Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kellogg's Rice Krispies New 60ct Treats Bars

How do the recent breakfast cereals foods threaten our health?

Kellogg's Rice Krispies New 60ct Treats Bars

Breakfast Cereals

For children and adults, whether it is a nourishing choice has led to many controversies. When the food labels of these cereals are read, the words '' whole grain '' are encountered, but the facts are not at all. Studies show that breakfast cereals are highly processed and contain only a small amount of whole grains. In addition, minerals and vitamins in breakfast cereals are not natural and are added artificially during processing.

Research on breakfast cereals designed to strengthen the immune system of children; it has been shown that children consuming these cereals are as sick as children who do not consume any cereals. In addition, a report prepared by EWG *; one serving of breakfast cereal contains more sugar than three chocolate chip cookies.

So contrary to popular belief; breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar, not nutritious. High sugar intake; obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, and so on.


It is a popular choice for weekend home and restaurant breakfasts. Pancakes containing eggs, milk, flour, sugar and butter are usually cooked with unhealthy cooking to obtain their own texture. In addition, the addition of jams, honey, chocolate and other ingredients on it makes the crepe into a high energy source with high sugar content.

Some studies; often shows that pancake consumption at breakfast increases inflammation * that triggers insulin resistance and increases the risk of obesity.

Muffins and Croissants

These products are often consumed in ready-made, packaged foods. It is also frequently found in the breakfast menus of restaurants, cafes etc. It contains substances that are too refined to be a healthy choice. Sugar amounts are very high. Chocolate-sugar particles and cream added to their ingredients also increase the amount of calories.

Scientific research on the subject; this shows that there is a continuous increase in the portion sizes consumed and that this increase plays an important role in the prevalence of obesity .

Bars of Granola

It is in the breakfast category. A variety of cereals, nuts and homemade ones can be considered a healthy snack. However, the fact that these bars are becoming more popular at breakfast tables alone becomes a major problem. It should be noted that although they are considered safe for most breakfast snacks, they cannot fully meet the nutritional requirements of a morning meal.

Research shows that fiber and protein content of ready-made granola bars is low. Another result reached from these researches; The combination of sugar contained in blood sugar levels and insulin levels negatively affect.

Trenches, Pastries and Bagels

When rushed to catch up with school and work, breakfast is often preferred to skip the meal. In their productions, fats that are harmful to heart health are generally used. It is also a danger to the health of the digestive and circulatory systems. In addition, the consumption of these bakery products, especially at breakfast, leads to the intake of fat which cannot be easily given, and thus to weight gain.

Trays and pastries, as well as preferred bagels, regardless of portion control , can cause many harm to the body over time.

Made works; The main reason for the high energy amount of bagels, sesame, which is an oily nutrient contains abundant amounts.


Since white bread and unhealthy fats are often used in its construction, this is not the right choice for breakfast or other meals. Research has shown that toast increases blood sugar very quickly. Rapidly rising blood sugar causes more hunger and therefore weight gain. In addition, the addition of processed foods such as sausage, salami to the toast is one of the important mistakes made in this regard.

Is it not possible to make toast healthy? Of course it is possible. It can be made healthy by using whole grain bread instead of white bread and with the right ingredients such as cheese, cheddar, tomato.

Prepared Fruit Juices

Consuming ready-to-eat juices at any other meal, especially breakfast, is one of the worst things done to the human body. Research on prepared fruit juices shows that these products increase blood sugar rapidly. In addition, as a result of changes in insulin levels, one feels tired and hungry. Fruit juices cause an increase in the risk of metabolic syndrome * because it affects blood sugar negatively.

Almost all fruit juices on the market contain high fructose corn syrup . Even those containing the phrase "100% fruit juice" have abundant sugar. Therefore, if fruit is preferred for breakfast, either the fruit itself must be eaten or squeezed to consume it immediately. Prepared fruit juices should be avoided.

Breakfast is a basic meal for the balance of hunger and satiety hormones. If the above-mentioned food consumption becomes a habit; it becomes inevitable to feel hungry, restless and tired all day long.

Although a quick breakfast seems to make life easier, it causes great damage to all systems, especially digestion and circulation. End-of-life breakfast foods that do not contain complex carbohydrates , are poor in fiber and protein and have high calories; it increases the risks of future diseases.

Of course there will be getaways in the meantime. The important thing is that awareness about the foods consumed can increase day by day.

Kellogg's Rice Krispies New 60ct Treats Bars