Monday, September 2, 2019

Ziploc Sandwich Bags, XL, 3 Pack, 30 ct

Because if you don't know, there is waste: How to keep food longer?

Ziploc Sandwich Bags, XL, 3 Pack, 30 ct

We all complain about fast-perishing food, spices, pickles. We have a right. However, if the storage conditions are complied with, we can extend the use and storage life of the food. In this way, we can also contribute to the home economy.

Extending their lifespan with a few simple applications and practical information is very simple.

What are they?

Let's start with dried pulses first.

• We should store all dried pulses in glass jars. Plastic containers and bags may have negative health consequences over time.
• Brown sugar can last for 4-6 months, while white sugar can last for 1-2 years in a tightly closed glass jar.
• Rice can stand in a glass jar for up to 2 years, provided that no air is allowed in a cool, dry place.
• Not pulses, but get a bonus: This is what most of us do to store potatoes in the fridge. However, the potatoes should be stored in a cool, dry place. Not in the fridge.

What are the tips for storing cheeses?

• You can store long-term cheeses in greasy paper and aluminum foil and store them in the refrigerator. In this way, the cheeses will remain fresh for longer than they are kept open.
• If you want to use white cheese for a longer time, you can store it in a container full of olive oil.
• Since curd cheese is obtained from the cut milk, you can keep it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days intact.
• Hard cheese such as overalls, mihaliç, old kashar and hellim can be kept tightly wrapped in the refrigerator for 3-4 weeks as long as we are sure that it does not take air.
• Soft cheeses such as fresh cheddar and tongue cheese can last up to 3 weeks after the package is opened.
• You should consume cream cheeses within a maximum of 10-12.

What should we pay attention to when storing spices?

• The most important issue about spices is that it should not be stored on or near shelves. Because the colors and odors of the spices affected by heat change, they lose their taste.
• It may be more convenient to store the spices in the refrigerator. The second correct method is to store all spices in a closed, cool, dry and dark place.
• Chop the garlic in olive oil in a glass jar. The oil remaining from garlic will be a great sauce for your salads and a delicious oil for your meals.
• As with many foods, it is best to store the tea in tightly closed jars in a cool, dark place in the kitchen.

How are foods such as bread and cakes actually stored?

• While storing the cakes you make, 1 slice of apple cakes that you put in the bowl will keep your cakes more fresh.
• When you put a piece of celery in the box or bag where you keep the bread, the breads will remain fresh for longer.
• Another thing we need to be aware of is the bread: To keep the bread fresh in the refrigerator or in the bread box for longer, we can wrap it in a cloth.

What is the best temperature to store canned food?

• Unopened canned food should be stored in a dry place at room temperature.
• Another important issue to keep in mind when storing canned food is that boxes should not be stored in very hot or very cold areas. Overheating or freezing of closed canned food can cause the taste of the ingredients to deteriorate.

What is the best environment to prevent eggs from spoiling?

• Eggs should be placed in the refrigerator compartment with the pointed end facing down. This way it can stay fresh longer.
• Even if it has a crusted form, the egg may also smell. To prevent this, it is useful to store the eggs in their own cartons for long-term storage. This way you can store it for 4-5 weeks.
• You can store unused egg yolks for 3-4 days by adding some liquid oil in a closed storage container. You can store the white part in a sealed container for 2-3 days. If you do not peel the boiled egg, you can store it for a week in the refrigerator.

How is food stored in the freezer?

In our previous article, we have included frozen vegetables and fruits in detail. Let's add a few tips.

• In the event of a power failure, it is strongly recommended that you do not open the door of your freezer. The coldness of the food, depending on the fullness of 48 hours will keep them intact. However, if your freezer is more than half full or half full, this time will be reduced to 24.
• Instead of aluminum foil in the freezer, choose to freeze the food by placing it in plastic bags or wrapping it in a stretch film.
• Date the food you have frozen and try to place it in the order of dates when using the food in your freezer.
Fats harden harder than proteins and carbohydrates and have a shorter storage life in the freezer. Therefore, if you intend to store your fatty meats such as chops in the freezer, you must first remove the excess fat.
• You can store fresh nuts such as nuts and peanuts in well-sealed plastic bags for up to 8 months in the freezer and up to 4 months in the refrigerator.

What is the boiling time of vegetables before freezing?

• Cabbage (chopped): 1.5 minutes
• Carrot: 3-5 minutes
• Cauliflower, celery, pepper: 3 minutes
• Corn: 4-8 minutes
• Eggplant: 4 minutes
• Green beans: 2-3 minutes
• Onion, spinach: 2 minutes
• Peas: 2-3 minutes
• Pumpkin: 1 minute

Pour the boiled vegetables into ice water and dry with paper towels and place in the freezer.

Ziploc Sandwich Bags, XL, 3 Pack, 30 ct