Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nature Made Magnesium Citrate Softgels, 250mg, 120 Count

Nature Made Magnesium Citrate Softgels, 250mg, 120 Count
Nature Made Magnesium Citrate Softgels, 250mg, 120 Count

Choose Magnesium. Courses reception and daily rates

Of course, it is no secret that metal magnesium is one of the important substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. Scientists confirmed the participation of magnesium in almost all important processes in the body (hormone production, transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction). Therefore, the famous slogan "Movement - life!" can be remake "Movement - Magnesium"
To understand the relevance of this issue, we note that in 2010, the German Medical Society conducted large-scale studies to identify the deficiency of trace elements. Thus, the lack of magnesium was found in 33.7% of Germans of working age. And this is a very big part.
Below in the article we will consider in more detail the role of magnesium in maintaining health, the consequences of its deficiency, sources of production, as well as the features of taking courses of magnesium-containing supplements.

The role of magnesium in the body

About 60% of the total magnesium in our bodies is in the bones, and the rest is in the muscles, soft tissues and fluids, including blood. Let's try to identify the most important functions of this element.
Important functions of magnesium:

participates in the process of obtaining energy by the cell (the formation of energy molecules of ATP);
participates in the metabolism of vitamin C and B vitamins. Without magnesium, these vitamins do not bring benefits to the body;
promotes the process of regeneration of affected tissues, especially epithelial.
Also magnesium:

contributes to the strength and stability of cell walls;
together with calcium, it is involved in the regulation of vascular and muscle tone, in coordination of movements;
interacts with insulin, promoting its penetration into cells;
prevents extraordinary contraction of the myocardium - extrasystoles;
important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones.
Thus, it is obvious that maintaining the correct level of magnesium in the body is important for very many processes that take place at the cellular level, the processes on which the functioning of the most important organ systems depends.

Lack of magnesium
Modern medicine identifies a number of symptoms, the presence of which indicates a chronic magnesium deficiency:
frequent morning sickness and, as a result, vomiting;
loss of normal appetite, up to one small volume of food intake per day;
unmotivated permanent fatigue, not associated with lack of sleep, stress or exercise, "I'm just tired";
muscle twitching of the fingers, eyelids, cramps of the upper limbs and muscles of the shoulder girdle;
numbness in the limbs, crawling, sudden heat or cold.
impaired coordination, especially fine motor skills of the hands.

One of the first symptoms of magnesium deficiency are cramps in the calf muscles. The first time they occur during and / or after physical exertion in the form of walking, running or swimming, and in more advanced stages - and at rest. Often, when dealing with such symptoms to a polyclinic doctor, the patient is prescribed calcium therapy. It works only in a small percentage of cases, since it is precisely “calcium-magnesium dependent seizures” that do not go without correction of the magnesium exchange.

Magnesium in women:
According to statistics, magnesium deficiency occurs in women by about 20-30% more often than men. This is due to the higher content in the female body of the hormone aldosterone, which accumulates water in the body. Magnesium in such a situation passes from the blood into the accumulated water in the extracellular space and is removed from the body.
Additionally aggravates the loss of magnesium by the female body - the time of menstruation, when aldosterone is produced with an excess. In addition, magnesium is lost with blood.
Another point about women is that long-term use of oral contraceptives significantly reduces the level of pyridoxine (vitamin B6) over time. Pyridoxine is the main magnesium-containing substance in the body. With the breakdown of vitamin B6, the selected magnesium is not excreted from the body, but is used as needed.

Magnesium in men:
The representatives of the male also stand out specific conditions in which there is a deficiency of magnesium. So, in men with high blood pressure (if systolic is above 140 cm Hg.) Magnesium is excreted in large quantities in the urine and is lost by the body.

The balance of magnesium in the body is unstable and very sensitive to stress. When a stressful situation occurs, the body fairly loses magnesium. Hence the specific name of magnesium deficiency - “the disease of successful people.”

As you can see, magnesium is a very important trace element, and the task of any person monitoring their health is to ensure its intake in the body in the proper amount.

Magnesium in food

A large amount of magnesium, and more specifically its inorganic compounds, is quite abundant in land, sea, plants, and, accordingly, in natural foods. But the absorption of magnesium is low, moreover, it reduces the errors made in the preparation of the diet, frequent intake of fatty and spicy foods, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Products containing magnesium:
leafy greens - spinach, arugula
cocoa beans
A balanced diet can provide for magnesium needs only up to a certain age - namely, up to 25 years. Next comes adult life and the level of stress increases in direct proportion, but the amount of magnesium, on the contrary, decreases. To all, the ability of the intestines to absorb beneficial elements decreases with age. Therefore, after 25 years, magnesium must be included in the diet in the form of nutritional supplements, that's for sure.

How to choose magnesium
Daily need for magnesium is individual and depends on a number of factors, for example, the need for a trace element increases with:
playing sports
physical labor
sleep deficit
during periods of heightened mental activity
during infectious diseases

The average daily need for magnesium in a healthy adult ranges from 400-600 mg.

If you experience symptoms of magnesium deficiency or to undergo a prophylactic course of magnesium intake, we recommend paying attention to such compounds:

Magnesium citrate is a product of the addition of magnesium to citric acid. The magnesium content in the molecule is less, but the digestibility and bioavailability (the percentage of getting the substance in the right place in the body and assimilating it there) of magnesium citrate is high, which allows the use of the additive in small quantities.
Magnesium Chelate This particular form of magnesium with amino acids. Due to the fact that magnesium is "hidden" in amino acids, the body takes it very well without any extra transformations. Since the molecule is large, a large dosage of magnesium chelate is difficult to fit into 1 capsule, so the daily portion of such magnesium will consist of more than one capsule, but the form itself is very good in all respects.
Magnesium chloride is an easily digestible salt, which, after being absorbed in the small intestine, is rapidly distributed throughout the body. It is important to remember that magnesium chloride is contraindicated in chronic diseases of the urinary system, in particular in renal failure.
Magnesium aspartate is a magnesium salt with organic aspartic acid, which is an amino acid. Due to the high digestibility of aspartic acid, it delivers magnesium to the blood.
Magnesium carbonate is the simplest form of the compound and is very popular among pharmacy magnesium. On the properties takes an intermediate position. The main advantage is the cost of supplements with magnesium carbonate in most cases the lowest.

You can often find a combination of Magnesium with vitamin B6, which potentiate the action of each other. This complex is very popular and is appointed by many experts (doctors and nutritionists).

Magnesium supplements are available in tablets and capsules. There are also enriched with magnesium creams and masks for outdoor use. They are useful for the skin, but do not solve the problem as a whole, since the absorption of magnesium through the skin does not occur under any circumstances.

How to take magnesium
There are a few tips on how to properly apply a supplement with magnesium:
If possible, it is necessary to divide the daily dose of the supplement into several portions and take them throughout the day, or at least in the morning and evening.
Magnesium is best taken 10-15 minutes before meals. This recommendation is based on the fact that proteins, amino acids and calcium contained in food will help to maximize the absorption of magnesium.
You should avoid taking magnesium without food, as in some cases this substance can cause nausea and pain in the stomach. This technique is allowed no more than two or three times a week.
It is also worth noting that the use of magnesium along with coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages, as well as other products that increase diuresis, leads to its rapid elimination from the body through the kidneys.
In addition, for the full absorption of magnesium, it is necessary to observe the balance of other trace elements, especially calcium. According to studies, both a lack and an excessive amount of calcium leads to a deterioration in the absorption of magnesium. How to choose Calcium - in our review
