Monday, September 2, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Sandwich Storage Bags, 300 Count

How to store cranberries at home: useful suggestions for housewives to note

Amazon Brand - Solimo Sandwich Storage Bags, 300 Count

A long time ago, cranberries were considered one of the vitamin stores. The berry is rich in ascorbic acid, so it is recommended for the prevention of colds. It is used in folk medicine and cooking. But not everyone knows how to keep cranberries for a long time. We'il talk about it.

How to store cranberries at home

Delicious mousse, salads, fruit drinks and even second dishes from fruits. And how useful vitamins stuffed with cranberry juice! They differ in their curative strength and taste. Doctors recommend eating fruits throughout the year.
How to store cranberries at home, so that it remains useful and delicious?

Yes, very simple. Remember: Sour longer and best kept acid. After picking, it does not need to be free of debris, the fruits remain under fresh moss for a long time. So, how do you keep cranberries at home in many ways? We're moving to the important part of the article.

Fruits leaves all winters, benefit and taste, use ordinary water. But only the immature fruits are stored. Cranberries are filled with boiled water in a bowl and stored in this form in winter time.

How to store cranberries for winter

Many granulated sugarand frozen. To begin, the fruits need to be sorted and removed. Also wash them dry and leave on towel. Dried fruits are passed through a mincer or mixed with sugar in a mixer (ratios 1: 1).

If you get less sugar, then cranberries begin to wander and deteriorate. We transfer the fruit mass to a clean and dry jar, cover it with a lid and carry it to the ceiling or basement where it is not ribbed.
ice cream

How else to store cranberries? Can be frozen for winter. This is an excellent and acceptable option. Take the undamaged fruit, rinse thoroughly and put in a special container or plastic bag. Shake containers periodically, do not allow fruits to stick together. Jelly, fruit drinks and compotes are prepared from fresh frozen cranberries. Can be thinned with dried fruits.

How to store cranberries

In dried form

How do they store dried cranberries at home? Washed fruits lightly wrap, the skin itself enough to leave the skin. The uniform layer spread the product onto the baking sheet and dried in an oven at 60 ° C for 5 hours. A simple and effective method likes mistresses.
Wet case

Fill the fruits with water, add some honey, spices (cloves, cinnamon). We set up the yoke upstairs. You can eat cranberries in a month. Wet, even more delicious.

We recommend you to cook a delicious jam from cranberries. One kilogram of strawberries, one and a half cups of water and the same amount of sugar is taken. Cook syrup, add fruits and leave on low heat for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, for piquancy, put some walnut or apple slices. Ready jams are placed in glass containers and sealed.

Thus we explained how to store cranberries.Home conditions without the use of harmful impurities - all recipes are quite simple and affordable. Similarly, any fruit is stored. I agree: it is much better to eat fresh, cooked food, knowing that they will bring tremendous benefits to the body.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Sandwich Storage Bags, 300 Count