Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Life Extension Neuro-Mag Magnesium L-Threonate, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Life Extension Neuro-Mag Magnesium L-Threonate, 90 Vegetarian Capsules
Life Extension Neuro-Mag Magnesium L-Threonate, 90 Vegetarian Capsules

Magnesium Shortage in the Body: 10 Signs Killing You Silently

Do not you sometimes think that you start to feel a little different.

Maybe not quite normal, but you can’t really understand why?

Often, a lack of magnesium in the body can lead to such a condition.

And according to some sources, it is the lack of magnesium in the body that feels about 90% of people.

After all, magnesium is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body. This adjustment of blood pressure, metabolism, immune function and many others.

Some experts even claim that magnesium deficiency is one of the most serious health problems in our modern world.

So, there are cases when you have been examined by an endocrinologist, a neurologist, a gastroenterologist, a rheumatologist and other doctors, but you still feel that medicine simply cannot help. Everything is like a pea in a brick wall.

Maybe you just suffer from a disorder that is often overlooked - magnesium deficiency.

What is magnesium deficiency in the body?

Why is magnesium deficiency so serious? Here are the facts ...

Every cell in the human body requires some amount of magnesium to function properly, or it will die. Strong bones and teeth, balanced hormones, a healthy nervous and cardiovascular system, a well-functioning self-cleaning system and much more depend on the sufficiency of magnesium.

Soft tissue that requires a lot of magnesium in the body is the brain and heart. Two organs that are particularly active and that are particularly vulnerable to magnesium deficiency.

This is an important element of the periodic table for your body.

There are a number of complications that arise due to the lack of magnesium in the body. And as we have already seen, this is the case when it is often not even diagnosed by doctors. And the worst thing is that the deficiency of this element is difficult to detect with some modern diagnostic methods or at least with a simple blood test.

Magnesium deficiency in the body can be primary or secondary. In the first case, the lack of this trace element is associated with congenital genetic defects.

Secondary magnesium deficiency is caused by eating habits, social conditions, lifestyle, the presence of stress, diseases and the physiological state in which the body's need for magnesium increases (for example, pregnancy).

Magnesium directly regulates the state of the cell membrane and the transmembrane transfer of calcium and sodium ions. He participates in the reactions on the formation, accumulation, transfer and utilization of energy, free radicals and their oxidation products.

The main amount of magnesium is found in bone tissue, dentin of teeth, in muscle and nerve tissue, in your liver and kidneys.

One of the most important functions of magnesium is that it serves as a natural anti-stress factor that inhibits the processes of excitation in the nervous system and reduces the body's sensitivity to all kinds of external influences and stress.

More magnesium, about 1/2 - 1/3, is found in human bone tissue. And only 1%, approximately, of the total amount of magnesium is in the blood plasma. That is why magnesium deficiency is difficult to diagnose.

People who have health problems think they have a lack of nutrients or other elements, such as iron , but not magnesium.

And many scientists believe that you should receive at least twice as much magnesium as you are currently receiving.

What are the causes of magnesium deficiency?

alcohol is the cause of magnesium deficiency

Unfortunately, most modern technologies of tillage and all agriculture lead to the fact that this important element is depleted. In addition, the soil is replenished with most common fertilizers: nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus, but people do nothing to replenish magnesium levels.

According to some reports, natural water was once a good source of magnesium, but now:

Fluoride, which is contained in drinking water, reacts with magnesium, creating an almost insoluble mineral composition. It is stored in the bones, while not enhancing them. Their fragility and risk of fractures increases.

Water, in fact, can be an excellent source of magnesium if it is extracted from deep wells. Such water contains magnesium in its composition and other important elements.

Urban sources of drinking water, as a rule, are often delivered to us from surface waters. Even many bottled mineral waters have a fairly low magnesium content, but at the same time a very high concentration of calcium.

In addition, there are still some of your bad eating habits that can deplete magnesium from the body:

caffeine intake
sugar consumption
consumption of processed foods
alcohol consumption
consumption of depleted soil products
consumption of foods high in phytic acid

In addition, drugs such as birth control pills, medications for hypertension, diuretics, insulin, and some antibiotics cause low levels of magnesium in the body.

Also, excessive sweating that occurs during exercise can cause magnesium deficiency.

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Magnesium deficiency in the body: symptoms

If you have a lack of magnesium in the body, you may feel some signs that are listed below ...

1. Fatigue

sleeps like a baby

This is one of the first reasons why chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers take magnesium supplements.

