Saturday, September 7, 2019

AMMEX Medical Blue Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, XLarge, APFN48100-BX, Box of 100

What are the Symptoms of Ebola Virus?

AMMEX Medical Blue Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, XLarge, APFN48100-BX, Box of 100

The Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever disease, which has recently killed more than 800 people in four West African countries - Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone - is increasingly worried.

Ebola cases in Turkey were a deep breath with care not seen the statement made today of all our citizens.

We share the explanations about Ebola with you.

How dangerous is Ebola?

When the last epidemic erupted in Guinea in late 2013 to understand how dangerous Ebola is, the first virus seen in Guinea was later spread to a geography including major cities in Sierra Leone and Liberia. After a virus-affected person flew to Nigeria by plane, this country became one of the outbreaks. To date, 319 people in Guinea, 129 in Liberia and 224 in Sierra Leone have died from ebola.

The last outbreak contains the most deadly virus ever seen. 'Zaire ebolavirus', the virus that has caused the lives of 79 percent of people infected to date, is the virus that causes severe forms of hemorrhagic fever in humans and non-human primates. The 4th Risk Group is recognized as a Pathogen by the World Health Organization. There are three identifiable Ebola viruses. These are Ebola Sudan, Ebola Reston, Ebola Ivory Coast. It's a very dangerous virus. Causes diarrhea, bleeding, skin rash, and high fever. It takes its name from a river in Africa. It is contagious. Outbreaks are seen if not controlled. The Ebola virus is filamentous, approximately 80 nm long. The genetic material consists of RNA.

Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever (EHA) is a disease that has been known since 1976 and is seen in severe, often fatal humans and primates (Monkeys and Chimpanzees). A river in Congo is called Ebola. It is an RNA virus from the family Filavoviridae. 3 of the 4 species have been identified: Ebola-Zaire, Ebola-Sudan and Ebola-Ivory Coast. Fourth, Ebola - Reston causes disease in primates.

Although its place in nature is unknown, the general idea based on evidence is thought to be of African origin. The Ebola-Reston virus was isolated from some kind of infected monkey, which came from Italy and the United States from the Philippines. This virus is not known in other countries like North America.

How is the Ebola virus transmitted?

Ebola is more difficult to transmit than the SARS or influenza virus and does not spread from the air. The disease is transmitted when touching the blood of an animal or patient or other body fluids such as sweat, pee, or sperm. Even at funerals, touching inanimate bodies with bare hands when burying patients can lead to infection. The incubation period of the virus lasts from two days to three weeks. Diagnosis is not easy; because the first symptoms resemble the flu.

How does it spread to people?
It is sporadic that people get sick with the Ebola virus. People don't carry the virus. Since it does not know its natural reservoir, it is not known how the disease causes an epidemic in humans. However, the first patient is thought to have become ill as a result of contamination with the infected animal. Once someone becomes ill, they can infect others in a number of ways. People can get the virus through direct contamination with the blood or secretion of the infected person. The virus can often spread among friends and families due to intimacy, nutrition, occupation, or other reasons between family or friends.

Humans may also be exposed to the virus as a result of contamination with certain objects, such as needles, contaminated with infected secretion. The outbreak of ROM is often associated with nasocomial transmission. This includes the two ways described above, but describes the spread by medical sets in hospitals or clinics. In Africa, patients are generally treated without mask and overshoes. In addition, many people may be infected by using non-disposable syringes or syringes, which can be washed with water and repeated use without sterilization. In Virginia, there has been an Ebola-Reston virus transmission from monkey to monkey by air. However, this type of transition is not defined in hospital or residents.

What happened in the later stages of Ebola?

In the later stages of the disease, blood comes from the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and rectum, and blood flows through the holes that the serum needle opens. Blood flow out of the body is seen as the most defining syndrome of the disease. Fever, vomiting and diarrhea seen in the early stages of the disease are already considered as other descriptive syndromes of many other diseases. Often, patients can recognize that they have ebola when bleeding occurs, and people with ebola will eventually die of multiple organ failure. The major reason for this is that the ebola virus rapidly destroys the white blood cells in the body, destroying the immune system, and the failure of the human body to fight the virus.
lost. The structure of the virus is not the only factor that is so dangerous. Because it was the first major ebola outbreak in West Africa, medical teams in the region are not adequately trained and experienced. What's more, people living in West Africa travel more than the people of Central Africa who have previously been outbreaking, causing the spread of the virus.

Information about Ebola's septomas

Symptoms and signs of Ebola are not the same in all patients. According to the frequency of the symptoms seen in the reported cases the symptoms are listed in the following table.

Within a few days after being infected with the virus, the most common symptoms of Ebola patients are High Fever, Headache Muscle Pain, Stomach Pain. Weakness, Diarrhea, but other symptoms are included. These include the feeling of pity in the throat, hiccups, rash, itching and redness in the eye, blood vomiting, bloody diarrhea.

Symptoms within a few weeks of infection with the virus are chest pain, blindness, bleeding, shock and death.

How is Ebola treated?

There is no standard treatment for ROM. Today, supportive treatment is being done. To reduce fluid loss in the body, patients are immediately connected to serum. Fluid - Electrolyte monitoring, oxygen monitoring, blood pressure monitoring and treatment for secondary infections. During the Kikwit outbreak, eight patients were given the blood of healed persons with EHA, seven of them survived. The efficacy of the treatment is still unknown because the study group is small.

How to prevent Ebola hemorrhagic fever?

In Africa, the EHA measure has many challenges. Because the location and identity of the natural reservoirs of the Ebola virus are unknown, several prevention methods are available. In the presence of the disease, the social and economic conditions allow the epidemic to spread, so public health care providers should recognize the cases of ROM. In addition, health care workers should have diagnostic test facilities, practice for isolation of cases and health care workers should have the opportunity to protect themselves. Infection control measures; gloves, special protective goggles, a full-length protective protective clothing, including a mask, protection from Ebola contamination with unprotected persons, and full sterilization techniques. The purpose of all these techniques; to avoid any person's contact with blood or secretions of any patient. If a patient with EHA dies, it is important to avoid direct contamination with the body of the deceased. CDC has prepared tools to meet the needs of healthcare workers. Together with the WHO, the CDC has developed practical guidelines for hospitals under the heading of Viral HEMORAGIC INFECTION CONTROL in the African Health Kit. This describes the procedures to be taken in terms of health and prevention of hospital-acquired transitions when Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, such as Ebola, is recognized using locally available facilities.

What is the likelihood of Ebola in Turkey?

an alert rapidly from the authorities in Turkey to spread the virus yet in Africa yapılmasa Only Turkey Ministry of Health for Borders and Coasts Health General Manager Hüsem Hall, abroad from Turkey, especially the first of the citizens who will travel to Africa Ebola virus disease 'to be caution against infectious and epidemic diseases. Africa is not known precaution is taken from people traveling to Turkey.

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AMMEX Medical Blue Nitrile Gloves - 4 mil, Latex Free, Powder Free, Textured, Disposable, Non-Sterile, XLarge, APFN48100-BX, Box of 100