Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pamela's Products Gluten Free Whenever Bars, Cranberry Almond, 5 Count Box, 7.05-Ounce (Pack of 6)

Whole grains

Pamela's Products Gluten Free Whenever Bars, Cranberry Almond, 5 Count Box, 7.05-Ounce (Pack of 6)

What is whole grain?

Cereals consist of three parts:

Fiber-rich outer shell (bran): Fibers, vitamin B, minerals, protein and naturally occurring health-beneficial vegetable substances contain.

Middle starchy endosperm: The middle layer - the largest part - is the plant's main energy store. Contains carbohydrates, proteins, small amounts of vitamin B.

Very rich interior (seed / germ): Although the smallest part of the grain seed contains many useful substances: important oils, minerals, B vitamins, such as vitamin E. Russe forms a very small portion of the grain, 1 tonne of cereal, 1 kilogram of rusheym.

Whole grains include all three useful parts of the grain.

What is refined grain?

When the grain is processed, that is to be refined, bran and seed parts go away. Only the energetic endosperm remains. This means loss of many useful substances. Refined foods are usually white. They are softer. White bread and rice consumed in the market are the most commonly consumed refined grains. Children who are fed with refined grains are fed, but not enough.

This is not the only problem with refined grains. These grains have high glycemic index. In other words, they cause the blood sugar to rise and fall very quickly. If there is a genetic predisposition, this will prepare the ground for future insulin resistance and diabetes.

Refined grains are very poor in fiber. This affects the digestive system of small gourmets very negatively and may lead to constipation .

Why are whole grains more useful?

Children who eat whole grains do not get empty calories; Food that gives energy to the child, which feeds his stomach but does not contain vitamins and minerals to support his mental and physical development is called empty calories. Whole grains are very rich nutrition sources. They contain many nutrients necessary for your child's development.

Moreover, they are rich in fiber and have a positive effect on the digestive system. They don't lead to constipation.
Glycemic indexes are low; they do not cause sudden increases or decreases in blood sugar. They prevent diseases such as diabetes and insulin resistance, which is very common today.

What's the difference between whole bread and whole wheat?

Whole bread can be made from wheat, rye, oats or any other cereal. Flour, which is used in whole bread, includes all 3 parts of the grain called bran, seed (germ) and endospermia. No elements of the grain were separated. It is dark and heavy. It is very rich and nutritious in terms of vitamin minarel.

White refined breads are made with flour produced only from the endosperm of wheat. It gives energy but its nutritional value is low. Bran breads are generally produced by adding some wheat bran to white flour. They are richer in fiber than white bread, but not as nutritious as whole bread.

Is whole rice the same thing as whole rice?

We see that the word wholemeal is sometimes more common, since the word full is not widely used among people. Although there is a difference between whole wheat and whole bread, this is not the case with rice. There is often no difference between wholemeal rice sold in the market and whole rice. Nevertheless, take care to read the back of the package when buying, try to understand whether the rice has gone through any process.

Is semolina, bulgur, oatmeal whole grain?

Semolina is not whole grain. But it is extremely nutritious. Semolina is the raw material of pasta, made from durum wheat. Durum wheat is different from wheat used in bread making. Especially protein value is higher.

Oatmeal is also not whole grain. It is obtained by separating the bran and endosperm part of oats like white rice. And it has lost very important nutrients. Unlike oatmeal, oat bran is sometimes sold. If you use these two together, there is at least less food loss.

Bulgur belongs to whole grain class. It is made of wheat but does not lose its nutrients due to the way it is made. Therefore, bulgur pilaf is a very good alternative to white rice.

Does whole grains anemia?

It is not right to say that whole grains are anemia. But it is true that they make iron absorption difficult. Iron is a very hardly absorbed mineral. Although we consume foods rich in iron, the digestive system can only absorb a portion of that iron.

Not only whole grains, but also dairy products make iron absorption difficult. Iron deficiency is very common in children. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to methods that facilitate the absorption of iron, especially in the nutrition of children.

Since refined grains (white rice, white bread) do not have much nutritional value, giving up whole grains is not an option. Instead of giving whole rice or bread with iron-rich foods (such as meatballs), it is a much better option to give a spoon of legumes or vegetables. Or tangerines with black raisins (vitamin C facilitates iron absorption) can be very useful for iron.

You can choose to give whole grains with vegetables. Soaking full rice the night before makes it easy to cook. It is also claimed to reduce iron absorption.

Can my baby digest whole grains?

You can feed your baby with whole grains from the first day of transition to solid food. In whole grains, since the fiber-rich bran part of the grain is not separated, it contains plenty of fiber unlike refined grains. Fiber affects the digestive system very positively. The main reason for the constipation problem of small gourmets is generally the poor diet of fiber.

