Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Solaray Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg VCapsules, 240 Count

Solaray Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg VCapsules, 240 Count
Solaray Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg VCapsules, 240 Count

How does magnesium deficiency affect the body?

And if lately you have not recognized yourself, and your relatives hint that your character has deteriorated, it’s time to recharge with magnesium.

Hypomagnesemia: Causes and Effects

Magnesium is an indispensable element for humans. It is found in all tissues of the body, is involved in metabolism, muscle contraction, support of blood vessels and transmission of nerve impulses. Without it, the cells simply can not function properly.

Here are the symptoms for which it is easy to determine magnesium deficiency:

- hair loss and brittle nails;

- dry and flaky skin;

- digestive problems (including nausea, diarrhea and constipation);

- high blood pressure;

- pain in muscles and joints, convulsions.

Magnesium along with potassium is an essential element for the work of the heart.

In addition, when magnesium deficiency occurs, malfunctions of the adrenal glands occur, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the initial stages of diabetes develop, and the risk of tumor formation and kidney stones increases.

So why is there a shortage and who is at risk? Let's find out.

The main causes of magnesium deficiency are:

1. Improper nutrition. Perhaps the most common reason. Therefore, before you go on a diet, think about how you will compensate for the minerals and vitamins that do not receive in addition during this period. The same is true for sports: increased loads on the body require an appropriate nutrition system.

2. Caffeine and alcohol. They could be mentioned in the previous paragraph, but they deserve a separate one. These products interfere with the absorption of magnesium, removing it from the body.

3. Increased mineral demand. During periods of pregnancy, stress, recovery, intensive growth, as well as increased sweating, the body needs more magnesium.

4. Violations of the internal organs. They lead to problems with the absorption of magnesium from food, accelerated elimination from the body or an imbalance of its content in the blood / tissues.

5. Acceptance of certain drugs. Having a diuretic effect or acting on the endocrine system, some drugs contribute to the occurrence of magnesium deficiency.

Where did he get this magnesium?

Of course, the main quantity of any necessary microelement should get into our body along with water and food. Unfortunately, in modern reality this is not always the case. Due to the increased load on the soil, the mineral content of vegetables and fruits decreases. The same is true for animal husbandry, where instead of high-quality feed, their substitutes are used. In addition, part of the trace elements is lost in the process of cooking.

Meanwhile, the daily rate of magnesium for a healthy person is 400-500 mg. For pregnant women, the rate is doubled, as this mineral is involved in the formation of the bones and teeth of the child.

Treatment and Prevention

Magnesium deficiency is not flu, its symptoms appear gradually, depending on the amount of mineral in the body. If you suspect you have hypomagnesemia, then you should reconsider your diet - for the prevention and maintenance of the correct balance of minerals this may be enough. But to quickly fill the magnesium deficiency need more serious measures that it is desirable to coordinate with your doctor.

You can call for help dietary supplements. However, not all vitamin complexes are as good as advertising promises. The fact is that manufacturers often do not think about the combination of vitamins and minerals and put in a pill something that can hardly be absorbed together.

High-quality mineral water contains a number of useful substances.

Our body is much easier to assimilate what nature gives it. Mineral water is an excellent source of magnesium for humans. But be careful: some manufacturers artificially mineralize water, offering us, in fact, a surrogate. Therefore, pay attention to the information from the label.

Currently, the largest concentration of magnesium in the world has water from sources in Rogaška Slatina (Slovenia). In Russia, it can be found under the name Donat Mg. It can be given even to small children, after letting it stand in an open container, so that gases can escape. This water tastes not as salty as some of its “relatives”, which for many will be a tangible plus.

As with any treatment (and prevention too), regularity and proper dosage are important in the use of medicinal mineral water. This information can be found on the label or on the official website of the manufacturer. If possible, consult a doctor whose opinion you trust.

When magnesium deficiency interferes with normal life, there is an affordable and natural way to make a difference. Try it, you will succeed!