Magnesium is needed in the reactions that create energy in the cells.

In other words, without magnesium, you literally will not be energetic and this happens at the cellular level. And manifests as fatigue, low energy, lack of mobility and other problems.

2. Lack of magnesium leads to insulin resistance

food addiction

According to the clinic of the Moscow Institute of Cybernetic Medicine, magnesium deficiency reduces the sensitivity of the receptors to insulin, and the inadequate response to insulin affects both the uptake of glucose cells and the transport of magnesium into the cells.

In addition, magnesium deficiency has a negative effect on insulin secretion and activity, which contributes to the formation and progression of insulin resistance, which leads to a decrease in metabolism .

All this leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Everything clings one to one and we are getting completely wrong ...

In addition, I recommend reading on the topic of how to reduce insulin and lose weight faster ...

3. Lack of magnesium leads to insomnia

insomnia - the first sign of a lack of magnesium in the body

Magnesium deficiency is often a precursor of sleep disorders .

It is believed that this is because magnesium is vital for a function called soothe the brain. This ability of the brain helps us to relax and fall asleep calmly.

Taking supplements with magnesium and eating more foods rich in magnesium, you can easily help yourself relax while you sleep.

4. Magnesium deficiency leads to muscle pain and bone problems.

seizures - causes of magnesium deficiency

Calcium is always considered the most important mineral for bone health. But it turns out that magnesium is not just an important element, but even more ...

In case of magnesium deficiency, the bones suffer due to:

deterioration of the absorption of vitamin D. Magnesium is necessary for the absorption of vitamin D, which, in turn, helps the absorption of calcium by the body. Therefore, it is important to get enough magnesium when taking vitamin D, and the level of magnesium may become even lower.
absorption of the right amount of calcium. Magnesium is needed to stimulate calcitonin. It is a hormone that draws calcium, in its absence, from muscles and soft tissues, as well as from bones. This explains why magnesium helps reduce the risk of heart attack, osteoporosis, arthritis and even kidney stones.

According to some reports, about 7% of children experience muscle cramps and almost always it is associated with magnesium deficiency.

5. Magnesium deficiency causes frequent nausea.

nausea signs of magnesium deficiency in the body

Yes it is…

Lack of this mineral in the body leads to disruption of your metabolism and even the absorption of certain nutrients from your food. This can lead to some unpleasant conditions, such as nausea.

You may even feel very weak at the same time.

6. Apathy, stress, depression

stress, apathy - signs of magnesium deficiency in the body
Magnesium is closely related to the correct biochemistry of the brain. As indicated by MedNovosti and other sources :

Depression is a psychological state, accompanied by a pessimistic mood, as well as a decrease in activity. Many turn to antidepressants for the treatment of depression. But experts say there is an alternative to avoid depression.

So, some studies have shown that one of the most common causes of this condition is the lack of magnesium in the human body.

People with signs of depression feel: depression, loss of interest in life, anxiety in thoughts, constant fatigue, insomnia, and even thoughts of suicide.

Magnesium plays a major role in increasing the level of the hormone of joy - serotonin. It is also known as the hormone of happiness. Serotonin production occurs in your brain and helps elevate mood, appetite, sleep, and so on.

And all sorts of violations of serotonin levels have a bad effect on a person’s mental state. And, as a result, leads to depression. Increasing magnesium intake can correct this condition more quickly.

Although they write a lot, nevertheless, the antidepressant effect of magnesium is not yet completely understood by medical science.

7. Anxiety, confusion in the head.

woman has a headache

Since magnesium deficiency can affect the central nervous system, its side effect may include irritability and nervousness. And as the deficit worsens, the level of anxiety, depression, and hallucinations increases several times.

Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of intestinal cells, sent by signals from the brain. Therefore, it is not surprising, the lack of magnesium can so strongly affect all organs and systems of the body.

There are also studies showing that magnesium deficiency can have a profound effect on mental health.

Here are the words:

Magnesium, as a guard at the gate. If we are deficient in it, then we have no protection in our brain. Calcium at this point can activate receptors that put you in a state of stress and depression.

In the long run, it damages neurons in the brain and causes cell death. And this is the path to Alzheimer's disease.

8. Magnesium and convulsions


We know that muscle cramps can occur at any age, but they annoy middle-aged and older people more.

In some cases, leg cramps are a symptom of diseases such as atherosclerosis (intermittent claudication), diabetes, varicose veins, cirrhosis of the liver, thyroid lesions, and others.

