Monday, September 2, 2019

Amazon Brand - Solimo Slider Gallon Food Storage Bags, 90 Count

How to store vegetables in a freezer

Amazon Brand - Solimo Slider Gallon Food Storage Bags, 90 Count

Which vegetables are thrown into the freezer? Vegetables are frozen directly in the deep-freeze (dipfriz) by deep-cooking, boiling or shock-boiling. Very ripe, raw vegetables, onions, radishes, cress, curly salad vegetables are not suitable for deep freeze. The vegetables are cleaned and washed before they are put in the freezer, then chopped into small pieces and packaged and removed to the freezer. Plastic containers, refrigerator bags and plastic bags are used as packaging material in the freezer.

Once the vegetables are cleaned and chopped, they can be packaged according to need and deep frozen. However, some vegetables take up more space in the freezer by volume, vegetables such as white cabbage, spinach, leek are examples. Therefore, removing these or similar vegetables by boiling them in the freezer will make more room for other foods.

How to make scalding shock
To preserve the color, odor, taste and vitamins of some vegetables, we call it boiled before freezing. Shock boiling is done as follows: Put a large pot of water is boiled. The vegetables to be boiled are taken into a strainer 'clean, chopped' and immersed in boiling water and covered. Vegetables are left in this water for 2-8 minutes and at the end of the time the vegetables are kept directly in cold water flowing from the tap and allowed to drain. You can use the water in the pot by boiling each time. 0.5 kg into the strainer. so be careful not to put more than half a kilo of vegetables.

How to store tomatoes in the freezer
As of mid-August, tomatoes reach maturity for the season. During this period, the tomatoes are removed from the freezer. There are two types of tomatoes sold in markets and markets, round and pointed tomatoes. There are so many varieties of these two tomatoes, we consumers can not notice this difference. To remove them from the freezer, bag the ripe tomatoes through the food processor or by chopping them and bagging them in the freezer. I myself in the season of round thin-shelled and pointed thick-shelled tomatoes 15 - 20 kg. around in the freezer. First I peel the tomatoes. For this process; I keep the tomatoes I draw with the knife for 1-2 minutes in the boiling water in the pot, peel the skin. To use these peeled tomatoes, especially in food, I chop large cubes and bag 2 to 3 scoops. I'm not going to peel the thin-skinned tomatoes from the robot. But I always peel the thick shells of the pointed tomatoes. One should not forget that the stem nests of tomatoes and the whiteness of the core nests should be taken. If the tomatoes you buy from the market are hard, you get better results if you wait and use for a few days. Tomatoes are used frozen or thawing. The storage period in the freezer is 12 months.

How to store Madımak
Madımak can be stored in the freezer for a long time. To store the substance; extract and wash until clear water comes out (at least three times). Then the water is filtered very well. The filtered material is finely chopped or shredded in a food processor. The minced meat is put in refrigerator bags according to need and stored in the freezer.

How to store stuffed peppers
Stuffed peppers are boiled in shock or stored directly in the freezer. Shock to make boiled; Keep the stuffed pepper in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, remove, throw in cold water, cool and bag. If you do not want to boil shock; empty the peppers, bag and place in the freezer.

How to store fresh corn in the freezer
Peel fresh milk corn from the cob, wrap one by one and lift into the freezer.

How to store spicy pepper
It doesn't matter if you're pointed pepper or charliston. Cut the stems, remove the kernels and remove them to the freezer bag. Used in frozen state. Storage period is 8-10 months. To fry, puncture and fry the peppers in several places. Cool, bag and lift to freezer. It's perfect for mixed fry with eggplant. You dissolve at room temperature and heat directly in tomato sauce. It's in the freezer for 12 months.

How to store paprika
Mid-August is the time for red pepper to reach a seasonal maturity. In this month, you can prepare the red peppers to the extent you need and put them in the freezer. I wash the red peppers to the extent I need, pierce them with a knife and lay them on the baking tray so that they do not explode, roast them in a preheated oven at 200 ° C. After the peppers have cooled, peel the skin, cut the stem and remove the seeds. I washes the cleaned peppers in a nice filter. After the bags as I need and writes the name and packing date on the sidewalk to the freezer. I use the peppers before I use them. Storage period is 8-10 months.

How to store green beans
Fresh beans taken during the season are extracted, washed and born according to your needs. After shock boiling for 3 minutes, cool under tap water, strain and bag, write the date of packaging on it, remove to freezer. Or chop the bag as needed without water and write the date of packaging on it, lift directly into the freezer. I tried both methods, I recommend you to freeze the boiled shock. In both cases, the beans are used frozen. Storage period in the freezer is 10-12 months.

