Monday, September 2, 2019

Ziploc Storage Bags, Gallon, 3 Pack, 38 ct

How to Store Food

Ziploc Storage Bags, Gallon, 3 Pack, 38 ct

Do you take a lot of food and break down in a short time? Eating 5 kilos of tomatoes in a week and drinking 5 cans of milk is a very difficult task. Most of us like to buy wholesale to save money and not to go to the market frequently, so how do we prevent them from deteriorating so quickly?

These ideas are for you! Here are 25 tips to save people from food spoilage!

1 - Even onions need women's socks to look fresh.

Onions can remain fresh for up to eight months if stored in a woman's stocking. Throw a knot between them to separate them.

2- Keep potatoes, onions and apples separate.

Holding these three products together will cause them to deteriorate more quickly.

3 - No moldy soft fruits.

Wash your soft fruits (strawberry, cherry, mulberry, etc.) with vinegar as soon as you bring them home to get rid of mold.

4- Honey lasts for life.

Although honey solidifies and turns color over time, it is a food that lasts for life. Store it in a cool place and in a tightly closed jar.

5 - Broken milk is not actually that bad.

Even if the milk consistency changes, it will last three months. Still think you can't drink past expired milk? Then freeze the milk in its container and thaw it at any time.

6 - You want a year of scrambled eggs?

Then store your egg yolks in the freezer. Mix the eggs with sugar or salt in a bowl, put them in an airtight bag and throw them into the freezer.

7. Freeze excess tomato paste.

How often do you use a whole can of tomato paste? Most recipes tell you to use a small amount, the remaining tomato paste breaks down quickly in the refrigerator. To keep it fresh, put the surplus paste in the sandwich bag and cut them into small pieces.

8 - Preserve fresh herbs.

You love herbs, but you hate them rot. Put fresh herbs in olive oil and freeze. These herbs will prevent them from drying and turning brown while in the freezer.

9 - Cover the ends of the banana with stretch foil.

If you want your bananas to stay fresh for four more days, separate each bananas and wrap the ends in a stretch foil.

10 - More than baked lasagna in aluminum foil.

Coat celery, broccoli and cabbage with aluminum foil for more than four weeks.

11 - Chop, Boil, Freeze!

If you think you can't finish a kilo of carrots, chop it, boil in hot water and put it in refrigerator bags. Most fruits and vegetables can be frozen.

12 - This is called wraps!

Wrap cabbage and other greens with paper towels. This will remove moisture and become more resistant.

13 - Keep the ginger fresh.

Put a tablespoon of grated fresh ginger on a parchment covered tray and throw it into the freezer. Keep the tray in the freezer until the ginger frosts. Then put the ginger in an airtight bag and throw it back into the freezer.

14 - Tomatoes do not like to chill.

People think putting the tomatoes in the fridge will keep them fresh. But tomatoes need to be stored at room temperature. Put them in a bowl of paper towel underneath them so that their handles are facing the front so that their tops are not damaged.

15 - Apples actually last a lifetime.

Apples can remain fresh for more than six months, if stored in a humid environment of -1 to 1 degree. Store the apples in the vegetables in your refrigerator and remember to separate the ones that start to rot.

16 - Store your carrots in the sandbox.

Did you ever think you'd bring sand to your kitchen? Storing root vegetables in moist sand or sawdust dust will keep them fresh for several months.

17 - Cut the beef into pieces.

Instead of freezing and defrosting your minced meat, separate it to a certain size and place it in refrigerator bags before placing it in the freezer.

18 - Are you turning your precipice?

If the sinks or sour cream containers stand upside down in your refrigerator, they will last longer. This technique creates a vacuum that prevents the growth of bacteria that spoil food.

19 - Dispose of your plastic containers.

Use glass jars to store food instead. These glass containers do not stain and can help the food last longer.

20 - No one said orum I like the taste of plastic cheese,.

If you store your cheese on parchment paper, it will retain its robust mold flavor for longer.

21 - Store fresh pineapple upside down.

Tear off the leafy part of the pineapple, turn your pineapple upside down so that the sugar that has collapsed to the bottom. So your pineapple will stay fresh for a long time.

22 - Does your refrigerator work?

Most refrigerators have a degree of 3 degrees, but can be reduced to 1-2 degrees to increase food durability.

23 - Lettuce can last longer.

Keep your lettuce in a glass jar and it will stay fresh longer.

24 - Let the green onions grow

Green onions can last three times longer when stored in a container of water. Prune the amount you need, then let them continue to grow.

25 - Make your cake and it will last for a long time

The cake can remain fresh on the counter for several days, weeks in the refrigerator or months in the freezer. Place a slice of bread on the remaining portions of the cake to prevent spoilage.

Ziploc Storage Bags, Gallon, 3 Pack, 38 ct