Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Unflavored - 16 Ounces

Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Unflavored - 16 Ounces
Natural Vitality Calm, The Anti-Stress Dietary Supplement Powder, Unflavored - 16 Ounces

Magnesium is a deficiency that few people know about, but almost everyone has

Give magnesium and I will help you. So I would rephrase the phrase of Archimedes "about a fulcrum." I use magnesium in programs to restore hormonal balance, reduce adrenal fatigue and anxiety, to reduce TSH levels, without synthetic hormones, with premenstrual syndrome.

Synthesis of FSH - follicle stimulating hormone, LH - luteinizing hormone, TSH - thyroid stimulating hormone of the thyroid gland occurs with the participation of magnesium, these hormones regulate follicle production and ovulation, and the thyroid gland. Magnesium is needed not from time to time, but daily. This “revives” our nervous system. No magnesium - no energy!
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency can be divided into 4 stages ("The magnesium miracle", Dr. Caroline Dean)
Stage 1: lack of energy, constipation, severe pain during menstruation, tics, headache, frequent hiccups, irritability, loss of appetite, craving for caffeine, sweets, light carbohydrates, mood swings, weakness, during pregnancy, nervousness, muscle spasms (cramps), nausea.
Stage 2: panic attacks, arthritis, asthma, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, back pain, cystitis, ear infections, sensitivity to gluten, insomnia, migraines, during pregnancy with twins (or more), obesity, PMS, difficulty concentrating, sinusitis , insulin resistance, reflux esophagitis - acid reflux, when there is a reflux of the contents from the stomach into the esophagus, which is accompanied by heartburn.
Stage 3: celiac disease, cerebral palsy, depression, kidney disease, diabetes, epilepsy, cardiac arrhythmia, hormonal failure - decreased sexual desire, lack of ovulation, liver disease, miscarriage, osteoporosis, severe obesity.
Stage 4: alcoholism, Alzheimer's disease, cancer (breast, rectum, prostate), last stage obesity, Parkinson's, sudden death syndrome in infants, heart attack.

Magnesium is involved in 700 body processes.
1. Regulation of cortisol, adrenaline, norepinephrine. Magnesium soothes, as it prevents the production of excess cortisol of the stress hormone. When the stress hormones in balance work the thyroid gland, the levels of progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, FSH and LH also. Magnesium helps a woman to control hot flashes; the effect is particularly well manifested in combination with taurine.
2. Stabilization of blood sugar levels. Magnesium helps control insulin production, increases cell sensitivity to insulin, and reduces sugar cravings. This condition is important for weight loss and treatment of PCOS. High levels of magnesium in the diet and the use of supplements reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome, hypertension, glucose tolerance, dyslipediamia and obesity. The greater the carbohydrate load on the body, the more magnesium is needed. With a lack of magnesium, the metabolism of carbohydrates slows down. Taking magnesium increases insulin sensitivity in overweight individuals, even with normal levels of magnesium. Magnesium improves the sensitivity of cells to insulin.

Magnesium deficiency is one of the conditions for the development of gestational diabetes in pregnant women.

3. Thyroid gland. DR. IZABELLA WENTZ, PHARM D writes that magnesium is necessary for the iodine assimilation process and T4 production. Isabella, in her article on magnesium, reflects its effect on the level of TSH, which was recorded in the management of 11 patients. They had TSH levels between 2.3 and 21. They received magnesium citrate for 6 weeks, which resulted in an average decrease in TSH to 2.67. It is good to use magnesium with zinc, selenium and coenzyme Q10.
4. Restoring sleep. Magnesium helps to restore the sleep phase, which is important for the health of the body as a whole. Therefore, I recommend using magnesium before bedtime to relax.
5. Participates in the synthesis of progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, in the formation of the placenta, the fetus, the transfer of energy to the mother to the fetus. Prevents the development of toxicosis, placental insufficiency and preterm labor, the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, in the abdomen and rupture of the perineum during childbirth. Reduces the tone of the uterus.

