Monday, September 2, 2019

Hefty Slider Freezer Bags - Quart, 74 Count

Freezing Food in Freezer

Hefty Slider Freezer Bags - Quart, 74 Count

Everything is fresh during the season and beautiful as well as affordable. This percentage of Turkish women for both the family budget and hormone-free organic food to make preparations in the summer we make them a nice eat in the winter.

Of course, it is necessary to know the storage conditions and durations for all these. Deep freezers have storage times depending on the type of food. It is important to follow them. It is especially important for white meat and dairy products. To store food in the deep-freeze (dip-freeze) for a long time, it is frozen directly by cooking, boiling or shocking.

Very ripe, raw vegetables, nectarine, green onion, red radish, cress, vegetables such as curly salad and watermelon, watermelon, such as melons are not suitable to store in the freezer.

Vegetables are cleaned and washed before putting them in the freezer, then chopped into small pieces and put into bags as you need. The air is taken in such a way that no air is left in it, it is lifted to the deep freezer by tying it tightly and writing the packing date.

Plastic containers, refrigerator bags and plastic bags can be used as packaging material in the freezer. Some vegetables take up more space in the freezer by volume, such as white cabbage, spinach, leek, such as vegetables in the freezer by freezing the freezer will make more room for other foods.

In addition, the vitamin values ​​of the foods removed by shock will be more permanent.

Do not use glass bottles as storage containers in the freezer. Because liquids that expand when frost causes glass to break.

Try using food in your freezer in order of date. You can also use this order.

* All frozen products are not frozen again after thawing and must be consumed within a short time.

Shock Storage Method
In order to avoid the loss of color, smell, taste and vitamins of some vegetables, we call it boiling before freezing.

This is also a good way to reduce the volume of products to be bagged and placed in the freezer.

Water is put into a large pot and boiled.
The vegetables to be boiled are taken into a strainer and then dipped in boiling water.

It is left for 2-8 minutes and at the end of the period, the vegetables are kept directly under the cold water flowing from the tap and allowed to drain.

As needed, it is put in the refrigerator bag and the air is taken inside and it is tightly connected to the mouth and placed in the freezer.

How is tomato stored in the freezer?

Tomatoes reach maturity in mid-August and September with the increase in temperature, their availability in the market increases and prices fall.
This is the best time to put it in the freezer.

To put it in the freezer, you can peel ripe meaty tomatoes by peeling them through a food processor or chopping them, bagging and removing them into the freezer.
For use in meals, chop coarsely cubed and bag 2 to 3 ladles.
For use in soups you can pass through the robot. Roast and remove tomatoes you will use in soups. You will find that it is much more delicious.
Tomatoes can use frozen or thawing. The storage period in the freezer is 12 months.

How to Store Spicy (Green) Pepper in the Freezer?

Pointed pepper or charcoal pepper, Cut the stems, remove the seeds and bag as you need and remove them in the freezer.
You can use it frozen. Storage period is 8-10 months.
Fry and cool the peppers, bag them and put them in the freezer.
It's great for mixed frying. The storage period of fried pepper is 12 months.
Thaw at room temperature, direct heating and use.

How is red pepper stored in the freezer?

In early September, red pepper is the time to reach seasonal maturity.
In this month, you can prepare the red pepper to the extent you need and put it in the freezer.
You can use it frozen. Storage period is 8-10 months.
Red pepper again in the season (stove, oven, barbecue) stalk and kernels can be extracted, chopped and then put in the freezer.
Thaw the peppers at room temperature before using, garlic, vinegar, sauce and eat with olive oil.

How is Green Beans Stored in the Freezer?

Seasonal fresh beans are extracted, washed and chopped to your needs.
Shock for 3 minutes, then bagged and removed into the freezer.
2 tomatoes can be peeled and put into the bags optionally. Thus, it can be cooked in the pot with tomatoes in winter. After roasting onions, frozen beans can be put in the pot.

The storage period in the freezer is 10-12 months. Or roast with tomatoes.

How to Store Black Eyed Peas in Deep Freezer?

Fresh beans taken during the season are extracted, shocked for 3 minutes and bagged and removed into the freezer. Afterwards, it is boiled by being thrown into the hot water directly in the frozen state and after it has cooled, it is sauce and eaten with lemon and olive oil.

How to store cucumbers in the freezer

The cucumber is not directly put into the freezer as a whole. Grate cucumbers or chop small.
Put them in refrigerator bags and make them tidy.
Use frozen cucumbers only to make tzatziki.
Use after thawing at room temperature.
In emergencies, you can dissolve the cucumber in the microwave. The storage period of grated cucumbers is 12 months.

