Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kellogg's? Rice Krispies Treats? 24/1.3 oz. Bars

Be sure to include cereals on your table

Kellogg's? Rice Krispies Treats? 24/1.3 oz. Bars

Cereal products such as wheat, barley, oats and rice continue to form the basis of our nutrition culture, even if they are sometimes accused and sometimes justified. Stating that cereal products should not be missing from the tables, Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences, Lokman Hekim University. Dr. Nevin Şanlıer points out that consumption is the most important. In this issue, where we examine many aspects of cereal products, we wondered about questions about nutrition. Dr. Sanli replied.

What are the most consumed grains in our country? In what ways are they mainly consumed?

Wheat has been the most consumed grain in our culture since the past. We consume wheat as bread, which is our most basic nutrient. Other than this, bulgur, pasta, noodles, ravioli consumes a lot of foods such as. The most important source of our energy is carbohydrates. When we think about the nutrition pyramid, there's cereals at the bottom. Therefore, we get most of the energy from cereals and wheat. In addition to cereal products such as rice, pasta and bulgur, barley has recently come to the fore. There are also breads made from rye. According to a recent doctoral study, we found that beta-glucan was barley rather than oats. There are some activities related to this in our country. So what causes high beta glucan? It provides both the regulation of blood sugar and the decrease of blood lipids that we do not want. Lately, it has been treated as if everyone is celiac. Ey Do not eat bread, do not eat bread ”is said. We do not agree with this warning. We say “eat bread çünkü because it is our most important food source. We also consume a lot of pastries. But in bread and pastry, we recommend those made from whole grain, whole wheat flour.

Can you give us information about the amount of cereal we should take in our daily diet?

Turkey Nutrition Guidebook (TUBE), than we have as standard recommendations for men and women in different portions. For an adult individual, we recommend consuming 6 to 11 servings of cereals. This can be consumed as bread, rice, pasta can be consumed as. What do we mean by a portion? A middle slice is about 50 grams of bread, 60 grams of rice made of dry rice, 50 grams of pasta made of dry pasta. If the individual is swollen, we can increase this to 11 portions if he / she keeps a little more physical activity, or if he / she has more physical activity or is in developmental age. But let's not consume it as bread. We can recommend cereals as rice and pasta.


What are the nutrients we take from cereals other than carbohydrates?

Carbohydrate is the most important main source of cereals, but these include vegetable protein. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals. It is rich in group B vitamins such as thiamine and liacin. But if we consume whole wheat flour, it reduces the use of iron in the body a little more because it contains bran. Therefore, to increase the usefulness of the value of wheat in bread, pastry or buns of yeast dough we say. Because, when fermentation is done, phytates break down and the use of iron is increased 2-3 times. For example, zinc deficiency was first seen in Egypt and it was revealed that the Egyptians never used leavened bread. Therefore, we say that we use fermented flour.

Dean of Faculty of Health Sciences, Lokman Hekim University Dr. Contact Nevin directly


They do not recommend wholemeal bread especially for children because it prevents iron absorption; what is your opinion on this issue?

It is very small. For example, it is known that after 6 months, additional foods are started. We say that we should use whole wheat flour but not use bran. Because wholemeal breads prevent the absorption of all vitamins and especially minerals. Because whole wheat bread only has bran, that is pulp. But whole wheat flour has all the nutrients. Macro and micronutrients are all there.

Turkey and we are what we do is compare the consumption of cereals in the world?

We are a society that loves cereal products since history. When you go to Italy, pasta consumption is very much, when you look at the USA, meat consumption is more. But we are good at grain consumption. However, there has been speculation in recent times that in do not eat bread ve and this is not true. We need to do a lot of tests before we can call an individual a celiac.

What do you think about the intensive consumption of white bread in our country?

Let's not consume white bread. Let's consume breads made of whole wheat flour. I don't use white bread in my house. Because the more whitened a product, the more purified it is. Whole wheat flour is a little more yellowish. But as the bran leaves white, the starch part appears. We use whole wheat flour in cakes, pastries, bread, donuts. We can use white flour to bake cakes, but I use whole wheat flour in the cake at home.


Rice or bulgur?

Bulgur, of course. Rice goes through a lot of processing. The last one is polished and comes to our table. The starch rate is very high. But when we look at bulgur production, wheat is cleaned, washed and boiled. While boiling, all B group vitamins and nutrients in wheat pass into water. Then he gets the water. Then, after being dried well, it breaks up in the mill and becomes bulgur. So in the first beginning of bulgur is made like rice. Recently, there is a political bulghur. If you say ez Siyez bulgur diğer or bul other bulgur?? The amount of protein in the bulgur is about 16 percent higher. But other bulgur is also around 12 percent, so not too low.

