Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars, Strawberry, 1.3 oz (Pack of 8)

Quick and healthy breakfast

Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars, Strawberry, 1.3 oz (Pack of 8)

Breakfast is a sine qua non of healthy eating. However, in modern life can not devote much time to breakfast. Breakfast cereals at this point are saving alternatives. Instead of skipping breakfast meals, especially cereals with full grain content can be a right and practical choice. The whole cereal breakfast cereals are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, with low fat content and provide both nutritious and delicious and practical options. Nestle has been a pioneer in the breakfast cereal category since 1998. The market size, which was 800 tons in 1998, has reached 15 thousand tons today. We talked about Nestle Turkey Country Director Ayça Cereal products in this category with Erkol.

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Why choose whole grain, oat flakes for breakfast?

Almost everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many studies show that breakfast plays a role in fulfilling our falling energy, protection from obesity, development of immunity and becoming less ill. Of course, the content of the breakfast is very important. After a 12-hour fasting, choosing both nutritious and delicious options gives us a good start to the day.
For a good start to the day, breakfast cereals, the number one content of whole grains, are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber, and provide a nutritious as well as tasty and practical option. The high fiber content from whole grains will help to provide satiety, helping us to get a fresh start to the day.
Whole grains, including oats, are the grains in which the cereal grain, bran, germ, in other words the core and starch parts are together, and no part is separated. Nutrition experts say that whole grains have many positive effects in terms of health. Regulating the digestive system, lowering cholesterol, preventing diabetes and providing weight control are the most prominent of these positive effects.

Why is the consumption of fiber products important?

Fiber-rich nutrition contributes to the regulation of cholesterol and blood sugar as well as providing weight control and regulation of the digestive system. Experts recommend taking 25 grams of fiber in a daily diet. The richest sources of fiber include whole grains, vegetables, fruits and legumes.
Nestle, the company with the largest R & D network in the food industry, invests $ 1.7 billion each year and works with 5,000 scientists to make our products healthier and more delicious. With this innovative approach, the first full-grain breakfast cereal was introduced to the sector by Nestle Breakfast Cereals. Today, the number one content of whole grain Nestle breakfast cereals, with high fiber content to support the fiber needs during the day.

Can you tell us about Nestle's other cereals?

Nestle has been a pioneer in the breakfast cereal category since 1998. During this time, the habit of consuming breakfast cereals gradually increased. The market size, which was 800 tons in 1998, has reached 15 thousand tons today. We are pleased to play the role of market leader here.
Since the year 2011 in our factory in Turkey is performing the production of cereals, here we are exporting to 13 countries. Turkey, we are operating in this country and a very important country for 107 years, Nestle. As in all of our markets, we strive to add nutrition, health and good life to the lives of individuals and families with our quality and delicious products in the Turkish market.

Nestle breakfast cereals offer both nutritious and delicious and practical products to appeal to people of all ages. We develop and diversify our product family in line with the needs and demands of consumers. We always aim to go beyond the expectations by bringing together the most healthy, quality and delicious products with our consumers.
Nesfit Granola, a rich fiber source combining whole grains and oats among the newest members of the Nestle breakfast cereals family, is an attractive choice for both breakfast and snacks with its 90 calorie content. Nestle was Lifita.

In addition, one of our prominent products is a delicious and nutritious breakfast alternative for women who take care of their nutrition with low fat, high fiber, 5 Vitamins (B2, B3, B6, Folic acid, B5 vit) and 2 minerals (calcium and iron). Nesfit products.
Nesquik products, which make mornings enjoyable for children who do not want to have breakfast in school mornings, are the biggest helpers of mothers with 6 vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Folic acid), calcium, iron and high fiber content.
Nestle Cheerios, which is a product with a high content of vitamins, minerals and fibers, is appealing to those who love the flavor of honey with its 73 percent full grain content. Mushy lovers prefer Tropical Muesli with whole grain and high fiber content. One portion of tropical muesli (40 g) meets 14 percent of daily fiber requirements. For all family members, Corn Flakes products offer a practical breakfast option with 5 different vitamins (vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, Folic acid-vitamin B9), iron and calcium.

Which foods do you recommend to use cereals to improve their health benefits?

Yes, although breakfast is the gold meal of the day, according to the data of the Ministry of Health, 1 out of 10 people in our country skips breakfast. We believe that a nutritious breakfast is very important for a good start to the day. It is possible to prepare a balanced breakfast plate with full cereals, dairy foods, fruits or vegetables and protein foods in the breakfast plate. It is very easy to prepare a balanced dish containing these recommended 4 food groups by adding dry or fresh fruits and oily seeds such as nuts and walnuts to the whole cereal breakfast cereals prepared with milk or yoghurt.
In the meantime, I would like to emphasize this. We emphasize the importance of breakfast at every opportunity, but we believe that it is necessary to make physical activity a part of our lives and to think positively as well as a balanced diet for a happy and healthy life. That is why we call on women to beslen eat well, act well and think beautifully ”. We see our products as complementary to healthy and good life.

Granola is a slightly different product than other cereals. Can you tell us about Granola?

Nesfit Granola offers a different consumption experience where foods such as oat grains, pumpkin seeds, crane nuts and honey come together. Nesfit Granola has 2 products that we offer with ”oat and honey” mix and “oat, zucchini flower and cranberry” mix options. The number one content of both products is whole grain and oats. Both Nesfit Granola products are rich in natural fiber from oats. At the same time, Nesfit Granola products provide a nutritious and practical breakfast alternative with 1 portion serving 16% of the daily calcium requirement.

Can you tell us about your new product Lifita?

Nestle Lifita is a unique product on the market. Developed for those who want to benefit from the goodness of oats and do not like the taste. We define Nestle Lifita as a delicious oat love. This product consists of oat flakes offering the goodness of oat and honey cereal rings giving the flavor.
Thanks to natural fiber from oats, one portion of Nestle Lifita (40 g) meets 14 percent of daily fiber requirements. It also contributes to the intake of vitamins and minerals with B vitamins, calcium and iron content. When one day starts with Lifita, 41 percent of the daily iron requirement and 27 percent of the calcium requirement in the dietary recommendations can be met.

Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Soft Baked Breakfast Bars, Strawberry, 1.3 oz (Pack of 8)