How to store cucumbers
Cucumber 'cucumber' is not directly put into the freezer as a whole. If placed, you will get a piece of dry ice from the freezer and it will be of no use when thawed. Most of the time, I grate the cucumbers waiting in the cupboard in summer or winter season, or chop small cubes and put them in refrigerator bags in a bowl size and put them in the freezer. I only use the frozen cucumbers to make them tycoon. Frozen cucumber is delicious and smells like blessed. When I'm going to make tzatziki, I take out the cucumber bag from the freezer and use it after thawing at room temperature. I can dissolve the cucumber in the microwave in case of emergency. In my experience, grated cucumbers at -14 ° C in the freezer does not lose their property for 1 year.

How to store internal kidney beans
After harvesting the bean beans in season, bag them to the extent you need and write the packing date on it, and put it directly in the freezer. While cooking, boil for 25 minutes and pour black water. Cook after boiling. The internal kidney bean bean ice cream and storage time is my own experience. I did not wait until 8 months, I did not wait longer, I consumed.

How to store spinach
Fresh soft-leaf spinach is cleaned, washed, chopped and bagged and brought directly to the freezer. Spinach freezer storage time is 9 months. If you want to boil the spinach, boil in boiling water for 2 minutes, then cool under tap water, strain and bag after the date of packaging, write on the freezer, remove. I shock myself.

How to store white cabbage
Fresh and hard cabbage is cleaned, chopped and bagged directly into the freezer is removed. Cabbage in the freezer storage period is 8 months. If you want to boil the cabbage shock, 2 minutes into boiling water, then cool under tap water, strain and bag after wrapping the date on the packaging, remove the freezer. I shock myself.

How to store cowpea
Fresh cowpea is extracted, washed and chopped. Then chop the bag as needed without water and write the date of packaging on it, lift directly into the freezer. If you want, you can boil the shock şok just like fresh beans sak and store it in the freezer. In both cases fresh cowpea is used frozen. Storage period in the freezer is 10-12 months.

How to store Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts are cleaned, the big ones are divided in lengthwise. Other cabbage 3-4 mm. At the depth is drawn similar to the '+' sign with the knife from the top. Cabbage shock boiling for 3 minutes, then cool under tap water, strain and bag after the date of packaging, remove the freezer Brussels cabbage in the freezer storage period is 9-12 months. I use my own shocks and frozen in food. How is Brussels sprouts boiled and frozen in shock? Here you can find a detailed description.

How to store leek
Leeks are cleaned, washed and chopped to the appropriate length. Chopped leeks, after 5 minutes of shock boiling, cool under tap water, strain and bag on the date of packaging, write on the freezer, lift. Leeks in the freezer storage period is 8 months. I use my shocks, frozen at meals or thawing at room temperature.

How to store carrots
Fresh carrots are cleaned, sliced ​​according to your preference and bagged and removed directly into the freezer. The storage period of carrots in the freezer is 12 months. If you want to boil the carrots in shock, immerse in boiling water for 3 minutes, then cool under tap water, strain and bag after writing on the date of packaging, remove the freezer. I use my own shocks and the food is frozen.

How to store cauliflower
Cauliflower is cleaned, separated from the body in groups of three to four as a branch and left in lemon water. Filtered cauliflowers are bagged and taken directly to the freezer. Cauliflower storage time in the freezer is 10 months. If you want to boil cauliflower shock, add a piece of chickpea-sized lemon salt into boiling water, soak in boiling water for 3-5 minutes, cool under tap water, strain and bag after filling, write the date of packaging, remove the freezer. I use my own shocks and the food is frozen.

How to store parsley
It is cleaned and the leaves are extracted from the stem parts. It is washed beautifully, filtered and chopped leaves. After packing in the size you need, write the date of packaging on it, lift it to the freezer. The storage period of the parsley is 8 months. Used in frozen state.

How celery is stored
A beautifully washed and peeled. It is chopped to the extent that you can use it and squeezed lemon. After packing in the size you need, write the date of packaging on it, lift it to the freezer. Celery storage in the freezer is 12 months. Used in frozen state.

How to store red cabbage
Wrinkled and pale upper leaves are separated, washed. It is divided into 2 or 4 pieces according to the size of the cabbage. Leaves of the parts that are suitable for your needs except the white cob are finely chopped and immersed in vinegar hot water. After immersing in boiling water for 3 minutes, cool under tap water, strain and bag, write the date of packaging on it, remove to freezer. Red cabbage storage time in the freezer is 10 months. Used in frozen state.

