Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Rice Krispies Kellogg's Treats, Chocolate with M and M Minis, 5.64 Ounce

How to make a light and cereals breakfast

Rice Krispies Kellogg's Treats, Chocolate with M and M Minis, 5.64 Ounce

Breakfast has always been the most important meal of the day: it is a form of charge after fasting at night. Facing energy with the right calories the rest of the day. It is important to put one on the table balanced breakfast and following a few easy directions is healthy and appetizing at the same time. So let's see how to make a light and delicious breakfast.

lukewarm water, coffee, barley coffee or tea, skimmed or semi-skimmed milk or low-fat yogurt, whole grains, rusks or dried biscuits and whole wheat, jam and honey.
Add seasonal fruits to your diet
If you don't prefer cereal, I recommend eating 2/3 teaspoons of jam or 3-4 biscuits with honey or whole or dried biscuits. Never forget to add a seasonal fruit for breakfast, either completely or in small pieces, and add them to a glass of milk and cornflakes or a juice or fresh juice. Another good idea for a light but healthy breakfast is that it contains lactobacillus, which strengthens the intestines, and also a beverage based on live lactic ferments such as natural defense. Also in this case, you can easily find this product in the supermarket in the form of practical disposable bottles with different flavors. If you follow these tips, the breakfast will be absolutely delicious and light; The important thing is never to skip this very important meal.

Prefer whole grains with milk or yogurt
In addition to coffee, you should drink a cup of skimmed or semi-skimmed milk, hot or cold or alternatively a good cappuccino or latte macchiato. You can add a teaspoon of honey (also a natural sweetener) into the milk and add a handful of corn flakes. Supermarkets offer a wide range of brands and delicacies, but it is good to opt for whole grains for a really light breakfast. For those who don't like milk, you can easily replace it with low-fat yogurt, white or fruit, with the addition of always crisp cereals containing honey or chocolate. In this way, we provide the body with the right calories to start carburizing.

Drink a glass of warm water
There are many kinds of breakfast, from English to American, to the continent. Actually, we prefer Italian breakfast. How to make a good breakfast is very simple: first put the coffee, in fact there is nothing better than the smell of fresh coffee to awaken still sleeping neurons. For those who prefer, you can start with barley coffee or tea in the morning. A word of advice: before starting breakfast, drink a large glass of warm water, this way also helps the "awakening" of the intestine!

Never forget:

Even if you have very little time, never stop preparing a good breakfast to start the day
Some links you may find useful:
How to discover your ideal breakfast
5 healthy ideas for breakfast

Rice Krispies Kellogg's Treats, Chocolate with M and M Minis, 5.64 Ounce