Tuesday, July 23, 2019

KIND Breakfast Mix

Nesquik Breakfast Cereal now in bar

KIND Breakfast Mix

Nesquik breakfast cereals with full cereal, vitamins and minerals full of content provide children a healthy and active start to the day.

Nesquik'ten children and mothers loved one more innovation ... Children make a good start to the day and balanced nutrition plays an important role in the Nesquik breakfast cereals, preserving the content and flavor 'Nesquik Full Grain Bar' took place on the shelves.

Nesquik breakfast cereals, full grain, 6 vitamins, minerals, fiber, calcium and iron with the formula, the body's iron, calcium and vitamin D for children helps to meet. 'Nesquik Full Grain Bar', which offers a practical breakfast alternative with Nesquik flavor, is the mothers' biggest helper for fast breakfast needs or for a nutritious snack.

Nesquik full-grain bar with breakfast always next to you!

While the children who are reluctant to eat breakfast love the most important meal of the day, Nesquik breakfast cereals, which offer a nourishing alternative to mothers, and Nesquik Full Grain Bar, which is offered to mothers and children, will now be easily carried by children in their lunchbox.

The 'Nesquik Whole Grain Bar', with its nourishing content, allows children to have a pleasant start to the day or feel good about their snacks.

KIND Breakfast Mix