Is baby food / custard made from whole grains flour?

Baby food can be made from whole grains flour. It should even be done. Because the foods you make with these flours are not refined, they carry all the nutritious elements of the grain and are much more useful. But there are some things you need to pay attention to. There is no need to cook ready-made cereals in the market. Because these have already been processed. But you need to cook oatmeal or rice flour in your home custard.

What do I have to do if my child does not want to eat full bread and rice?

You will not experience this problem if you have fed your baby with whole grains from the first day of passing into solid food. It is a prejudice in which whole bread or rice is tasteless. If our taste is used to refined (white) bread and rice, whole grains may not appeal to us in the first place. This is the case for our child. Contrary to popular belief, you may not like it when you always give 2-year-old white rice to a child who is always fed with bulgur or whole rice. Until that day, a child fed with white pasta and rice may not look very hot on full (dark) pasta.

Therefore, if he started working with white grains, it would make more sense to realize this change without going through a 2-year-old stubbornness and food selection period. If your child is 2 years or older, there is no doubt that you will have more difficulty.

You can try the following ways in the migration process:

• Children do what they see from you. It is unrealistic to expect him to eat full rice while you eat white bread / rice. First of all, you should design your own menu accordingly.
• You don't need to turn all grains into whole grains at once. You can start with bread and continue with the rice as you get used to it. Or vice versa.
• Bulgur pilaf is cooked in every house. If you are more familiar with bulgur rice, you can slowly remove the white rice from the diet and replace it with bulgur. In time, you add the full rice.
• Seasonal tomatoes can solve all your troubles. Children generally love rice / pasta with tomatoes. A nice sauce will reduce rejections due to the color of pasta and rice.
• You can make something that you like by driving on the whole grain bread. Or you can store different colors and textures in a little way by putting cheese on top and baking.
• You can tell your child who doesn't want to eat in a suitable language and simply why the whole rice or pasta looks different and why it is more useful. You can do this by showing him a wheat you have found, finding photos from the internet, taking him to a mill or a place selling cereals, drawing pictures together. In this way, you will sign a research project together and make it a part of this selection.
• Bring together children who eat full bread / pasta / rice at meals.
• The only thing you should not do is persist and force. If he's resisting, maybe you can try again in a month. But during this time you should continue to consume whole grains.

Where do I find whole rice, wheat, rye and oat flour?

No more trouble finding whole wheat and rye flour. These products are sold in almost all major markets.

Rice flour sold in the market is made of white rice. However, whole rice flour started to be sold in organic and big markets. The rice itself is present in all markets. If you cannot find the whole rice flour, you can take the whole rice and wash it and dry it (it may take a few days to dry) and make it into the flour in the blender. The brass is very hard, your blender's motor needs to be strong. You can also protect the engine by not pulling too much brass at once. You can also use the coffee grinder for this job.

Full oat flour began to be sold in organic and big markets. It is quite difficult to find a full oat grain. You can find the whole oat grain from natural products. It is possible to process flour into the same process as rice. In fact, oat grain can be ground more easily than rice. Market Oatmeal an is a refined grain like white rice.

Are grain foods on the market made from whole grains?

Mostly no. It is not made from whole grains, but is also pre-processed. Therefore, you can give it to your child by mixing it with water or milk without cooking. Shelf life of whole grains is very short. Because there are some very useful oils that are not in their refined counterparts. These oils also cause quick deterioration. This situation is a problem for commercial enterprises do not prefer to use whole grain.

Does whole grains deteriorate quickly, how should I store and cook?

When consuming whole grains, the most important thing to pay attention to is the risk of deterioration and fungus. Shelf life of whole grains is very short, they break down very quickly and get fungal. Because there are some very useful oils that are not in their refined counterparts. These oils also cause quick deterioration.

Full grains need to be stored in cool and dry places. Especially in summer when the weather is very hot, insecticide can become inevitable if you do not keep it in the refrigerator.

Full grains need to be stored in grain. So the oat grains deteriorate much later than the flour. For this reason, if you do not have full confidence in the place you buy it in the form of grain in certain amounts at home may be good to grind.

It is impossible to tell from the appearance that whole grain is spoiled. Taste it before giving it to your child, it has a bitter / sour taste. A custard made from fresh whole grain never tastes like this.

If you do not trust the storage conditions of your place of purchase, the best solution is to pick up these products immediately after harvest time and store them in suitable conditions at home.

If you are going to use full rice, you should wash it very well first. Rice is a grain that grows in slime. For this reason, you should wash it very, very well before using it.

Pamela's Products Gluten Free Whenever Bars, Cranberry Almond, 5 Count Box, 7.05-Ounce (Pack of 6)