Monday, September 2, 2019

Glad Food Storage and Freezer 2 in 1 Zipper Bags - Quart - 46 Count - 3 Pack

Fruits and vegetables are the most wasted foods. He must either eat it right away or know how to keep it safe.

Glad Food Storage and Freezer 2 in 1 Zipper Bags - Quart - 46 Count - 3 Pack

According to the figures of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization, more than 200 million tons of food is disposed of each year in developed countries. The most wasted is fruit and vegetables. Think bananas between the eyes on the counter, darkened bananas, carrots hidden in the refrigerator. It is possible to evaluate some of them at meals, but sometimes they cannot be saved. The best way to keep them alive is to know how to keep them right.

Start by getting to know the fruit and vegetable drawer in your refrigerator. Can you adjust the humidity? Are there holes in it for air? The best benefit of this drawer, even if none, is that it keeps the contents moist. If there is high humidity in the drawer, it is ideal for fast-topping foods such as asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, lemon, green beans, green herbs, peppers and strawberries. Those who love less moisture, apples, apricots, figs, kiwi, melon, peach, banana, such as fast food.

Do not leave fruits that produce a high proportion of ethylene gas (such as apples, tomatoes, bananas) next to other vegetables. They cause others to mature and deteriorate more quickly. In short, do not hide fast-decaying and fast-pitting side-by-side.

Apples, tomatoes, pears, avocados, melons, peaches, plums, apricots, such as fruits, ripen on the kitchen counter, are flavored. Fruits such as peppers, grapes, oranges, lemons and strawberries should be kept in the refrigerator. Especially if the banana has a fruit that matures fast, besides citrus, it darkens even faster.

How to store the most consumed fruits and vegetables?

Store the apples in the fruit and vegetable drawer of the refrigerator, laying them on a slightly damp paper towel. Remember, even if one of them is a little rotten, ethylene gas produced by the others will disrupt immediately. Take it from the herd and eat it in no time!

Thick leafy greens like moisture but don't like to stay wet, they turn yellow immediately. Make sure to wash the greens that you use for making salad such as lettuce, curly, arugula and then dry thoroughly. Wrap in a dry towel (yes, normal face towel) and store in the refrigerator.

Wash delicate leafy herbs such as mint, coriander, basil just before use. To store in a refrigerator, place it in a glass with little water like a flower.

If you have onions and potatoes in the cellar, keep it outside in the cellar, if not in the sun. But beware, they do not stand side by side, the onion makes the potatoes spoil.

Cut tops while storing root vegetables. In this way, they do not lose moisture, they can retain their texture and flavor.

We also like to display the yellow lemons in a delicious bowl on the kitchen counter. But the lemon, which lasts just one week, can last four weeks in the refrigerator.

I don't like cold cucumbers and eggplants. So if you're going to consume it in a few days, you can keep both outside.

The right place for mushrooms is in the fruit and vegetable drawer of the refrigerator on a paper bag. The paper provides air circulation, and the drawer keeps the air inside moist.

Instead of keeping the tomatoes in the refrigerator, let them ripen at room temperature on the counter. Place it in a basket with air underneath and align it side by side with the handle side down. Storing in the cold prevents ripening, lacking in flavor and causing the meat to become sand and sand.

An astonishing way to store carrots is to wrap them in paper towels and remove them from the refrigerator. But if you have room, you can put it in a bowl full of water and keep it. If the carrot is on its stem and greens, cut it and keep its greens separate.

Glad Food Storage and Freezer 2 in 1 Zipper Bags - Quart - 46 Count - 3 Pack