Monday, September 2, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Slider Quart Food Storage Bags, 120 Count

How to freeze parsley for the winter?

Amazon Brand - Solimo Slider Quart Food Storage Bags, 120 Count

Summer - is not only time to relax and stay near the bodies of water, but also to prepare for autumn and winter. In the meantime, all the hostesses began to make various gaps little by little. Traditionally, many different flavors are harvested for the winter. Today we will talk about how to prepare parsley in winter, because this component not only creates cooking, but also creates facial masks as well as decoctions and tinctures. Of course, parsley can also be dried or pickled, but the taste of such greens will be completely different.

In winter, the presence of frozen greens comes in handy, dishes interspersed with parsley, very nice and not only on a festive table. Recipes freezing greens have been around for quite a long time, today we're looking at some of these.

Foliage collection methods

Parsley can be frozen in three different ways. These methods are the simplest and most common, you can choose any of the offered.

Parsley can be frozen in bunches. To do this, you need to collect the greens in a few bundles and then fold them into normal plastic bags and put them in the freezer. Usually in the form of frozen parsley and strips. In this case, the greens are pre-cut into strips and then placed on the cling film. Then, wrap the greens in a sausage and put them in the freezer.
The greens can be easily recovered in the form of ice cubes in winter. For this you need to chop parsley, but not too small, so it fits into ice molds. After that, dissociate into cells and fill with water. The mold is then placed in the refrigerator in the refrigerator. When the cubes are ready, you can pour them into a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for storage. Cubes not only with water, but also with melted butter. The cooking mechanism is the same as in the first case, only the mold is filled with butter.
Parsley can also be frozen in a chopped form. This method is often no different from the first, only the greens are crushed.

The second method of freezing greens is very popular among hostesses today, and they consider ice cubes to be the most suitable method. It is very convenient to take ice cubes and add them to the first classes when cooking soup.

In general, it is recommended that all freezing methods be used at once or depending on how the greens will be used in the future. For example, ice cubes are best suited for cooking first courses. If you only use parsley to add to the french fries or to add any snacks, it is best to freeze the chopped parsley. If the greens in your kitchen are only used to decorate dishes, branches or bunches of frost are perfect.

How to keep parsley fresh?

Today we will take a closer look at the third way to freeze the greens. For the whole process we need:

cellophane bags, zip type ziplock bags or green storage trays;
cutting board and a good sharp knife;
paper napkins or towels for drying parsley;
Water to wash greens.

For the best preservation of greens in winter, it is best to freeze, because it does not lose color and flavor and appears quite fresh after thawing. You can buy two types of parsley for ice cream: regular and curly. Both species have a bright and very rich color and a distinctive aroma.

To prepare the greens properly, be sure to follow some guidelines:

It is very important to freeze fresh parsley. If there is an opportunity, the parsley must have just emerged from the garden.
The greens must be sorted before freezing. It is important to remove all damaged or dry leaves, such as damaged and yellow leaves, as well as any leaves.
It is very important to rinse before freezing before the greens. Prepare the parsley with water in a deep container and wait for a while and then rinse thoroughly with water under the tap.
Also note that parsley must be thoroughly dried before freezing, as the extra liquid in the parsley is completely unnecessary. It is suitable for ordinary kitchen towels or paper napkins for this purpose. We often use thick paper towels to dry the leaves.

Of course, he has heard that a special shock freezing technique is used in factories where many half-cooked dishes are made. This method allows you to preserve nutrients and vitamins in the composition of products. If your fridge freezer has a quick freezing option, it is better to use it, so that the parsley freezes quickly and remains as fresh and useful as possible.

We will use chopped greens for harvesting. It is better to take only green leaves, but it is better to cut hard stems. Chopping parsley, collecting in small bundles, saves time.If you want, the herbs can chop in a blender, but with an old knife is still better. It should not be cut too small, it is enough to do it normally, as you usually chop in the cooking process. It is better to put the chopped greens in a specially prepared bowl.

Once all the greens have been cut, you must place them in the storage tanks. We will use regular plastic bags for this. We make small bags with greens, we have a bag. Before tying the bags and placing them in the freezer, you must release all air from the bag. This will significantly reduce the space available in the freezer and keep the package intact.

You can also store spices in trays and collect not only parsley but also other greens such as sorrel. You can also freeze parsley in small bags with a zippered buckle. Such an arrangement is very convenient because gaps are obtained in batches. The freezer will not have to pick up all the greens, just take one bag for one-time use.

If you are saving greens on a tray, it is better to wrinkle with a hand beforehand, so that more greens will fit into the container. When frozen in trays, you can also use the food cover first and close it first. After the parsley is carefully packaged, the trays are put into the freezer. The convenience of the spaces in the trays is that the greens in them turn dry, so it is very convenient to take them with a teaspoon or tablespoon in the future. It is important to remember that after eating the right amount of parsley to put the tray in the refrigerator.

What dishes for frozen parsley?

Parsley of all herbs used in food is perhaps the most fragrant and spicy. If almost everyone likes sweetening with smell and taste, not everyone has parsley to taste. However, such spices can also be used in the process of creating various dishes, such as first meal, soup, meat, fish dish, various salads, sauces and snacks. You can also use parsley and canned for various homemade preparations.To decorate almost any dish.

Now it's easy to freeze greens because every home has a freezer refrigerator. Previously, housewives had filled parsley in jars and cleaned it in the cellar. As a rule, in such cases parsley is either ground or chopped very finely.

In modern housewives, it is generally acceptable to freeze not only greens, but also many vegetables, because this is a great way to maintain food for a long time and have a pleasant time in winter.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Slider Quart Food Storage Bags, 120 Count