50-60 percent of our daily diet should come from carbohydrates.


What should we pay attention to when buying grain products?

I recommend purchasing a packaged product with TSE certificate. It is necessary to buy the products of known companies that are not sold outside. Some citizens use food such as bulgur and rice without washing, but this is wrong. Since it may be contaminated with pesticides, it must be washed and used very well. By the way, very good washing process should be done in dry legumes.

In recent years, consumption of rapidly increasing oatmeal and so on. what do you think about breakfast cereals?

If the individual is not having breakfast and has a habit of consuming these products, I can recommend them to enrich and consume them. A few nuts, dried or fresh fruit can be added. I'm not against breakfast cereals too, it is available. Kahvaltı My time is limited, I can not keep up with work, school, kahvaltı breakfast is not said, I think that content can be enriched with a little more enriched with milk and without adding sugar. For example, if you add walnuts, you increase the protein content, you increase the rate of very important fatty acids. By adding milk, you can provide calcium support. It can also be consumed with yogurt and kefir.


What do you think about the consumption of cereal products?

2-3 percent in the world and 0.6 percent in our country have celiac. If individuals are not a celiac who has been analyzed and diagnosed by the physician, they should consume bread. I even say to my obese patients that if you don't eat bread, you won't lose weight. If you do not consume cereal protein and saturated fat in the diet will increase. “250 grams of oil in 10 eggs to break and eat,” there are those who say. This becomes a major problem for cardiovascular diseases in the future. Because our kidneys from our beats are affected negatively, our liver and vessels are affected negatively. Consuming too much protein means too much urine to throw out the residual products of the protein. Because proteins leave a lot of waste in our body. When you think that the excretion product is excreted by the kidneys and the conversion of toxin substances in the liver, you harm both the liver and the kidneys. Therefore, we need to consume balanced. We need to favor adequate and balanced nutrition.

We have four food groups. The first one is the milk group and it contains milk, yogurt, cheese, kefir, buttermilk. The second group was meat; white and red meats, eggs, walnut-almonds such as oil seeds, dried legumes. The third group is cereals and the fourth is fruit and vegetable.

Let's try to consume the main meals from these four food groups. Let's consume cereals. 50-60 percent of our daily diet should come from carbohydrates. 15-20 percent protein, 25-30 to get fat. Some people say that you do not consume fat and that you diet. There's no such thing as a lean diet. Milk, yogurt, fat and meat. We need to get oil. At least if we use sunflower oil in our meals, let's use olive oil in our salads. Because lettuce, cucumber and pepper used in salad foods such as vitamin A rich sources. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin. So let's take it with fat so that we increase its usage in the body. Of course, without boca, a portion of a teaspoon of oil, let's add. Let's feed enough and balance. Because our body needs it all. Ye Eat this, don't eat this ”does not mean. Moreover, no nutrients alone are miracles, and no nutrients alone are toxic. The toxic is the lethal dose: the amount you eat. Yes, we have cereals in our diet, but the excess taken into the oil will turn into enough and balanced consumption should be careful.


What should be considered about the use of cereals in child nutrition?

In child nutrition, we call breast milk for the first 6 months. Breast milk is a miracle vaccine. So why don't we give the cereals in six months? There's an enzyme called amylase that digests carbohydrates. This enzyme can reach the adult level in children only after 4 months. For this reason, carbohydrate-containing foods are not digested earlier. For this reason, we say that after 6 months, we will gradually start to eat additional foods. Of course, we will also benefit from bread when we start to supplement foods. Some mothers give their babies biscuits in milk. I definitely don't recommend the biscuit. Because it's processed and the top of the biscuit is red. There is an amino acid called lysine in cereals, especially in wheat. This amino acid makes the biscuit and bread toast. Therefore, if we are going to give a slice of bread in baby nutrition, if possible, let's give it through the bread, not the shell. Because the rate of lysine decreases because it fries the shell. Lysine is a very important amino acid. That's why I'm in favor of using the inside of the child's nutrition instead of the shell or places close to the shell.

Turkey When we look at the nutritional guide, cereals 240 grams for men, 150 grams is recommended for women. It can be consumed as bread, rice, pasta or soup. Cereals are also important for children because we receive a significant portion of our energy from them.

Kellogg's? Rice Krispies Treats? 24/1.3 oz. Bars