Tuesday, July 2, 2019

NOW Magnesium 400mg, 180 Veg Capsules

NOW Magnesium 400mg, 180 Veg Capsules
NOW Magnesium 400mg, 180 Veg Capsules

Magnesium : What is needed in the human body?

It is difficult to concentrate at work, and at night in bed it is impossible to fall asleep - all the lambs are counted, all thoughts are thought over, and the wound up and agitation do not pass, it is impossible to fall asleep.

It seems that this typical set happens to every second resident of a large city:
Anxiety and irritability
Fatigue and decreased performance
Lump in the throat
Choking sensation

And the heart beats like a hare. And it happens that you just doze off like a leg will reduce cramp, and that’s it, removes sleep like a hand. Even insignificant stress knocks you out of the rut, and after experiencing a long time, you cannot calm down and want to rush from corner to corner.

Stress will pass, we console ourselves. We have to constantly confront life challenges, so we put up with the symptoms, assign ourselves sedatives and holidays to the sea and do not even suspect that all this may be due to magnesium deficiency .

But there is a classic set of symptoms that can accompany magnesium deficiency 1 : anxiety, spasms, cramps and tics, rapid heartbeat. All this can usually be aggravated by headaches, insomnia, increased irritability, frequent mood swings and chronic fatigue.
Why do we not have enough magnesium

For many centuries, people did not even have to think about controlling the amount of magnesium entering the body with water and food. But the more the food industry developed, the less an element became in the diet of a Western person.

The amount of magnesium in fruits and vegetables grown industrially, on fertilizers, has greatly decreased over the past 50 years 11 :
in vegetables by 24%
in fruit by 17%
in meat by 26%
History of magnesium deficiency in facts and figures: 1

1950 year
In the 1950s, doctors and scientists began talking about the diseases of civilization, including magnesium deficiency 1 .

In 1995, the World Health Organization officially recognized magnesium deficiency as a pathological condition 1 .

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, mineral consumption has more than doubled (from 500 mg per day to 175-225).
Fast food and refined products not only do not satisfy the need for magnesium, but can also lead to a deficiency, removing magnesium from the body 1 .
How magnesium deficiency affects health

An adult’s body contains only 21–28 grams of magnesium (approximately one tablespoon!) 1 . In this case, magnesium refers to substances that are not synthesized in the body and must come from the outside. But with his participation, proteins are formed, it is needed for the muscles and nervous system, it regulates blood sugar and pressure 1 .

In addition to the symptoms mentioned above, magnesium deficiency may increase the risk of coronary heart disease. A prolonged lack of magnesium can be associated with hypertension, atherosclerosis and cancer, diabetes, myocardial infarction and cerebral stroke 1 .

In children, the lack of an adequate amount of a substance in the diet can be a risk factor for the development of autism, dyslexia, deviant behavior, ADHD 1 .
What is magnesium especially for women
Women are more sensitive to magnesium deficiency and have higher concentrations of the substance in the body. This is due to the active participation of magnesium in the birth of children 1 .

Therefore, you need to pay attention to the previously described symptoms. Especially during periods when hormones change: during puberty, during pregnancy, in menopause.

Taking oral contraceptives can also affect magnesium levels: in 40% of women taking them, microelement deficiency occurs as early as three months after the start of taking 1 . By the way, with magnesium deficiency, the premenstrual syndrome is sharper - and the craving for chocolate increases (a scientifically proven fact) 2, 12 .

Filling the deficit of this macroelement contributes to the healthy course of pregnancy, having a beneficial effect on the development of the placenta 4 .
Filling up the deficit also helps to deal with symptoms like cramps and helps to increase stress resistance, which is very important for carrying 1 .
Since magnesium is involved in the formation of proteins (the building material of organs and tissues) and the nervous system, this is a critical element for the normal development of the fetus 1 .
And the most serious moment: magnesium deficiency can be associated with preeclampsia and eclampsia. These are conditions that threaten not only health, but also the life of the mother and child 1 .

4 out of 5
More than 80% of pregnant women may experience magnesium deficiency 3 .
How magnesium is associated with stress

We began by saying that magnesium deficiency symptoms are often attributed to stress. Indeed, stress and magnesium deficiency can be interrelated processes that aggravate each other 1 .

The body perceives as stress a great many, including routine and pleasant events. Several months of preparation for the wedding or incessant conflict with the leader, a very large amount - even if the most beloved - work, difficult age of the child - any of this can become imperceptibly affecting and destabilizing factor 5 .

Many people think that stress has only emotional manifestations: anxiety, irritability, nervousness, a feeling of depression. But such physical symptoms as fatigue, muscle tension, tics, and convulsions can be consequences of chronic stress 6 .

Studies show that replenishing magnesium deficiency helps to deal with emotional and physical manifestations of stress. Magnesium helps not only to return to a good psycho-emotional form, but also to fight against the breakdown 7, 8 .

Magnesium increases stress resistance.
He really needs the body with elevated emotional and mental stress 1 .

The level of magnesium in the body is determined using serum and urine tests. But since the element is mainly contained in the bones, often the numbers on the laboratory letterhead do not provide sufficient information 9 .

Therefore, in therapeutic practice, specialized tests are often used to analyze the patient's symptoms 1 . It is important to learn to feel your body and listen to its tips. True, then that the body has whispered, it is necessary to tell the doctor, and not to independently interpret.

Take the test online

Systematic healthy eating helps maintain the level of the element.
mineral water
fresh vegetables
carbonated water
fast food
baking 1

But in order to cope with the deficit, first of all, it is worth asking the doctor about taking magnesium-containing drugs. If you are under stress and, especially, if you plan to become a mother, then, most likely, you may simply need an additional source of magnesium 1 .

Maintaining a normal level of magnesium in the body helps to feel more confident, even if the situation around you is out of control.

It relieves both physical and emotional manifestations of stress associated with magnesium deficiency, which means you can be a stronghold of peace for loved ones. Reception of the element improves performance, allowing you to do your favorite thing and achieve your goals 10 . And the world suddenly becomes less cruel, sleep becomes deep and restorative, and serious trials become an interesting challenge and temper character.