How is Fresh Kidney Beans Stored in the Freezer?

In mid-August, after the seasonal red beans are extracted, you can bag them to the extent we need and remove them directly into the freezer.
boil for 25 minutes before cooking and pour the black water.
Cook after boiled. Storage period is 8-10 months.

How to store spinach and purslane in the freezer?

Fresh green leafed spinach and purslane are cleaned, washed and chopped thoroughly, bagged to a 1-dish, directly or shocked and removed to the freezer. If you have little space in the freezer, shock for 2 minutes. Then it doesn't take up much space. Its volume decreases. The storage period in the freezer is 9 months.

How to Store White Cabbage in a Freezer?

Fresh and hard cabbage is cleaned, chopped, bagged according to our needs directly or shock freezer is removed.
Cabbage in the freezer storage period is 8 months.
You can remove the cabbage by shocking it for 2 minutes.

How is Brussels sprouts stored in the freezer?

Brussels sprouts are cleaned, Cabbage is shaken for 3 minutes after you bag it to the size you need and remove the freezer.
Brussels cabbage is stored in the freezer for 9-12 months. You can use frozen food.

How to Store Leeks in a Freezer?

Leeks are cleaned, washed and chopped to the appropriate length.
After chopping leeks for 5 minutes, bag and lift to the freezer.
Leeks in the freezer storage period is 8 months. You can use frozen or thaw at room temperature for meals.

How is Carrot Stored in the Freezer?

The carrots are peeled, sliced ​​according to desire and bagged and removed directly into the freezer.
The storage period of carrots in the freezer is 12 months. You can shock carrots for 3 minutes.
After removing from the freezer, you can use it directly in the frozen state.

How to store cauliflower in a freezer

Cauliflower is cleaned, disintegrated and left in lemon water.
Filtered cauliflowers are bagged and removed directly into the freezer.
Cauliflower storage time in the freezer is 10 months.
Cauliflower in boiling water by adding a little lemon salt can shock for 3-5 minutes.
You can also use dishes frozen directly.

How to store parsley and dill in the freezer

Parsley and dill are cleaned and leaves are extracted from the stem parts. It is washed beautifully, filtered and chopped leaves.
It is removed to the freezer after bagging to the extent you need.
The storage period of parsley and dill in freezer is 8 months. It is used directly in the frozen state.

How is celery stored in a freezer?

Celery is washed well and peeled. It is chopped to the extent that you can use it and squeezed lemon.
It is removed to the freezer after bagging to the extent you need.
Celery storage in the freezer is 12 months. It is used directly in the frozen state.

Red (Black Cabbage) Cabbage How to store in the freezer?

According to the size of cabbage, is divided into 3-4 parts. The leaves are finely chopped and then dipped in vinegar hot water.
After being immersed in boiling water for 3 minutes, it is cooled under tap water, filtered and bagged and removed to the freezer.
Red cabbage in the freezer storage period is 10 months. It is used directly in the frozen state.

How to Store Peas in a Freezer

The inner parts of the peas are separated from their shells and washed. it is removed directly to the freezer after bagging to the extent you need.
You can shock for 2 minutes. Meals are also used frozen.
Peas in the freezer storage period is 12 months.

How to store artichokes in deep freeze?

The artichokes taken during the season are taken into lemon water so that they do not tarnish.
Artichokes whole or chopped as dehydrated to the extent you need
removed directly into the freezer. Or shock for 2 minutes (add a little lemon salt into the boiling water)
After making lift to the freezer. The storage period in the freezer is 6 months.

How to Store Eggplant in a Freezer

Do not chop the eggplants directly into the freezer. Roast with tomatoes.
Karnıyarık, imambayıldı, aubergine moussaka, aubergine settling,
islim kebab and fried eggplants in the freezer is very nice to store.
According to which food you will use the eggplants, fry the eggplants, cool and bag after
Lift to freezer. Bag the eggplants you prepare as frying with the sharp peppers you fried.
After roasting the plump eggplants, peel and chop and remove the freezer. The minced eggplant salad is good.
Use after thawing at room temperature. The storage period is 12 months.

How is Zucchini Stored in the Freezer?

Fresh zucchini is chopped as food, shocked for 2 minutes, cooled and bagged and placed in the freezer.
used when cooking frozen. You can fry the pumpkins, cool them and bag them in the freezer.
The storage period is 9 months.

How to Store Dry Beans, Kidney Beans and Chickpeas in the Freezer?

