Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Magnesium Bisglycinate 100% Chelate No-Laxative Effect. Maximum Absorption & Bioavailability, Fully Reacted & Not Buffered. Sleep, Energy, Anxiety, Leg Cramps, Headaches. Non-GMO Project Verified

Magnesium Bisglycinate 100% Chelate No-Laxative Effect. Maximum Absorption & Bioavailability, Fully Reacted & Not Buffered. Sleep, Energy, Anxiety, Leg Cramps, Headaches. Non-GMO Project Verified
Magnesium Bisglycinate 100% Chelate No-Laxative Effect. Maximum Absorption & Bioavailability, Fully Reacted & Not Buffered. Sleep, Energy, Anxiety, Leg Cramps, Headaches. Non-GMO Project Verified

Magnesium for children: Let's say stress stop!

From time to time even healthy children from perfectly prosperous families face stress. A sad face or a sharp change in the mood of a child is, of course, not a reason for panic and an urgent visit to the doctor. But for months to ignore such symptoms, too, should not be.
Based on scientific evidence, we describe how stress affects a child’s health and how to avoid its harmful effects.

It is unlikely that the child will be able to realize, let alone inform the parents, that something amiss is happening to him. But attentive mother will understand it without words.

What is disturbing the baby

Experiences from a child can provoke many events - a new teacher in a kindergarten, a lost toy, a quarrel with a best friend, a deuce for a test at school, a performance in front of a full hall or the first air flight.

Alterations that occur with a growing organism also play a role in the development of stress.

Long-term anxiety in a child can lead to malfunctions of the body. The harmonious work of the endocrine and autonomic nervous system is also violated - that part of the nervous system that regulates the activity of internal organs and vascular tone. In addition, mothers notice that the child does not sleep well, cannot concentrate, he becomes irritable, anxious, fears 10 .

A deficiency of biologically significant elements, such as magnesium, can increase the susceptibility of children to anxiety and unrest.

Feeling of fainting - for example, darkening of the eyes, dizziness, congestion of the ears

Labored breathing

Heart palpitations, pain in the heart

Increased body temperature, chills

Nausea, vomiting, belching, bloating and abdominal pain

Muscle spasms

Frequent urination - including at night

Children's stress - non-child effects

The famous diagnosis of “vegetative dystonia”, which many of us have carried through years since the days of distant childhood, is in fact a violation of the vegetative function, including due to prolonged stress 10 . There are more formidable consequences of anxiety. Scientists have shown that an adult who experienced negative emotions in childhood increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, and this tendency is more pronounced for women than for men 11 .

It turns out that increased anxiety in a child may also be associated with a violation of self-control in early adolescence 12 . If the student is not able to do his homework without the help of his mother, do not scold him for laziness or lack of knowledge.
Changes in behavior that we, adults, so often associate with capriciousness or bad education, for example, increased tearfulness, distraction, alienation from family, problems with peers in fact may be a manifestation of a lack of internal resources of the body 8 .

Long-term anxiety and excitement can be associated with a lack of various biologically significant elements in the child’s body, including magnesium. Magnesium-containing drugs can compensate for the lack of this element and support the child during stress.

In such cases, you need to contact a pediatrician - he will determine the cause of this condition and help him cope.
Why does the child need magnesium?

Magnesium regulates the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in brain cells 3 . For greater effect, it is combined with another substance useful for the brain - vitamin B6. It helps magnesium to be better absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract and facilitates its penetration into the cells. On the basis of the combination of these two substances, drugs are used that are used in various states associated with stress (increased irritability, problems with concentration, poor sleep, muscle spasms and other conditions) 8 .

It is important to know:

Magnesium, along with calcium, sodium and potassium, are vital elements. Magnesium is present in every cell - it participates in the synthesis of energy.

More than three hundred enzymes that control various chemical reactions in the body, act only in the presence of magnesium. Therefore, the daily requirements for this element are high 3 . But, alas, the diet does not always contain enough magnesium.
Daily need for magnesium in children of different ages

3-6 years old

6-10 years

10-17 years old
Why do children not have enough magnesium

Pediatricians are often advised to feed the child varied, including in the diet more fruits, vegetables, and cereals.

But sometimes parents forget that products from the shelves of modern stores are not able to provide the body with essential vitamins and minerals, including magnesium.
What else can cause magnesium deficiency in the body?

