay diet is called" sweet poisons "because these are the things that make you the most fat," he said.

As the summer season approaches, Prof.Dr. Dr. Karatay shared answers to questions about the Karatay diet:

"Plum, cherry, whether it is healthy fruits, contrary to what we know, because of the high sugar in the watermelon and melon is one of the products to be avoided. Instead of ready-made chickens you get from the marketplace called the village chicken, you need to consume free growing chickens.


Do not eat constantly while doing Karatay Diet. Insulin resistance cannot be broken when we eat often and when we don't spend it. Less food is not correct, in fact, 3 meals, but will be eaten as full. Breakfast is the most important meal of the 24 hours. According to the Karatay diet we have to eat very strong in the morning. You can eat 2 eggs or bacon eggs or menemen every day. We can eat as much cheese as our handful and salad. Eggs, feta cheese, 10-15 olives, 1 cup walnuts (or peanuts, almonds). Eat walnuts instead of bread. Those who want to lose weight in the Karatay diet will not eat bread because eating bread increases insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone that stores fat. When we eat less and more frequently, the oils are sent to this tank and stored. When we eat, insulin rises and after 2 hours it starts to fall and a feeling of hungry becomes apparent. When we have a very strong breakfast, we don't get hungry all day. At that time, the hormone leptin comes in and uses our own body fat as a snack. That's why we're not hungry. When we eat often, the liver and pancreas get tired. In the Karatay Diet, eating often is not right.


Karatay diet if you are hungry, do not eat anything at noon. You can eat a cup of hazelnut-peanut. Lahmacun is one of the healthiest foods. The dough should be very thin, the lahmacun is healthy in that: it has meat and vegetables on it, onions and parsley. You can eat a little lahmacun in a place you trust. You should continue this way until you lose weight. This is essential for the removal of liver fats.


Karatay diet is not a diet, it is a way of life. These important issues should be considered for a healthy life. We are a still society, we eat a lot of bread, we drink a lot of fruit juice. We could eat fish instead. Fish is a healthy food. Scientists, "sugar is the sweetest poison," he says. Place the sugar cubes on a slice of bread, the more sugar we eat, the more sugar we eat with the bread. You should avoid bread if you want to reduce your liver fat.


Foods with high glycemic index

All kinds of cereal flour and foods made of them (all kinds of bread) - roasted nuts,
All kinds of sugar, all kinds of sugary food, all kinds of sweeteners and diabetic products,
Rice, potatoes, baked carrots,
Watermelon, melon, grapes, fig, banana
Chicken, eggs and all kinds of fabricated products sold in the market, sausage, salami, sausage,
All kinds of soft drinks (including diet - light products), fruit yoghurt, granite coffee, all kinds of alcoholic beverages,
Sunflower oil, corn oil, margarine
Ground cereals
After 19:00 - 20:00 to eat or snack,
To be hungry from the table, to eat in small and frequent intervals, snacks,



2 undercooked eggs. It can be boiled and boiled in a shelf or apricot consistency or in low temperature pure butter without excess solids. Scrambled eggs, menemen, poached egg, bacon and bacon eggs can be made.
A handful of low-salt cheese. It won't be low fat, light or cream cheese! Sheep, cow or goat milk classic white cheese, old kashar, Erzincan leather overalls, Izmir overalls, Balikesir basket cheese and so on. local cheeses ... However, any bread, pastry, bagels and so on. Be eaten!
A fine certain tea cup with walnuts, hazelnuts, peanuts, almonds or groundnuts. (Nuts will not be roasted and unsalted!) 10-15 pieces of low-salt olives. (Olive oil, lemon, thyme and chili peppers can be added.)
Tomato, pepper, cucumber, radish, parsley, mint, arugula. (Natural and can be eaten as much as desired provided that it is in season.)
You can drink tea or milk with lemon. (Without sugar and no sweetener!)