How to store the inner peas
The inner parts of the peas are separated from their shells and washed. Add to boiling water for 2 minutes, then cool under tap water, filter and bag after writing the date of packaging, remove the freezer. I use my own shocks and the food is frozen. Or you can bag it to the extent you need it without scalding, write the date of packaging on it, lift it to the freezer. Internal pea storage time in the deep freezer is 8-12 months. Used in frozen state. I hid the pea myself in two ways, and I was happy with the pea I was shocked with. I advise.

How to store artichokes
The artichokes taken during the season are taken into lemon water so that they do not tarnish. To remove the artichokes in the freezer whole or chopped to the extent that you need as bagless and write on the packaging date, directly into the freezer. Or for 2 minutes shock boiling 'boil water into chickpea-sized lemon salt add' after you do cool under tap water, strain and bag on the date of packaging, write on the freezer. I hid the artichokes using two methods myself. If it is kept in the freezer for a long time, it is not possible to get the first flavor. I recommend not to wait more than 6 months.

How to store eggplants in the freezer:
I keep the food eggplant in the freezer but in a vacuum bag. I tried so hard, I couldn't find another easy way. This requires a kitchen vacuum cleaner and a vacuum bag. Here you can find information about the tool.

Karnıyarık, imambayıldı, eggplant moussaka, eggplant sitting, islim kebab and fry eggplant in the freezer is very good to store. I use the eggplants in which food, such as eggplants used in the food fry, cool and bag after putting in the freezer. I prepare the fried eggplants, fried spicy peppers and bags. I use it after thawing at room temperature. Storage period is 12 months.

How to store zucchini in the freezer:
Fresh cooking gum squash is chopped as food, shocked for 2 minutes, cooled and bagged and placed in the freezer. It is used frozen when cooking. Storage period is 9 months.

How to store chestnuts
Chestnuts are drawn individually with a knife and can be stored directly in the freezer without any action. Bag the chestnuts that you need and label them and put them in the freezer. The storage period in the freezer is 12 months of my own experience.

How chickpeas are stored in the freezer:
Boil the chickpeas directly in the pressure cooker for 30 minutes, filter and cool, then put the bags in a freezer. After thawing in water, I use to make soup and rice.

Forging and storage of green lentils in the freezer:
After forging and boiling green lentils separately, I combine both, cool and put the bags in the freezer for soup. I use it directly in the broth without melting. I repeat this process every 3 or 4 months.

How to store bread in the freezer:
I put the breads such as leavened village breads, bakery breads, lavash, yufka, bazlama in fresh and cooled bags into the freezer. I use it after thawing at room temperature or microwave. The storage period is 3 months, the others are 4 months.

How to store Kadayif in freezer
Put the raw kadayif you need in the refrigerator bag and lift it directly into the freezer. If you do not prepare and do not do anything in the same way the kadayif stuffed can be stored in the freezer.

How butter is stored in the freezer:
Slices of breakfast butter to the extent I need, wrap it in stretch and put it in the freezer. Storage period is 6 months.

How to store cheese in the freezer:
With the exception of white cheese, I can wrap hard brine cheeses, braided cheese, Urfa cheese, and kashar cheese as much as I need and put them in the freezer. I'il use it after thawing. Storage period is 6 months.

How to store garlic in the freezer:
I put a portion of the garlic that I bought in winter in a bunch in a stretch wrapper in February. In the first months of spring, I don't suffer from garlic until fresh garlic comes out sak even until November. As of September 2012, I gained full experience in garlic storage. So, at the beginning of the first spring, cut off the heads of your garlic in the house and bag it in the freezer. Remove and use as needed. Garlic doesn't take it out of the freezer, it thaws itself. Frozen garlic turns into a natural “white içerisinde color in the meal and doesn't lose its taste. If the volume of your freezer is large, you can store the garlic directly in your freezer. If your place is not suitable, you can store your garlic in the proper place and remove it in the freezer in February.

How to store chicken meat in the freezer:
I cut the boiled chicken meat (chicken leg, breast) into small pieces and put the bags in a freezer. After thawing at room temperature, I use it to make chickpea chicken rice. I repeat this process for 2 or 3 months. Raw chicken breast 200 to 300 g. Stretch wraps into pieces as you store them in the freezer. When I use it, I use it in the microwave or refrigerator.

Amazon Brand - Solimo Slider Gallon Food Storage Bags, 90 Count