Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Magnesium L Threonate Capsules (Magtein) – High Absorption Supplement – Most Bioavailable Form – 2,000 mg – 100 Capsules

Magnesium L Threonate Capsules (Magtein) – High Absorption Supplement – Most Bioavailable Form – 2,000 mg – 100 Capsules
Magnesium L Threonate Capsules (Magtein) – High Absorption Supplement – Most Bioavailable Form – 2,000 mg – 100 Capsules

The doctor told about the benefits of magnesium for the heart

Everybody knows the joke: if you woke up and you have nothing to hurt, you should think about whether you are alive. But in every joke, as you know, there is only a fraction of the joke. And if, all of a sudden, you more and more often began to notice unmotivated fatigue and even after sleep you feel frustrated, annoyed by trifles, your blood pressure jumps, your legs are cramped ... body trace elements, primarily magnesium, and more calcium. More often, they “work” together: magnesium helps the absorption of calcium and vitamins of groups B, C and E in our bodies.

“More often than others, those who have already entered the second half of their lives are experiencing magnesium and calcium deficiencies,” says Professor Valery YAKOVLE , MD. - Today, up to 80% of Russians experience a lack of these microelements, but not everyone knows how to quickly fill them. And not only the person himself can not guess about the deficiency, for example, magnesium in the body, but doctors do not immediately recognize the cause of the ailment. Symptoms are similar to the state when immunity is reduced. Although it may be the microelement magnesium that is to blame, which takes part in almost all biochemical processes of the body, plays a major role in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism, affects the immune system, takes part in the normalization of blood pressure ...

Add energy and protects against radiation

“If your body works well and for a long time, it suddenly began to fail, then magnesium deficiency may be one of the reasons,” said our expert Valery Yakovlev. - Traditionally, it is believed that it is useful for the heart, memory and the nervous system. And this is true: this microelement maintains in a normal state the nervous system and the muscles of the heart, a uniform heart rate, normalizes blood pressure, makes a person more energetic. But not only. This mineral is called the “core of life” due to the fact that it is simply indispensable for humans: it participates in dozens of chemical reactions of our body, is necessary at all stages of protein synthesis, and also makes our bones stronger, stimulates bile secretion, regulates blood sugar levels. ..

And one of the most important properties of magnesium - it protects against radiation. This was proven by researchers of the Japanese National University - they included it in the list of means to combat the effects of the harmful effects of radiation on humans.

Scientists have calculated: in total in our body about 70 g of magnesium. Most of it is in the bones (magnesium helps the growth of cartilage and bone tissue and the absorption of calcium and vitamins C, E and group B). The other part of magnesium is in the cells of the brain, heart, and fluid. And a small part - in the tissues and muscles. The daily need for magnesium for adults is 310-420 mg; for women pregnant and during breastfeeding the need is 20–30% higher (up to 340–355 mg). For athletes - up to 450 mg. Magnesium is the fourth largest in the human body after sodium, potassium and calcium.

According to the professor, to fill the missing trace element is as simple as using nutrition. You just need to know which foods contain the most magnesium.

Most of all magnesium contains: green vegetables and fruits, leaf lettuce, parsley, dill, celery (the green color of chlorophyll molecules indicates the presence of magnesium in them). Also there is magnesium in legumes, nuts and whole grains, sprouted wheat grains. They are rich in some varieties of fish: cod, carp, halibut, as well as shrimp and seaweed.

Fights stress and insomnia

- A person is experiencing stress in a state of emotional or physical overload, - states the expert. “Our body reacts to everything: to excessive workloads at work, to family turmoil, to conflicts,” says our expert Valery Yakovlev. - The life of a modern person, alas, is not only associated with positive emotions, it often tests our strength. Not everyone and not always manage to cope with problems. Someone, in the hope of avoiding stress, has resorted to alcohol and other doping. But this only aggravates the condition.

At all times, there has been a link between stress and illness, especially heart disease, and sudden death. And today the number of heart attacks, sudden deaths sharply increases during natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, etc.). In the first half of the 1st c. AD The Roman scholar and physician Cornelius Celsus pointed out the connection between mind and heart, noting that "fear and anger, as well as other states of mind, can often cause an excited pulse."

Much later, over the centuries, other doctors and scientists stated: heart disease "occurs because of the passions of the mind" (they include "anger, fear, jealousy, horror, despair, greed, stupidity and ambition").

Modern researchers have confirmed: stress negatively affects all activities of the body, the metabolism, and magnesium plays a positive role.