OILY WITH PEPPER (can be made in four seasons)


2 eggs
1 teaspoon dry rosemary (crushed in mortar)
Crystal rock, black pepper, paprika, cumin (according to mouth taste)
1 teaspoon of butter
Feta cheese in a palms up

Preparation: Break the eggs into a bowl and whisk thoroughly. Put a steel omelette pan on top of the stove, throw the butter into it and melt over medium heat, pour the egg into the pan and reduce the heat. Sprinkle with a pinch of black pepper, chili peppers, cumin and salt. Sprinkle the latest rosemary. When the six start to cook lightly, fold the two sides inward and roll the omelette. Keep the interior on top of the stove so that it is not overcooked, then extinguish the fire and take the omelette on a serving plate and serve.



1 kg of milk
1 tablespoon home yogurt (heaping)
Glass bowl or earthenware pot
A large table cloth (cotton)

Preparation: Put the milk in a saucepan and boil well. Then extinguish the fire and allow the milk to cool slightly. When the temperature of the milk reaches the degree to which the pinky finger is stable, pour it into a glass bowl or earthenware pot and place a tablespoon of yogurt in it and mix into the milk with a wooden spoon. Close a glass or porcelain lid. Wrap it in a thick cloth and allow to stand for 6-8 hours at room temperature. Then put the fermented yogurt in the fridge and serve as you like. "


The Karatay diet, which was created according to the latest scientific data, was adapted to the Turkish people and Turkish cuisine with the latest information contained in the new nutrition pyramid that replaced the old Harvard nutrition pyramid in 2002. Dr. Canan Karatay is enriched with his medical experience. At the top of the Karatay Nutrition Pyramid are refined and processed foods, fruit juices and sugary drinks, which we call 'zero'. They must not be eaten or drunk!
Meat of fish, lamb, beef or game animals can be eaten twice a day.
Bulgur or wheat salad or rice can be consumed once a day.
According to the season, natural fruit can be eaten once a day.
Depending on the season, vegetables can be consumed as much as desired.
Classic white cheese can be eaten until plenty of olives are saturated.
At the bottom of the Karatay Nutrition Pyramid, on the basis of which are nuts, legumes, healthy fats (village butter, cold pressed extra virgin olive oil, Omega-3) and movement. Nuts and legumes can be taken three meals a day, healthy fats should be taken every day. At least 20-40 minutes walking a day is a must ...


Professor Dr. Canan Karatay, in his new book for mothers and pregnant women said: "Stay away from sugar, do not eat bread, do not touch your pasta, eat plenty of eggs.

Is it all about parents for a healthy baby?

Yes, but environmental factors are very important as well as parents! That's why I wrote the Karatay Diet book for expectant mothers and pregnant women. Not only during pregnancy, but also from the time when the baby-making plan begins, that is, at least six months before pregnancy, healthy eggs and sperm are found in parents who acquire a healthy diet and lifestyle. This is the first step for a healthy birth of the baby. If the mother or father is overweight or has an unhealthy diet / lifestyle, the quality of their eggs and sperms deteriorates. They also often work hard to ensure pregnancy. Infertility, the cause of which is unknown, is very common today! Scientific studies show that the most important causes of infertility are pesticides, hormone-based artificial foods, hybrid and GMO seeds.

What is the reason for insulin elevation?

Sugar and foods that turn into sugar in the body. Bread comes first. You know how much bread consumed in Turkey as well. The bread's glycemic index is higher than sugar. A person will not raise insulin, whether male or female, pregnant or not! As soon as the embryo has fallen into the womb, insulin levels begin in the mother. Because the body needs to be fat for pregnancy to go well. Insulin is the only hormone that lubricates the body. That's why there's a high insulin level in the pregnancy. So there's no point in raising that hormone by eating unhealthy! Pregnant women 'two live pasta, baklava, eat pie' should not say.

What to do if a pregnant woman wants to eat pastry?

If he's craving it, he's probably got some secret sugar. The real problem with pregnant women is that they have conceived without knowing that they have hidden sugar or diabetes. 60 percent of the human body is water, 20 percent is protein, 19.9 percent is fat, only less than 1 percent is carbohydrate. If this ratio is kept, the baby will be healthy and pregnancy will be good.

Kashi, Soft-Baked Breakfast Bars, Ripe Strawberry, Non-GMO Project Verified, 7.2 oz, 6 Count(Pack of 8)