6. Promotes the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells.

7. Reduces inflammation. Completion of magnesium deficiency is directly proportional to the decrease in the level of CRP (acute phase protein inflammation). Magnesium deficiency leads to impaired functioning of interleukins, endotoxins and other factors of the inflammatory response. All this leads to the development of chronic inflammation, increased rheumatoid factor, immunoglobulin G and M.

Allergic reactions and atopic dermatitis are also associated with magnesium deficiency. The experiment showed that the deficiency leads to the development of skin hyperemia, itching, an increase in neurophils, eosinophils, histamine, immunoglobulin E.

8. Involved in specific and non-specific immune response. With a lack of magnesium, the immune response is weakened, and we are prone to disease.

9. With a deficiency of magnesium muscle tone increases, which leads to the occurrence of skeletal muscle cramps. Magnesium will help prevent the development of menstrual pain. Magnesium helps stabilize mood. Start taking it at the beginning of the cycle to get a cumulative effect. Magnesium helps the body cope with stress and anxiety. If you have not had time to do this and have already experienced soreness during the menstrual cycle, start using magnesium right now instead of anesthetic. Involvement of magnesium in the nervous system.

10. Magnesium helps the absorption of vitamin D, calcium, which is important for the integrity of the bone and prevent the development of osteoporosis. Copper, zinc, calcium, boron and vitamin D will help to make bones strong, provided there is enough magnesium in the body.

6 ways to restore magnesium levels
1. Chocolate - dark with a high content of cocoa with low sugar content.
2. Sunflower seeds - can be used as snacking or as an addition to salads.
3. Fish is a good source of magnesium, at least once a week it will be useful for your hormonal balance, especially salmon, halibut and cod.

Magnesium absorption helps B6.

There is a subclinical deficiency of magnesium, when according to analyzes everything is normal, and the symptoms are present, since magnesium is an intracellular mineral.
4. Greens - spinach, cabbage must be entered at each meal. Add beans, nuts in the diet.
5. English salt is rich in magnesium.
6. Additive containing magnesium citrate, or chelated magnesium with B6 is the best option for absorption. Digestion is 5-6 times better than magnesium sulphate and safer. If the use of magnesium citrate leads to the development of diarrheal syndrome, chelate forms can be used, but with a synergist of magnesium B6.

What reduces magnesium in the body?
Carbonated beverages - orthophosphoric acid, which is part of the beverage, depletes the reserves of magnesium and blocks absorption.
Sugar intake to process sugar needs magnesium. Every time you eat sugar or something sweet, your body spends magnesium.
Caffeine - Studies have shown that caffeinated beverages have a diuretic effect, which leads to an increase in the elimination of minerals, including magnesium.
Stress - both psychological and physical forms of stress, surgery, illness - depletes magnesium reserves. Stress is felt "brighter."
Absence in a diet of products with magnesium. Decreased absorption of magnesium due to bowel disease. Diseases of the thyroid gland. Alcoholism. Type 2 diabetes.
The use of drugs - NSAIDs, omeprazole, etc.

Evaluate your diet, do you get magnesium in such quantities?
How many factors reduce your magnesium reserves?
For myself and the patients, I discovered this mineral, which reduces anxiety, prevents the appearance of headaches, migraines, to reduce TSH. I use magnesium in pregnancy programs to prevent placental insufficiency, reduce uterine tone. During the three pregnancies I have never experienced toxicosis, convulsions, as it turns out, magnesium has helped! In the event of anxiety, headache, I increase magnesium intake to replenish stocks and relieve symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
P.S. Morning succeeded, the messenger is full of messages, I gather my thoughts for consultation. New things emerge in my head that are accumulating and cannot be solved at all. Application for research in graduate school. Pictures in the article. Post to instagram. In the evening, the meeting at Nastya in kindergarten, you need to somehow take two more, ask your father to call the older daughters?