There is another problem that is directly related to stress - lack of sleep. Lack of sleep does not allow a person to fully recover from daily exertion. As a result, new stress is usually heavier than the previous one. It turns out a vicious circle. The cause of insomnia, as well as stress, is often a deficiency in the body of magnesium, a mineral that plays the main role in the state of the nervous system. Without magnesium, our nerve cells become easily excitable, they cannot transmit nerve impulses. The result is an increased sensitivity and susceptibility of external stimuli. To resort to alcohol, to other ways to relax, to sleeping pills - only aggravate the situation. Hypersensitivity to external stimuli is most likely a symptom of magnesium deficiency in the body. The expert is convinced that if the food contains nutrients the body needs, recovery from stress will go much faster.

Reduce stress, promote good sleep: warm milk with saffron, turmeric or honey, chamomile tea, oatmeal, bananas, almonds.

Suppress hypertension, help the heart

High blood pressure, as you know, is also very often associated with stress and nervousness, the expert adds. And, as studies show, it can also be reduced with the help of products containing magnesium. Under the action of this microelement, the muscles relax, the vessels dilate and the pressure returns to normal. But today's food is far from complete. And if the body chronically loses the nutrients it needs, this leads to a malfunction of the internal organs, which is manifested in stressful situations.

Today's foods are very different from the food even of our short-sighted grandfathers. Now the soil is different, it is depleted of natural ingredients, stuffed with chemicals, and vegetables grown on it are subjected to industrial and heat treatment. As a result, they lose most of the beneficial properties, in particular, magnesium.

But few people know about it. Ask any citizen of our country: do they know what magnesium is, is it enough on their menu? Ten out of ten will respond negatively. Although magnesium in our body is involved in dozens of biochemical processes. It is from magnesium that the effect of assimilation of other major trace elements in the body (calcium, potassium, sodium) depends. If magnesium is lacking, calcium, potassium and sodium will be poorly soluble in the blood, and most of them will settle in the soft tissues in the form of crystals. And in the bones of these minerals are often lacking.

Hypertension is beneficial: low-fat cottage cheese and milk (containing not only magnesium, but also calcium, potassium), green tea, bell pepper, oatmeal, pumpkin seeds.

“The human heart is the main muscle in our body, it continuously pumps blood through the vessels,” explains expert Yakovlev. - Heart disease pesters many people, especially over the age of forty. Today, medicine has a huge amount of drugs for the treatment of heart ailments, but people continue to get sick and die from the pathologies of the main motor of life. US scientists conducted several studies in this area and identified factors that pose a risk of heart disease. Many factors are caused by magnesium deficiency. According to these studies, most heart diseases today are a direct result of inadequate intake of products containing this trace element.

And other muscles (intestines, ophthalmic, etc.) - also work better under the influence of magnesium - they contract, contract and unclench better. Experts explain it this way: magnesium is able to relax muscles, and this helps the normal circulation of all fluids in the body, including blood. And if the muscles are squeezed, it impedes the movement of fluids, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, spasms, headaches, etc.

There is also one of the most well-known and essential microelements for man - calcium, the expert adds.

The daily need of a healthy adult in calcium is from 700 to 1500 mg. It increases during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The champion in calcium content is sesame, but only in fresh form. Calcium-rich dairy and dairy products (its main source), and more - broccoli and cauliflower, spinach, asparagus. Calcium is also in egg yolks, beans, lentils, nuts, figs. A good source of dietary calcium are soft fish bones (salmon, sardines), any seafood.

Calcium and magnesium are two minerals that must “work” in a pair. Calcium is responsible for the contraction of muscles and the stimulation of nerves in the body, while magnesium is the opposite for their relaxation. For all muscles to work smoothly, calcium and magnesium must be in the body in strict proportion. But more often it happens that there is more calcium in the body, and less magnesium. As a result, the muscles remain chronically tight and tight. Compressed muscles impede the circulation of fluids and blood, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, headaches, etc. A sufficient amount of magnesium in the body "releases" compressed muscles, and the circulation of fluids is gradually restored.

Good for the heart: products containing magnesium, - fresh cabbage, apples, lemons, carrots, bran, nuts, milk, buckwheat, oatmeal; as well as products containing calcium: parsley, spinach, dill, celery, green salads, asparagus, baby beans.

... So, magnesium is a key component in the formation of the energy potential in every cell of our entire body, our expert Valery Yakovlev is convinced. Its amount directly affects the mobility of a person, his physical activity, mood, and, in general, the metabolism. After all, vigorous state of health depends on how well the metabolism flows in our body.

And magnesium regulates the work of potassium in the body. Potassium, in turn, maintains water balance and is also involved in energy production. And regulates the work of the adrenal glands, which play an important role in the adaptation of the body to stress. During an emergency, they produce and release the hormone adrenaline into the bloodstream, which helps a person to become more active for a while: to do everything faster, to be more collected, more mobile.

Scientists have proven: there are factors that provoke increased consumption of magnesium. Definitely - this is smoking, alcohol, drugs; harmful foods and drinks containing sugar; diuretic drugs; chronic diseases: reduced thyroid function, diabetes, pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. But the absorption of magnesium is hampered by excess fat in foods.