Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Sundown Naturals Magnesium, 500 mg (180 Coated Caplets) Mineral Supplement, Meets Daily Recommended Intake (Packaging May Vary)

Sundown Naturals Magnesium, 500 mg (180 Coated Caplets) Mineral Supplement, Meets Daily Recommended Intake (Packaging May Vary)
Sundown Naturals Magnesium, 500 mg (180 Coated Caplets) Mineral Supplement, Meets Daily Recommended Intake (Packaging May Vary)

9 obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body

If you regularly feel tired, you occasionally have an eye twitch or muscle spasms, most likely the reason is a lack of magnesium . Magnesium is responsible for many processes in the body. Its deficiency is dangerous to health and can cause serious illness. Therefore, it is very important to be attentive to your body in order to notice the problem as soon as possible.

We at AdMe.ru want to help you and therefore collected the most important symptoms that speak of magnesium deficiency.
1. Sweet tooth

A keen desire to eat something sweet often indicates a lack of certain minerals in the body, in particular magnesium. Among healthy people, sudden attacks of sweets for sweets most often occur in women during menstruation and in athletes after intense training.

In both cases, magnesium leaves the body in large quantities, which is why there is a need for sugar.
2. Spasms and muscle pain

9 obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body

Muscle cramps and spasms can be very painful. If they are repeated often, then this is one of the main signs of magnesium deficiency. To get rid of them will help not only replenishment of this element, but also a complex of vitamins B, E and D.

To check the level of these trace elements in the body, consult a doctor. And for quick relief of muscle tension, massage the painful area in a circular motion.
3. Insomnia

Magnesium deficiency often causes insomnia. This substance is responsible for the ability of the brain to relax and quietly fall asleep. If magnesium is not enough, then the “relaxation function” of the body fails.

They interfere with normal sleep and leg cramps, which we talked about above. In medicine, this is called "restless legs syndrome". When falling asleep and during sleep, the lower limbs twitch, which is why the quality of sleep suffers.
4. Bone diseases

Magnesium deficiency over time increases the risk of fractures, dislocations and other problems with bones and joints . The reason for this - a decrease in calcium levels, which causes magnesium deficiency. And calcium, in turn, is necessary for our healthy bones.
5. Acid reflux

9 obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body

With magnesium deficiency, undigested food and gastric juice return back to the esophagus . Because of this, there is a burning sensation, which is popularly called heartburn.
6. Apathy and stress

9 obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body

Magnesium is very important for normal functioning of the nervous system, it is also responsible for the relaxation of the body. With its shortage, it is difficult for a person to calm down, he feels constant tension and stress . Over time, this can even lead to depression.
7. Constipation

9 obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body

Causes of constipation can be many: from stress to inadequate fiber intake. And one of the possible reasons is the lack of magnesium . As mentioned above, it is responsible for the relaxation of the body. This also applies to the digestive tract. Due to the lack of this mineral, the work of certain functions of the intestine is disturbed, which ultimately leads to constipation.
8. Fatigue

9 obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body

The energy in the cells of the body is accumulated with the participation of magnesium. If it is not enough, the cells can not produce energy in the right amount for an active life. Because of this, a person appears symptoms such as fatigue, constant fatigue, apathy and laziness.
9. Severe headaches

9 obvious signs of a lack of magnesium in the body

Chronic lack of nutrients causes severe headaches. Depending on the source of its localization, it is possible to understand which vitamins the body lacks - A, B, C or D. A characteristic feature of the deficiency of trace elements is the localization of migraine in only one part of the head .

With a low level of magnesium, the blood vessels of the brain rapidly expand and contract, which causes discomfort. Filling its deficiency normalizes the work of blood vessels and relieves headaches.
What foods have a lot of magnesium?

Magnesium deficiency occurs in many people due to unhealthy diet and bad habits. Properly selected diet fills the daily need for this substance.

The following products will help increase the level of magnesium in the body:

fresh fruits and dried fruits;
a fish.

Have you noticed signs of magnesium deficiency in your body? What helped you get rid of these unpleasant symptoms? Please share your experiences in the comments!
