Monday, September 2, 2019

Ziploc Storage Bags Gallon, 75 Count

9 rules for storing food in the refrigerator

Ziploc Storage Bags Gallon, 75 Count

Most of the products purchased during the weekly kitchen shopping are usually kept in the refrigerator. Therefore, to prevent waste, to maintain nutritional values ​​and health, the refrigerator has a very important place in our lives. There are many rules to be observed, from cleanliness to placement. Memorial Bahçelievler Hospital Department of Nutrition and Diet. Aslıhan Altuntaş gave important information about the rules to be followed in the refrigerator layout.

1) Refrigerator cleaning is the first factor to be considered in terms of health. Vinegar can be used for cleaning the refrigerator. 1 liter of water by putting 1 tablespoon of vinegar in the refrigerator should be wiped and after drying the food should be placed in the refrigerator.

2) Packaged foods and breakfast plates should be kept on the top shelf for hygiene. Otherwise, bacteria can be transmitted to the foodstuffs that will be consumed without any cooking process, from the packages of packaged foods or from the pieces that may fall from the fruit and vegetables. In the refrigerators below the freezer, the breakfast should be on the top.

3) Cooked dishes should be placed on the second shelf. It should be stretched and not in contact with each other. They are more risky than uncooked raw foods because they are the foods to be heated and consumed directly.

4) Foods such as raw meat and yogurt can be placed on the right shelf with the mouth closed and on the third shelf without contact with each other. Chicken and fish can also be packed or in glass containers on this shelf.

5) Fruit and vegetable section should be on the bottom shelf. However, fruit and vegetables should not be kept in the fridge with market or market bags. This is one of the biggest mistakes made. Nutrients must be removed from their packages. If it is wet, it must be dried and put in the refrigerator. For this reason, it is most practical to place it in the closet by washing and drying it as it will provide convenience in the preparation stage. It can be stored in pouch paper or non-plastic storage containers specially designed for storage.

6) Waiting times in the freezer are essential. When the food is frozen, the bacteria in it are frozen. So they don't die. As soon as thawing process starts, those bacteria start to reactivate again. For this reason, how long the food stays in the freezer is very important. Because the structure and texture of nutrients begin to change. Raw vegetables that have not been processed can stand in the freezer for up to 1 year, while the vegetables to be cooked and stored should be stored for a maximum of 2-3 months. After thawing it should be consumed immediately. The fish can be kept for 2-3 months, raw meat or minced meat made from raw meat for 9-12 months. Since cooked red meat is processed, it should remain for 2-3 months. Chicken and turkey meat should be stored in the freezer for up to 3 months, even if they are raw.

7) Thawing process should be removed from the freezer one day in the cold cabinet, ie in the refrigerator. Dissolving in water is not healthy. Foods that freeze in the freezer become prone to spoilage once thaw begins. The risk of food poisoning also increases. For this reason, it is especially important to dissolve potentially risky foods such as meat and poultry in the refrigerator without any intervention. However, there is no problem that the vegetables are dissolved in hot or cold water. It is commonly dissolved by adding directly into the food. In addition, thawed food should not be frozen a second time.

8) Onions, garlic and potatoes are the main foods that should not be put on the shelf of fruits and vegetables. They can sprout very quickly when exposed to certain temperatures and humidity. Tomatoes should also be stored in vegetable baskets at room temperature without being placed in the closet. Bananas, avocados, oranges, tangerines and apples should not be placed in the refrigerator. Uncut melon and watermelon can also be stored at room temperature. Fruits and vegetables should be consumed weekly or maximum 2 weeks if possible. Apart from these, flour is one of the foods that should not be put in the refrigerator. Flour, coffee and spices are foods that should not be stored in a humid environment, so they should not be placed in the refrigerator. There is a wrong idea in the society that spices should be put in the refrigerator in order not to mold. However, moisture is important in spices. Microorganisms that cause aflatoxin-producing molds in a humid environment have a higher risk of reproduction. They are both very harmful and can easily reproduce in spices, especially in chili peppers. In addition, spices should not be kept for a long time and taken in high weight. Therefore, it is not safe to take open spices from herbalists and how long they have been standing there. In the same way, olive oil, jam and honey should not be put in the refrigerator. Refrigerator temperature is not particularly suitable for olive oil. Pickled and pickled foods are already made to ensure long storage conditions and do not need to be put in the refrigerator.

9) Egg is one of the richest in protein and potentially prone to spoilage. The biggest mistake made in the egg is to wash it and put it in the refrigerator. When the egg is soaked and placed in a humid environment such as a refrigerator, some bacteria in the shell called salmonella can penetrate more inward from the shells and reproduce more as water activity increases. For this reason, the eggs should be stored in their own box or refrigerator egg without being washed or wiped with a dry cloth.

Ziploc Storage Bags Gallon, 75 Count