Unbalanced diet.

Eating with plenty of salt and refined foods increases magnesium deficiency. Glutamate and aspartate - food supplements that are part of most semi-finished products and “fast food”, which children love so much, slow down the absorption of magnesium or increase its excretion from the body 5 .

Seasonal variations.

During the period of the most intensive studies - from November to March - the magnesium content in the child’s body decreases, and the need for this biologically significant element, on the contrary, increases. If magnesium becomes insufficient, its reserves can be replenished with the help of magnesium-containing preparations, for example, a drinking solution of magnesium 6 .


As a result of stressful situations, magnesium is excreted from the child’s body, which means that its deficiency is increasing 4 .

It has been proven that even a few minutes of stress washes away magnesium from the body 2 . Thus, in one of the experiments, where volunteers were subjected to intense noise exposure, it was found that even this factor, which is not the most stressful from the point of view of modern realities, leads to a significant increase in the excretion of magnesium in the urine 2 .
Where to find the source of magnesium

The most "tasty" and easily accessible source of magnesium, from the temptation to eat which no child can resist is chocolate. The rich composition provides its beneficial properties: chocolate simultaneously has a stimulating, tonic effect and improves mood 13 .

It is important to know:

Chocolate is unfortunately far from the healthiest defender of anxiety states.

This delicacy contains a number of important elements, including sodium, potassium and magnesium 14 . But to get a daily dose of “anti-stress” mineral, children will have to eat at least two or three tiles per day: 100 grams of dark chocolate contains only 100 milligrams of magnesium, and even less than 14 milligrams of magnesium.

Magnesium (Mg) rich foods 17

Indicated the estimated presence of 100 g of product:


Cashew nuts








A lot of magnesium is also found in healthy foods - for example, in nuts and spinach. But what to do if the child flatly refuses to eat them, but his body does not have enough magnesium? It should start taking magnesium-containing drugs, of course, if they are recommended by a doctor. Thanks to their use, it will be possible to replenish the reserves of the valuable element in a short time and support the growing organism 15 .
How Magne B6 helps the child’s body

Magne B6 contains organic highly absorbed magnesium compounds (salts - pidolate, citrate and lactate) in combination with vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), mutually reinforcing effects of each other 15 . Magnesium citrate contained in Magne B6 forte tablets (approved for reception from 6 years old) does not irritate the stomach lining and is well tolerated with long-term use 3 , and pidolate and lactate in combination with vitamin B6 ( Magne B6 oral solution is allowed for children with 1 years) help to quickly increase the level of magnesium in the blood.

It is established that the drinking solution provides an increase in the magnesium content in the blood plasma after 2-3 hours * 16 .
Drinking a solution of magnesium like a little fancy

Young children often refuse to accept tablets because they have a bitter taste and are associated with hospitals. No persuasion of parents can convince them, moms and dads are nervous and worried. In the case of the drinking form of magnesium, it is not necessary to beg the child.

The solution has a sweetish taste, a pleasant caramel smell and it does not contain sugar. The drug is easy to use - you just need to open the ampoule, dilute the contents in half glass with water, and you're done!
How to take Magne B6

Children under stress are advised to take magnesium-containing medications in exchange for supplementing the micronutrient deficiency. According to the instructions for use, Magne B6 is prescribed:
times a day
Frequency of taking the drug
The average duration of the course of the drug

It is equally important to maintain a normal level of magnesium at increased loads, for example, at the beginning of the school year, during examinations, when a child adapts to kindergarten, school, during the first classes in circles or sections, and also from November to April, when levels micro and macronutrients in the body decrease seasonally 10 .
1 .
Stress in children is quite common, and micronutrient deficiencies can exacerbate it.
Longer episodes of anxiety in babies can lead to serious consequences in adolescence: problems with concentration, mood changes, irritability.
Magnesium is necessary for the child's body - it participates in the synthesis of energy, the work of many enzymes, regulates the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system.
Seasonal fluctuations, unbalanced nutrition and stress can lead to magnesium deficiency in children.
You can compensate for the lack of magnesium with food, such as nuts and spinach, but it is more efficient to start taking magnesium-containing drugs that the pediatrician will recommend.
Children's drinking solution of magnesium contains organic salts of magnesium and vitamin B6, it is well absorbed and helps to quickly restore the level of magnesium in the blood. It is not bitter and has a caramel smell, so children like it.