However, according to some sources , precisely 75% of people suffer from convulsions, especially in the legs, because approximately 80% of people experience magnesium deficiency. This is due to the fact that from the inappropriate diet of many people it is impossible to gain the required daily intake.
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9. Magnesium deficiency causes brain problems.

memory problems _ 2

American scientists at the University of Austin, Texas, have found that magnesium supplements can improve brain function. It also greatly helps improve memory.

An important aspect of magnesium exposure is that it stimulates the production of a neurotrophic factor . It is a component that helps the brain to keep youth and improve the work of each cell of it.

Thus magnesium, among other things, protects your brain with various degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

Scientists have shown that regular consumption of magnesium or products containing it increases the indicators of synaptic plasticity of the brain.

That is, the ability of the brain to resist the effects of some terrible emotions: fear, anxiety and post-stress sensations.

10. Magnesium deficiency causes problems with the cardiovascular system.

heart and blood vessel problems

Symptoms and signs associated with cardiovascular work include:

cardiac arrhythmias and stenocardia due to spasm of the coronary arteries
high blood pressure
mitral valve prolapse

Keep in mind that not all symptoms can be expressed right at you, but many of them often occur. For example, people with mitral valve prolapse often have rapid heartbeat, anxiety, and panic.

Other common symptoms include: craving for salt, carbohydrates and sweets, especially chocolate.

Acute signs of magnesium deficiency

magnesium deficiency

The first thing that happens during acute magnesium deficiency is a decrease in calcium levels in the blood. Magnesium deficiency is also associated with low levels of potassium in the blood (hypokalemia). In addition, there are severe headaches, blurred vision, ulcers in the mouth.

We hear all the time that heart disease is number one for the causes of death of people. We also know that high blood pressure is a “silent killer”, as a huge amount is destroyed by diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and many other chronic diseases.

All this, directly or indirectly, may be associated with magnesium.
Signs of acute magnesium deficiency include:

intense thirst
frequent urination
bruises that heal slowly
dry and itchy skin
unexplained weight loss
blurred vision
tingling or numbness in the arms or legs
frequent gum, bladder, or vaginal yeast infections

If you feel these ailments, try to fill the lack of magnesium in the body.
How to compensate for the lack of magnesium?

pumpkin and sunflower seeds

So, according to the clinic "Cinevo" the daily need for magnesium is 310-420 mg for adults. In pregnancy, magnesium deficiency is especially dangerous. During such periods, the need for it is also increased by 20-30% (up to 340-355 mg), and in athletes, even to 450 mg.

But to our great regret, magnesium is not very well absorbed by our digestive tract. It is even more difficult to digest if you do not have enough vitamin D, if you have bad bacteria in your intestines.

For this reason, doctors recommend some supplements with magnesium.

As for products containing enough magnesium, the richest are leafy green vegetables, sea vegetables, kelp, nettle, wheat sprouts .

According to many vegans and vegetarians, a full-fledged diet is still capable of providing the body with enough magnesium. They also call some supplemental products containing magnesium.
More magnesium rich foods:

pumpkin seeds and pumpkin itself
sunflower seeds
many beans (especially soybeans)
chard leaves ( and other leafy green vegetables )
black beans
avocado ( learn about its unique properties )
cashew nuts
spinach leaves
brown rice
bran oats
pumpkin pulp itself
sesame seeds
almond nut

Try to include more foods rich in magnesium. After all, they carry in themselves other useful properties for the body. Clicking on the selected from the list, you will learn about the additional benefits of each of them.

Besides all this, try to limit yourself from junk food and sweet soda. Replace them with healthy foods - healthy fruits that also help to lose weight and keep fit. And also, make your homemade drinks from fruits and herbs , which will help you also cleanse the body.

As a conclusion

Although the symptoms of magnesium deficiency seem too dangerous, in fact it is not a strong problem for your body. You only need to consult your doctor for advice on which of the drugs could be better.

Many of the supplements with magnesium can be effective, but can also cause indigestion or kidney problems. Consider this fact, because many people today are self-medicating.

If you decide to supplement your level of magnesium with nutrition, remember that according to experts, the absorption of magnesium in the digestive system ranges from 20-55%. This figure depends largely on the source, the drugs you are taking or the diseases you have.

This means that half or more of the magnesium will leave your body as waste. Then try to eat more of these products, make green juices and smoothies . These are two types of food that can be a super concentrate of many vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Have you ever experienced a magnesium deficiency? If so, how did you solve this problem? Leave your feedback in the comments below!

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