Boil for 30 minutes directly in the pressure cooker, filter and after cooling, bag and lift to the freezer.
After thawing in water, use in meals. The storage period is 12 months.

How to Store Green Lentils in Deep Freezer?

After boiling green lentils, cools and bag as you need and remove the freezer.
Use directly in soup broth without melting. The storage period is 12 months.

How to Store Bread in a Freezer?

Village breads, bakery breads, lavash, yufka, bazlama such as fresh and chilled and bagged in the freezer bag.
Pull the stale breads from the carpet and bag them. You can use it when making dumplings.
Use after thawing at room temperature or microwave.
The storage period is 3 months and the others are 4 months.

How is Butter Stored in a Freezer?

Slice the breakfast butter to the extent you need, wrap it with stretch and lift it to the freezer. Storage period is 6 months.

How is cheese stored in the freezer?

White cheese, hard pickled cheeses 'knitted cheese, Urfa cheese' and kashar cheese can be stretched and frozen in the freezer.
Remove. Use after thawing at room temperature.
The other kind of white cheese you can use in pastries is not nice. Storage period is 6 months.

How is garlic stored in the freezer?

Peel the garlic shells and put them in any plastic container or bags and lift them to the freezer.
Use after dissolving the garlic in water.
Storage Period: 6 months.

How is corn stored in the freezer?

Corns separated from the cobs can be bagged directly and taken to the freezer.
Boiled directly in the frozen state. The storage period is 10-12 months.

How is Potato Stored in the Freezer?

Slice the potatoes as desired, wash and dry the cloth thoroughly.
Soak the dried potatoes into flour, bag and freeze immediately.
In this way, it's like ready-made potatoes. When you remove it from the freezer, fry in plenty of oil without thawing.
The storage period is 10-12 months.

How is Okra stored in the freezer?

Clean the okra in a funnel shape and wash thoroughly. Bag as you need and lift directly into the freezer.
When cooking, empty the bag directly into the pan. Storage Period is 10-12 months.

How is Pepper Stored in a Deep Freeze?

clean them by opening them as if they were stuffed. Thoroughly wash and invert the water to drain.
After drying thoroughly, bag 2-3 and nest them and freeze.
As soon as the peppers come out of the freezer, they must be filled and cooked without dissolving or the taste of the pepper deteriorates.
Storage Period is 10-12 months.

How are fruits stored in the freezer?

You can put plums, apples, apricots, cranberries, strawberries, cherries, blackberries, peaches to make compote.
Wash the fruits thoroughly, extract, peel some of the peel and bag directly into the freezer.
If you are going to compote, throw it into a saucepan, add water and boil.
When composting fresh fruits, put sugar without boiling water.

If you put the fruit to make jam, wash, extract, chop and bag.
To make jam, add sugar and put in the stove.

Grate the orange and lemon peels and put them in small bags. You can use it when making cakes.

Storage period is 8-10 months.

You can prepare the leaf wrap, stuffed cabbage wrap and various stuffed peppers, then bag and store without cooking.
When it is removed, add olive oil and hot water to the pan and cook over low heat. Storage period is 6 months.

You can prepare all kinds of meatballs and freeze.
I make meatballs with rice, meatballs, meatballs for juicy meatballs, fish meatballs, chicken meatballs, small meatballs for vegetable dishes
wrap in aluminum foil or lay foil between pastic containers and remove. When you want to take enough
You can use. Storage period is 3-4 months.

You can wrap up your cakes, pastries and pastries in a stretch film and freeze.
when you want to eat it and leave it at room temperature will slowly return to its freshness at the time you put it. Or you can heat it in the microwave.
Storage period is 4-6 months.

You can prepare pastry, pastry etc. from pastry and freeze. When it is removed, put it on the tray and cook it with egg yolk.
Storage period is 3-4 months.

After you clean and boil, chop the rumen and keep it. He'il be ready for soup.
Storage period is 3-4 months.

Prepare homemade meat or chicken broth. Pour into ice molds or refrigerator bags and freeze.
So it is very useful when you want to use a small amount.

Red Meat, White Meat And Seafood Storage In The Freezer

Veal 6 -10 months
Mutton 4 - 8 months
Beef 8 -12 months
Mince 3-4 months
Sausage - Salami 1 - 2 months
Offal 1 - 3 months
Chicken 7 - 8 months
Duck 2 - 4 months
Hunting Animals 9 -12 months
Trout 2 - 4 months
Turbot-flounder 4 - 8 months
Anchovy 4 - 8 months
Caviar 2 - 3 months
Shellfish 2 - 6 months

Hefty Slider Freezer Bags - Quart, 74 Count