Monday, September 2, 2019

Ziploc Storage Bags, Quart, 48 ct

Does the nutritional value of frozen or canned foods change?

Ziploc Storage Bags, Quart, 48 ct

According to the results of the Consumer Research conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) in 2016, 6 out of 100 individuals are concerned about the consumption of processed foods such as frozen or canned foods.

According to the results of the Consumer Research conducted by the International Food Information Council (IFIC) in 2016, 6 out of 100 individuals are concerned about the consumption of processed foods such as frozen or canned foods. The idea that frozen or canned foods, especially vitamin-mineral content is completely lost, is quite common. What does the scientific data say about it? Sabri Ülker Foundation discusses how food storage methods such as ice cream and canning used in vegetables and fruits affect nutritional values.

Farm to fork

Vegetables and fruits are very rich in nutrients when they ripen and are harvested. However, the water content (water activity) of the harvested vegetables and fruits accelerates the deterioration process. It can take 1-2 weeks for these vegetables and fruits to reach the markets or markets, and then meet with the last consumer, and then take a few days to consume. During this time, the conditions in which vegetables and fruits are stored (temperature, humidity) can increase both deterioration and loss of nutritional value. Particularly due to water loss, loss of B group vitamins and loss of vitamin C may occur due to waiting at room temperature.

Vegetables, frozen and deep-frozen

Fruits and vegetables are stored at + 4 ° C (refrigerator temperature) until frozen. In order to minimize the loss of nutritional value, the production sites are generally determined from the locations close to the planting areas. Foods stored at + 4 ° C are taken into production after 8 hours at the latest. Each nutrient according to their characteristics, peeling, sorting, such as after the process of degradation and enzymes involved in the degradation of food to stop the activity of boiling and fast cooling is applied. The nutrients are then freeze-dried individually at -40 ° C.

This process allows frozen vegetables and fruits to be stored in the freezer until the expiration date. At home, you can boil vegetables for a short time, cool them and keep them in the freezer. In the fast freezing process carried out in the production facilities, unlike the application in the home, it is provided that the threshold of -5 ° C, where the loss of nutritional value starts, is maintained and the nutritional value is maintained.

Canned vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are boiled for 2-8 minutes depending on the temperature applied in the range of 85-98ºC depending on the size of the grains after washing, sorting, chopping, peeling or removing the seeds. Thus, sterilization is ensured, the activities of the enzymes causing the degradation are stopped and the nutritional value is maintained.

What does the scientific data say?

The American Nutrition Society says that frozen, canned or dried vegetables and fruits can help maintain nutritional value, extend shelf life and thus support food safety. According to the results of the 2003-2008 American Nutrition and Health Survey, canned, frozen and dried vegetables and fruits contribute to approximately 30 percent of pulp / fiber intake, 50 percent of vitamin C intake, and 45 percent of potassium intake.

In addition, it is reported that canned and frozen vegetables and fruits are important for the nutrition of vegetarian and vegan individuals and for providing nutritional diversity. All these results help to maintain adequate nutritional values, and to ensure adequate and balanced nutrition by providing food safety and diversity.

Ziploc Storage Bags, Quart, 48 ct